Above the gray fog

Chapter 1060 Secular Bookstore (Two in One) (1/2)

Chapter 1060 Secular Bookstore (two-in-one)

"I didn't expect that the old man is still a cultural person. Old man, I can really cure your disease. Moreover, I can guarantee that after my treatment, you will be alive and kicking. Even if you are more than ten years younger, it will not be a problem." The young man named Tiger Brother Seeing Lin Shan say such reasonable words, some fear arose in his heart.

China rules the country by law, and the more educated people are, the harder it is to bully them. I thought that I could do whatever I wanted in this remote country, but I didn't expect that there are still some educated people. Unless they can be completely silenced, if he is prosecuted for bullying the elderly and the weak, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep my qualifications to go up the mountain.

But if the person is silenced, the people at the bottom of the mountain will not be able to find out, but the people on the mountain will be able to find out. When the time comes, they will be kicked out again after finally going up the mountain, which will be more gain than loss.

Therefore, he needs a reasonable reason.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Before Jiuqi could speak, Lin Shan stood up and staggered towards the two young men.

"How are you going to treat me?"

"Of course there is no problem with the treatment, but I have a condition." Brother Hu said jokingly, "Let your daughter be my follower and follow me up the mountain."

The fox's tail has finally been revealed. People in the world are inevitably greedy for money and lust, and they are trapped in the strong human nature and cannot extricate themselves.

"Didn't you just say it was free?" Lin Shan questioned, but the old and weak voice seemed unintimidating.

"It's indeed free, isn't it? I didn't charge you any property. Besides, it's her blessing that I brought your daughter up the mountain. If I am favored by the immortal on the mountain, I can even make your daughter become an immortal too." Brother Hu With his hands behind his back, Lin Shan looked convinced.

For the dying elderly, the temptation to regain health and even youth is irresistible.

For a filial daughter, it is irresistible to restore her father's health and even his youth.

Brother Hu's plan clicked, and he suddenly turned the strong and the weak into a deal.

His operation made Lin Shangao look at him, and it also proved that the management of the human race Huaxia Country was pretty good. Even the strong ones did not dare to bully the weak with strength in this remote place.

For a country that wants peace and prosperity, this is what it must do, but for the strong, this is a limitation.

"Okay." Lin Shan didn't say anything, but Jiuqi nodded in agreement.

Jiuqi knew Lin Shan very well. Even if he knew this was impossible, he would not agree to such a thing.

"Okay." Brother Hu suddenly showed a weird smile and took out a black pill from his pocket. "This is called Jie Pill. If you take it, you will not only regain your health, but you will also become younger."


Suddenly, Lin Shan's pupils shrank sharply. From the candle dragon ring, a black wolf jumped out and threw Brother Tiger to the ground. Its sharp claws pressed on his neck. With just a slight movement, his body could be removed. .

"Who are you?" Jiuqi also noticed the clue and asked coldly.

The escaping auras of Hei Lang and Jiu Qi directly caused the young man next to Brother Hu to faint.

Brother Tiger, who was restrained by the black wolf, smiled crazily, "It doesn't matter who I am. As long as you take this pill, your calamity will fade away immediately, but I want to take away the fox next to you."

"Impossible." Lin Shan refused without thinking, while winking at Jiuqi.

Jiuqi understood it and reached out to grab the pill in Brother Hu's hand.

"Hehehe." Brother Hu smiled stupidly, popped the pill into his mouth and ate it.

A cold light flashed in Jiuqi's eyes, and he traced his fingers across Brother Hu's neck, then slid down from the center of his eyebrows to divide his head into two halves.

No pills in sight.

"It's useless, hehe, only what I give you is yours. I will always be by your side until you agree." The head that became two halves was still talking, "Or, one of you can unilaterally Just come to me."

"Roar!" The black wolf roared, crushing the two halves of his head before the voice stopped.

Lin Shan frowned, "Evil God?"

"I don't know, but this Brother Tiger is definitely not the same Brother Tiger just now. There is a big difference between the two. There is a high probability that he is being controlled."

"It's a bit like being possessed. He doesn't have the smell of an evil god. Instead, he has a very strange power. I have never seen it before, but it has a familiar feeling. Maybe... I have this power in my memory. The memory of power." Black Wolf said hummingly.

