Quiet....The field was completely silent! Even a pin dropping on the ground would make a loud noise.

"department...Minister! Why does Yutong look so...So scary....."

The fluctuation of the dragon's might just now also frightened him. The fear that came from the heart could not be eliminated. Even the Red Dragon Emperor could not do it.

However, Rias could not explain this, because she only felt that Yutong suddenly became different, and did not feel the direct impact of the dragon's might.

Everything related to the dragon clan will be affected by the dragon's might.

At first, Yutong just wanted to use the dragon's might to temporarily control it, but she did not expect Shirou Shirou to fail before she could even make a move.

Patting Shirou Shirou on the shoulder

"The artifact is successfully enhanced, and an additional skill is obtained - Black Flame"

"Additional Skill: Black Flame! Release an inextinguishable black flame in battle. This black flame is much hotter than normal flames and can easily melt steel."

Shirou shook his head and waved his hands weakly.

"Thanks....I didn't expect you to be so strong! It seems that I overestimated my own abilities."

Shiro thought Yutong was comforting him, but he didn't know that most of his divine weapon's energy had been stolen by Yutong. It would take him more than a month to recover and return to his peak.

"Very good! It seems that this competition has come to an end. Sona! What do you say?"

Hearing this, Sona smiled. He took off his glasses and winked at Shinra Tsubaki behind him.

The latter immediately called two female followers to come forward and carry Shiro back.

"You win this time, Rias! But my Sagi will not admit defeat. I hope I can compete with you again in the next evaluation game!"

At this time, Sagimoto Shirou raised his head and saw that his master had such high expectations of him! He was already less weak and more confident.

"If you want to continue the challenge, you are always welcome. After all, my family and I cannot lose to my childhood sweetheart!"

"Well....But it's probably going to be a long time in the future."

Cang Na smiled when he heard this.

"Really? Then I'll take my leave! Thank you for your hard work today."

After that, he left with the donated books.

The battle ended with Yutong's absolute suppression.


How was it? I wonder if it met the minister's standard of"winning beautifully"......

Everyone held a celebration party in the Supernatural Research Department to celebrate the successful victory over the Student Union.

At the same time, everyone also saw a bloodless duel.


Hyoudou Issei shouted, looking like he had never seen the world before, which was really funny.

"That's right! Familiar, every demon must have his own familiar. Familiar can provide very convenient abilities in battle and life, and is our partner!"

As she said this, Rias summoned a red magic circle, and then a pink"fur ball" appeared in Rias's hand.

"This is my familiar, you should have seen it before."

After that, the pink fur ball turned into a puff of white smoke, and then a beautiful woman in red appeared in front of everyone.

Yicheng recognized her immediately!

"Oh, you....You are!!!"

I still remember that a few days before I started dating Amano Yuma, I met this familiar on the street handing out flyers, so by chance I met Rias and became a demon.

"That's right! She is my familiar, specializing in delivering flyers and doing other chores for me. She is a great helper!"

"Oh, right, you haven't seen this familiar Yutong yet, right?"

In response, Yutong spread his hands, there are still many things he hasn't seen in this world.

Then everyone showed their familiars.

Xiaomao's familiar is a white kitten. He really likes cats! And Akeno's is a green one-horned imp.

Finally, Yuto's....There's nothing interesting about a man's familiar.

"Hey! Now we have three more members in our team, and today is a rare full moon night! It's a good time to catch the familiar!"

Without further delay, let's go now!

Rias summoned a red teleportation magic circle, and then everyone in the room disappeared into it......

Forest of Familiars....It should be called this name.

Anyway, Rias teleported herself and her followers here. Everyone walked aimlessly in this gloomy forest.

"It’s strange, it’s already this late, why hasn’t he shown up yet?"


Yutong couldn't help but ask curiously

"Yes, that's right! It's him! He is a familiar expert. He is responsible for almost half of the familiars we caught. If you meet him, Yutong, he will definitely choose a suitable familiar for you!"

Since Rias said so, Yutong can still have a little expectation for this"familiar expert".

As they walked, they gradually came to the deepest part of the forest.

"Hey! Look who I found? It turns out to be the princess of the Duke of Gremory's family!"

A guy who looked like an uncle with an elementary school backpack and a baseball cap appeared on the branch.

Seeing this uncle, Yutong immediately muttered in her heart:"Why are all the uncles in this world so weird?"

"I am Zatouji, the familiar expert. How can I help you?"

After a brief introduction by Zatouji and a little show-off, the group set out on their journey to capture familiars.

First up was Issei. This pervert wanted a beautiful woman as a familiar. So Zatouji took him to a lake.

It is said that there will be lake elves here!

But....Maybe it was because of Issei's bad luck that he summoned a fighter who was taking a shower!

The head-piercing machine thought there were not many, but Issei refused to take it! If he didn't want it, he could only keep looking!

However, when passing through a forest, a lot of green slime suddenly fell from it.

Moreover, it specifically picked women to attack.

"Oh, this is a slime that eats fabrics, and it is the lowest level monster."

The hairpin introduced it like this! However....You won't know until you introduce it, but once you introduce it, you'll be shocked!

Isn't this the best familiar that Ise has always dreamed of?

Unexpectedly! So evil, and....The most important thing is that it fits my hobbies so well!

"Oh, oh, oh, oh! That’s right, that’s right, that’s right! That’s it! Minister, I’ve decided to make it my familiar!"

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