Above the gray fog

Chapter 1059: Twins, people going up the mountain (two in one) (1/2)

Chapter 1059 Twins, the people who go up the mountain (two in one)

Early morning.

When Lin Shan woke up, Jiu Qi had already prepared breakfast.

Asi Buma sat opposite Jiu Qi.

The two of them talked in a low voice from time to time, exchanging some meaningless topics.

Asi Buma also knew that Lin Shan was experiencing a bad time, so he deliberately simulated the environment in which Lin Shan was.

The difference between sunrise and sunset and normal.

"Are you awake?" Jiu Qi suddenly looked at Lin Shan's room, "Come and eat."

Lin Shan stepped out of the room and came to the stone table in the courtyard.

"Asi Buma is here." Lin Shan yawned and greeted.

"Well, come to see you." Asi Buma nodded slowly.

Jiu Qi looked at Lin Shan and said with a smile, "Let's eat."

A simple breakfast, only Lin Shan was eating.

Five minutes later, Lin Shan put down his bowl and chopsticks and finished under the watchful eyes of Jiu Qi and Asi Buma.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable recently?" After the meal, Asi Buma asked with concern.

"It's still the same. My body functions are declining. At this rate, I may not survive the next hundred years." Lin Shan shook his head slowly. He has let it go now.

Just let it go. If I really can't make it, it doesn't matter if it ends here.

His life is already wonderful enough.

Lin Shan thought very pessimistically.

Since the advent of the decline, all his emotions have been negative.

Even though he clearly understood that he was affected by the decline and it was not good to do so, he could not stop the birth of these emotions.

It's like... something is manipulating his mind and playing with him like a puppet.

With the help of Asbuma, Lin Shan consulted a lot of information and had a very thorough understanding of the decline.

The decline could not be like him.

Among the nine disasters, except for the life and death disaster, other disasters will not affect life in any way even if they cannot be passed. If they can't pass, there will be another chance.

But the decline that Lin Shan is experiencing now is telling him that if he doesn't pass this time, he will not have another chance.

"Don't be so negative, it will get better. There is still half a year... there is still plenty of time." Asbuma didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort Lin Shan.

In order to help Lin Shan survive the catastrophe, Asbuma did a lot for Lin Shan during this period. As long as it was information about the catastrophe, she basically took it from the surrounding galaxies.

She even set aside an exclusive area for Lin Shan in the Temple of the Sun so that Lin Shan could live a normal life.

"Yes, there is still plenty of time. What you have to do now is... don't believe in yourself. Your thoughts have been subtly influenced, and you haven't realized it yet." Jiuqi echoed softly.

After breakfast, Lin Shan lay on a lounge chair next to the yard to bask in the sun. He didn't know how many times he repeated this action.

The sun in the sky is fake, but the temperature is real. Lin Shan likes this warm feeling very much.

Asbuma is busy every day.

Over the years, she has changed a lot, and even Lin Shan can feel a vague majesty from the superior in her.

Asbuma now rules over dozens of star systems. In this star field, no one should be stronger than the giants.

As long as Asbuma and the giants are given time, it is only a matter of time before this star field is completely unified.

After a simple farewell to Lin Shan, Asbuma turned into a stream of light and flew away from the courtyard. During the process, Asbuma's body gradually grew until it turned into a giant 100 meters high.

Jiuqi and Lin Shan are both normal size at this moment, less than two meters tall. Asbuma can shrink to the size of a normal person because of the purity of his blood.

Blood is too complicated. Lin Shan has not studied this aspect. He only knows that the purer the blood is, the closer it is to the form of the ancestors. Jiuqi is like this, so she can turn into a fox.

Asbuma is a frequent visitor to this small courtyard. Her arrival and departure have no impact on this courtyard.

Lin Shan is still basking in the sun, and Jiuqi is cleaning up the dishes.

Lin Shan, sitting on the recliner, stares at the sky in a trance.

He is waiting, waiting for the result of letting things take their course.

When will he not have to wait?

He can control his own destiny...

Twelve years later.

Twelve more years have passed.

Lin Shan has not changed except that he is a little older.

It is worth mentioning that after the advent of the calamity, the resentment and pollution on his body have made way for the calamity, and he still cannot feel the existence of resentment and pollution.

Asbuma brought Lin Shan a new message that the Temple of the Sun has arrived in the Apostle Galaxy, that is, the human circle.

The entire human circle is protected by a huge transparent cover, and the Temple of the Sun cannot be entered.

Asbuma did not know that Lin Shan came from the Apostle Galaxy, but just shared this interesting experience with Lin Shan.