The black wolf only has the peak strength of Normal Sequence 5. When Lin Shan's strength far surpassed him, it had no chance to show up and stayed in the candle dragon ring. It is a strange thing and cannot sense emotions such as loneliness. Much lower than normal people.

Only at this time can the black wolf come out for a walk.

"Well, you should go back first. Your form is too eye-catching. I'm just here to take a look." Lin Shan nodded slowly.

The black wolf howled and returned to the candle dragon ring.

"Blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. At this time, the more messy things like to get closer." Lin Shan shook his head helplessly, chose a direction and continued walking.

"Do you think the robbery pill just now was effective?" Jiuqi suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Then why did you let me snatch it?"

"Whether it's effective or not will be known once you get it." Lin Shan said with a smile, "Don't be stupid and exchange it for some kind of robbery pill. The other party's target is obviously you. Do you know the reason?"

"I don't know. I have been with you for hundreds of years and haven't offended anyone." Jiuqi was also confused. He also understood that the man's target was her.

Suddenly, Jiuqi seemed to think of something, and her expression became solemn, but she quickly concealed it and said jokingly, "Maybe he was attracted by my beauty like those two people."

Lin Shan paused and agreed, "It's possible."

Jiuqi was stunned. She just said it casually, and Lin Shan believed it? He looked at Lin Shan worriedly. Could it be that his IQ has also dropped...

The two walked aimlessly like this. When Lin Shan was tired, he entered the Zhulong Ring to rest. After resting, he continued to wander around China.

Their steps passed through the village, walked through the city, and went all the way along the high ground.

After seven months, they finally arrived at the main city of China-Yongchang City.

Yongchang City of the twins, Yongchang City of the human circle.

Whether in the human circle or the twins, Yongchang is the starting point.

"Don't you want to go back to the Temple of the Sun? Maybe we can move on." Jiu Qi supported Lin Shan on the wide street.

"No, I won't go back. I've already left a message for Asbuma. Don't wait for me. If I really want to die of old age, I'll stay in the human race. No matter what... people always have to go home." Lin Shan looked around and admired the fireworks of the human race.

Suddenly, an old bookstore attracted his attention.

Among the luxurious and brand-new buildings around, this bookstore seemed out of place.

There were two white lanterns hanging at the door of the bookstore. There was no wind, but the lanterns were dancing constantly.

The most eye-catching thing was that the golden plaque on the bookstore read "Secular Bookstore".

Lin Shan walked straight to the bookstore.

The sudden possession just now and this bookstore were not normal.

"Let's go to the bookstore in front." Lin Shan pointed to the front.

"Bookstore, where is the bookstore? The store in front seems to sell clothes." Jiu Qi was puzzled.

"But there is clearly a bookstore there..." Lin Shan frowned.

He was not an ignorant ordinary person, and he soon figured out that only he could see this bookstore, and Jiuqi could not see it.

"I'll go in and take a look, you wait here." Lin Shan broke away from Jiuqi. It was already this time, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Only he could see this bookstore? Could it be a chance?

"I'll go in with you, even if there is danger, I can protect you out." Jiuqi understood what Lin Shan meant. If she came across a store that only she could see, she would definitely go in and take a look.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

With Jiuqi's support, Lin Shan walked quickly towards the bookstore.

In Jiuqi's opinion, they just entered that clothing store.

The moment they stepped over the threshold of the clothing store, the style of the painting suddenly changed, and an old wooden store appeared in front of Jiuqi.

For Lin Shan, the scene in front of him did not change much, but it became clearer. When he got closer, he saw the big word "vulgar" written on the two white lanterns.

"Squeak." With a sound, the old wooden door was pushed open by Lin Shan.

The bookstore was filled with the rich scent of ink and book pages. As soon as he entered the door, he was surrounded by countless bookshelves, and each book exuded a unique charm.

Lin Shan did not open any book, but just strolled between the bookshelves, gently stroking the cover of the book with his hands, as if feeling the memories and stories behind the words.

He walked through rows of bookshelves, his eyes swept over an old book. There were traces of wear on the cover of the book, and it seemed to have been baptized by the years. He reached out and gently brushed the dust off the book, revealing the ancient binding and exquisite illustrations.

