"You actually want a slime to be your familiar? This is the first time I have seen such a low-level monster. However, since you can find your favorite familiar, I have completed my mission."

In the end, Issei signed a contract with a green slime as he wished.

And Rias and the other girls have already blocked Issei in their hearts.

"Yutong, come closer to me!"

Rias almost stuck herself to Yutong. It seems that no matter how strong a woman is, she will be restrained when facing a slightly evil species like slime!

However, there is no need to worry now. It happened that Yutong tried the ability she had just taken from Shirou.

Groups of black sparks surrounded Rias and other girls. If a monster like the slime just now appeared, it would be burned immediately. Destroy!

"We should thank Yutong-kun. If it weren't for him, we would have wasted a set of clothes."

Soon, Aisha also found her favorite familiar!

It was a little blue flying dragon.

"It looks like a young blue dragon! It has the ability to discharge electricity, and is also a very rare species! But this little girl is so popular with the dragons, it seems that she is not simple!"

Zhaitouji touched his chin and said so

""Eh? You don't have a name yet? How about I give you one? How about calling you Rai Cheng? Come on, Slataro, come and say hello to Rai Cheng!"

After saying that, Issei held the slime and was about to approach Aisha.

But the blue dragon opened its mouth and a ball of electricity shot out from it.

It shocked Issei to the core. Even the slime in his arms turned into a disgusting thing.

"Huh? Slataro? What's wrong with you? Cheer up!"

Okay, let's forget about that wretched guy for now.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that male dragons hate other males the most! I hope you can have more fun together in the future."

The sound of the hairpin slowly reached the already charred ears of Issei.

"Mr. Yutong! How about you give this little dragon a name?"

Aisha ran over with the familiar in her arms.

Based on the principle that male dragons hate males, the little blue dragon showed hostility to Yutong at the first moment, and tiny electric snakes surged from its body.


"You little thing, you're actually quite fierce!"

He released a trace of dragon power silently, and the little blue dragon immediately stayed obediently in Aisha's arms.

"Eh? Why is he so obedient when you touch him, Mr. Yutong?"

Longwei is the nemesis of all dragons. Even the Black Evil Dragon King in Shirou Shigen couldn't resist it. How could this familiar resist me?

Stroking the little dragon's body, Yutong opened her mouth and slowly said,"Let's call it Canglan."

The little dragon immediately raised its head and nodded in a humane way to show its agreement.

"Does this mean you agree? Okay! Then you will be called Canglan from now on! Little Canglan, Little Canglan...."

Issei and Aisha both got their favorite familiars.

Of the three newcomers, only Yutong herself is left without a familiar.

Zhatouji could also see that Yutong was extraordinary, because he had tried to find several familiars before, but they didn't dare to get close to Yutong.

As an expert on familiars, he knew that there were only two possibilities for this situation.

The first one was that Yutong's qualifications were too weak, so weak that these familiars didn't want to pay attention to her.

The second one was exactly the opposite of the first one! Yutong's qualifications were too strong! So strong that no familiar had the confidence to follow Yutong. He tried several more familiars in succession, and it was the same all the time!

Even some dragon-shaped familiars that were more powerful than Canglan showed a gesture of submission to Yutong.

"I'm really sorry, Princess! Your friend may be too talented, and there is no familiar suitable for him in the Forest of Familiars."

With no other choice, Zatouji could only speak out his inner thoughts.

However, Liya wanted to continue to fight for something, but was stopped by Yutong.

"Forget it, Rias. I don't have any familiars, so it doesn't affect me much. Besides, didn't the expert say it just now? It's just that we haven't found a suitable one. Maybe we'll find one in the future?"

At Yutong's request, Rias could only nod and give up.

That night.

Yutong and Rias lay on the bed, neither of them fell asleep.

Although the bed in Rias's room was big enough, the two of them took up about one-tenth of the entire bed area.

"You've worked so hard today. You've surprised me once again."

"It's nothing. Since that's what you want, I can only do my best."

"Go all out....?"


Rias' tone gradually became serious.

"Do you know what the king represents in the evaluation game?"

Yutong turned sideways, seemingly not understanding what Liyas meant.

So she said honestly,"I don't know."

"The king, whether in chess or the devil's game, is the one who determines the outcome of the battlefield! No matter how great your advantage is, as long as you lose the king, it is equivalent to losing the game. Remember the upgrade I told you about?"

Yutong remembered that upgrading is to change the power of your chess piece. For example, if you are a soldier, you can use the upgrade to be promoted to the level of knight or chariot, and at the same time obtain some characteristics of the corresponding level.

"Actually, there is a limit to the promotion! The limit is the king. From the day you were able to contract Aisha alone, you already have the elements of a king. Becoming a king means that you no longer need to continue to be my dependent. You can separate and form your own....."

"Minister, are you asking me whether I will leave you now?"

Hearing this, Rias fell silent.

Then she shook her head and said,"I can't influence your opinion. You are my family. I will respect your decision in the end."

Yutong closed her eyes.

"How cunning! You put the right to choose in my own hands. But I am a person who has a fear of making choices."

Rias asked seriously,"So, what's your answer?"

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