Already hit the human circle...

Fox and Lin Shan knew where this place was, but did not say much.

The Apostle Galaxy cannot be entered, and the giants can only skip here and gather other places first.

"The surrounding galaxies are shrouded in a white mist. After research, this white mist will have a great negative impact on the genes of organisms. Even if it is Sequence 5, if it is not protected in this environment, there is a possibility of physical mutation."

Asbuma drank tea and introduced the outside world in a soft voice. This is what she must do every time she comes here. The main reason is that there is nothing to talk about, and she can only talk about some surprising experiences.

"Moreover, there is a huge blank area around the Apostle Galaxy. This area should have been alive before. For some unknown reason, it became a hollow area without even a meteorite. The white mist that enveloped the surrounding galaxies emanated from this area. Come out, there is a huge black hole in the center of this area. We dare not approach it. According to calculations, even the gods cannot escape the gravity of this giant black hole. The hundreds of light-years around the black hole are absolute restricted areas. One of the most dangerous celestial bodies we have discovered in the past century of exploring the gray fog universe.”

Asbulma spoke slowly, while Jiuqi and Lin Shan listened quietly.

Jiuqi and Lin Shan are both talkative people. When they are together, they can go for a long time without saying a word.

Asbuma is obviously not like this. When we get together, she always wants to say something.

As an audience, Lin Shanhe Jiuqi is fairly qualified.

"This is some new information I have collected about Heshenjie. See if it is helpful." After Asbuma finished talking about his recent experiences, he took out a cylindrical crystal as thick as a finger from the storage device. .

This is a technological creation used by the giants to store information.

"Thank you." Lin Shan put away the crystal and thanked him. Although this thing was probably useless, Lin Shan was still a little grateful. During this period, Asbuma really helped him a lot.

"There is no need for me to say these words of thanks. If you hadn't saved me, I might still be suffering in that seal now." Asbuma smiled brightly, "I hope I can help you, I still have many things to do. If you’re busy, go ahead and contact me if you need anything.”

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded lightly.

After Asbuma left, Jiuqi stared at Lin Shan with a smile, "How do you feel? Although she is a giant and made of stone, at our level, we no longer need to worry about the surface, let alone a stone person, even if she is not Everyone is okay..."

"What's going on? What are you talking about?" Lin Shan was speechless. Jiuqi had always put him and Asbuma together recently. No matter how you looked at it, it was impossible for the two of them to have that kind of relationship.

Jiuqi smiled and said nothing.

Lin Shan walked to the corner with slow steps, lay down on the old chair and closed his eyes.

Three more years have passed.

Lin Shan's life remains unchanged.

I live a repetitive life every day, copy today again tomorrow, and copy tomorrow again the day after tomorrow.

On this day, Lin Shan's small courtyard suddenly experienced a violent vibration.

"What happened?" Lin Shan asked aloud.

His voice has become extremely old, and every word is hoarse and weak.

Hearing this voice, Jiuqi's expression dimmed for a moment, but he soon recovered.

"I don't know. You wait here for me first, and I'll go take a look." After Jiuqi put the white-haired Lin Shan on the recliner that was already full of cracks, when Lin Shan pressed on it, the old recliner made a sound. A creaking sound.

Seeing Lin Shan close his eyes, Jiuqi turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the air.

Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked at Jiuqi who was going away, with a look of reluctance flickering on his face.

Now he can no longer fly.

I don’t know if there will be a chance to travel through this vast gray fog universe in the future.

Two hours later.

Return in ninety-seven.

"We are in the Twin Galaxy, and the Sun Temple can't walk inexplicably. Asbuma and the others are trying to find a solution. The situation may be a bit troublesome. We should stop here for a while." Jiuqi told Lin Shan the information he found. .

"Twins?" Lin Shan was stunned.

Why are they twins again?

Gemini is the channel connecting the gray fog universe and the earth universe.

The pioneer named Huang Ying not only protects the circle of people, but also protects the passage hidden in the Twins. In order to prevent the passage from being discovered by high-dimensional civilization, she is willing to sacrifice herself to protect the passage, which shows the importance of this passage.

"Now that we're in Gemini, let's go down for a walk and... let's take a look at the Three Holy Mountains." In the end, Lin Shan still wanted to take a look at the human race.

Perhaps, this is a gift from fate.

When he was about to reach the end, he could still look at the human race.

Born in the human race, ended in the human race.

Seems pretty good too...

The Twin Humans are the descendants of the first batch of humans who traveled through time.