Lin Shan gently opened the book in his hand, and Jiu Qi tightened his nerves to prevent possible danger.

Lin Shan flipped through page after page. This book tells the legendary life of an epic hero, who finally broke the first taboo.

This is an epic story. Apart from this, Lin Shan did not see anything else useful. Although the story is very passionate and inspiring, it is not what he wants to see.

When Lin Shan closed the book, he felt unusually calm. Although he was reading it on paper, he felt as if he was experiencing the life of this epic hero in person. The content of the story just now could not be erased.

"How is it?" Jiu Qi asked worriedly.

"Just some special story books, let's continue to walk inside." Lin Shan shook his head slowly.

From the outside, these shops are not big, but he and Jiu Qi have been walking for a long time. They walked forward for dozens of steps before they reached the deepest part of this bookstore.

An old wooden table was quietly placed, and a piece of paper full of words was placed on the table. The words on the paper rose and fell on the paper like flowing ink, emitting a faint strange fluctuation.

Behind the table, there was a statue. The statue was not tall, less than two meters.

The statue was in human form, with an oval head, two slanted eyes like fish eyes on the face, two spiral ears hanging on both sides, and a pair of small wings hanging behind the oval head.

It has no mouth and is covered with thick scales, which are mainly dark purple and green, with gray and yellow spots.

Its body and arms are similar to those of ordinary people, and its thick legs are connected to slender feet, each with three toes.

When Lin Shan saw this statue, he roughly knew where he was.

This is the realm of secular gods.

The hidden one——vulgar god, I met him in the mustard seed space of the Jiuqu tribe, but I didn’t expect to meet him again here.

Could it be that the vulgar god is calling him?

It is unlikely. The vulgar god is a master-level god and it is impossible for him to pay attention to him.

Lin Shan knew nothing about the vulgar god. He had only seen the statue. Although there was a statue of the vulgar god in this old bookstore, it was not necessarily directly related to the vulgar god.

Lin Shan walked to the table and wanted to look at the paper on the table.

At this moment, something strange happened.

In a mysterious light, the paper on the table suddenly ignited, turned into a ball of purple flame, emitting a heart-pounding energy fluctuation, and flew towards Lin Shan.

The speed was so fast that even Jiuqi couldn’t intercept it.

The purple flame went straight into Lin Shan’s eyebrows and rushed into his mind.

But somehow, it ran out of Lin Shan’s mind and flew into his wrist, leaving a purple pattern on his wrist.

A voice sounded in my ears.

[Congratulations on becoming the acting owner of the Secular Bookstore. Since you can see the bookstore, it means that the bookstore has chosen you.]

[The Secular Bookstore comes from the secular world. The secular world is a world created by the secular gods. No one knows where the secular world is, but the secular things are all over the gray fog universe.]

[You are just the acting owner. There is nothing you must do. Just stay in the Gemini galaxy. I have a feeling that I may fall here. In order to avoid this disaster, I set up this trap... opportunity. As long as you enter, you will become the new owner.]

[The owner and the bookstore are inseparable. So before you became the owner, I was still in Gemini. As for now... I must be gone. Don't think about moving the store. The Gemini galaxy has a special magnetic field. Dogs will be sucked in when they fly over here. I don't know how many demons and monsters have gathered here at this moment. Be careful.]

[By the way, if you want to leave here like me, you just need to find the next owner for the bookstore. ]

[The main function of the bookstore is trading. The trading objects are ordinary people and extraordinary people below sequence 7, and the bargaining chips are the seven emotions and six desires of the world. You can get a lot of benefits from it. You can try it yourself. ]

[Okay, that's all, stranger. I hope we can meet again. ]

[Remember, my name is White Rowley. ]

[Oh, by the way, memories can also be used for trading. Those books outside are finished products. This is a cooperative project between the secular world and the memory court. There will be a time walker who will find this place. You can discuss the details yourself. ]

"Lin Shan, Lin Shan." Jiu Qi called softly.

Lin Shan opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "I was cheated, but not completely."

The mention of dogs in the voice reminded Lin Shan of his old friend Huang Liu, who should still be in Gemini now.

Should I go and meet...

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