To him, the human race in Gemini is closer than the human race in the human circle at the moment.

The Geminis who came last time just passed by in a hurry. I don't know... what's going on with the human race now.

Lin Shan took out the Jixiang from the storage space, took Jiuqi with him, and flew towards the Twins and Three Sacred Mountains.

Flying away from the Sun Temple, you can only see the current state of the Sun Temple from a distance.

There are two huge energy cantilevers, one black and one white, tightly hugging the Temple of the Sun, making it impossible for the temple to move.

The two energy cantilevers reach the end of two black cracks, and there are many high-order giants guarding them around the cracks.

Looking at the two cantilevers, Lin Shan frowned. If he were in his heyday, he might be able to help the giants do calculations, but now he no longer has this ability.

This cantilever only fixed the Sun Temple and did not cause any substantial damage to the Sun Temple.

Among them...will...

Lin Shan shook his head slowly and stopped thinking about it.

Control the Jixiang to drive away quickly.

When his lifespan reached 95,321 years, the growth of his lifespan completely stopped.

He completely became a mortal, and the spirituality in his body was devoured by an invisible force and could no longer recover on his own.

Unable to use his spirituality, his soul could no longer be maintained.

Without his soul, the last 5,000 years of life would be far away.

Even if he had accumulated 100,000 years of lifespan now, it would be impossible for him to embark on the path of godhood in his current state.

It does not mean that one can become a god by accumulating lifespan. Just like finding a magic potion, it will take a long time.

The Temple of the Sun is at the border of the Gemini Galaxy. Lin Shan increased the speed of the Jixiang to the extreme and arrived above the Three Holy Mountains in just four days.

The arrival of the giants is probably unknown to the lower-level extraordinary people.

But the great power of the Temple of the Sun should have been noticed by those divine sword immortals.

With the help of Jiu Qi, Lin Shan came to the kingdom of the mortal spirits of the human race in the Three Holy Mountains.

The extraordinary will enter the sect, and ordinary people will stay in China at the foot of the mountain.

There are two worlds on the mountain and below the mountain.

On the wide street, Lin Shan felt an indescribable loneliness and loss.

The unfamiliar buildings and road signs made him confused. He didn't know where to go, so he could only stroll around casually, trying to find a sense of familiarity.

He passed by an alley and found a small restaurant.

He pushed the door open and went inside.

The aroma was fragrant. Lin Shan sat at the table in the corner. He watched the people around him, watching them eat delicious food and talk and laugh.

The two continued to stroll and came to a park. The sun shone on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. The breeze blew on Lin Shan's face. He watched these human children running and playing on the grass, listening to their laughter, and then looking at his wrinkled palms, and a feeling of old age surged in his heart.

The two came to a strange lake again. The lake water was clear and quiet.

Lin Shan sat quietly on the shore, looking at the reflection on the lake and looking at his old face.

He looked at the ripples on the lake, as if he saw his own life fading away.

The setting sun gradually set in the west, and the sky was stained with a mottled orange.

Jiuqi sat with Lin Shan on the lakeside, and two young men not far away kept waving at the lake.

Every time they waved, the lake would ripple slightly.

Suddenly, one of the young men pointed to where Lin Shan was.

The two looked at each other and walked over together.

"Sister, is this your grandfather? I see that your grandfather is in a very weak state. I happen to be proficient in medical skills. How about I treat your grandfather for free?" One of the young men in modern sportswear said.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he had encountered something bloody, but fortunately it was not.

"No, you can't cure him." Jiu Qi shook his head slowly, "He's not sick, he's just too old."

"Nonsense, Brother Hu said that the old man is sick, so he must be sick. Brother Hu was chosen by the sect to go up the mountain. What do you mortals know?" Another young man clenched his fists with a malicious look on his face.

"Hey, don't scare this girl." The young man called Brother Hu wiped his saliva, "Sister, now you should let me cure you, don't believe me, can you still not believe in the sect?"

"It's really incurable. He used to be a super master, but now the situation is a bit special. Your methods are low and can't work." Jiu Qi still patiently explained that since it is a mortal country, then use mortal methods.

"Hahaha, who do you think you are?" The young man next to him teased.

"Super strong? I don't think so." Brother Hu laughed.

“In fact, the scenery on the mountain is not necessarily better than the scenery at the foot of the mountain. The higher you go, the farther you can see. However, the higher you go, the blurrier the scenery at the foot of the mountain becomes, and it may even disappear.” Lin Shan was not angry at being ridiculed. He still looked at the ripples on the lake and spoke softly.

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