Above the gray fog

Chapter 1149 Planning.

While walking, Lin Shan suddenly noticed that the sun was about to set in the sky.

There are fewer and fewer people on the streets.

He realized that the situation was not good and said slowly, "Don't leave. I've probably remembered the surrounding road conditions. There are indeed no traces of the Outer God's actions during the day. We can't go any further."

"When there is no one on the street, the outer gods will definitely come out to look for us. We need to find a hiding place."

Lin Shan's brows furrowed tightly. There was no one they knew in this town, and there was a language barrier. How could anyone take them in?

If they forcefully break into the house, it will only cause more noise, and at that time, they will definitely attract enemies.

Lin Shan locked his eyes on the two people behind him and asked in a low voice, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"How about we go outside the village?" The blocked border is still some distance away from the town. We can hide outside the town for a while, Ranyue suggested.

Lin Shan glanced at her. Fortunately, she was not the only one who came today. If he had not come, this woman would probably receive a lunch tonight.

"Although the area outside the town is not small, there is no shelter outside. Even if you dig a hole and bury yourself, there will be obvious traces. The fact that the outer god did not look for us immediately means that he is not stupid. He has already guessed By the time we are integrated into the town, we cannot treat him like a fool."

After saying that, Lin Shan was a little worried. It was impossible to last for 7 days if this continued.

He couldn't even last a day, and as long as he was discovered, he would die.

But it is too difficult to avoid being searched by a Sequence 8 in such a small place.

It's as difficult as climbing to heaven, but it's just that.

Fortunately, there are systematic restrictions, and the outside gods dare not kill people at will. If there are no restrictions, the opposite party can directly massacre the town, and it will be unavoidable.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan suddenly caught some thoughts. If the other party can massacre the residents of this town first, will it be reduced by the rules of the world and its strength will be reduced?

"As long as you kill people here, will you be suppressed by the rules?" Lin Shan looked at Ranyue.

"For the rules of the world, only if it causes great negative impact and damage will it be suppressed, but for the Jieqi system, as long as the body enters and kills the creatures here with the body, it will be suppressed by the system, and the consciousness There will be no such restrictions on entry.”

"The reason why wanton killing is not allowed is because Gray Mist is afraid of being resented, and grudges are held on the world level." Jingwei suddenly interrupted at this time, "The world has spirits, this is not a joke, no matter how powerful Gray Mist is. Unable to withstand the joint resistance of countless worlds in the void.”

"That's good." Lin Shan glanced at the sun that was about to set, "Do you still remember the group of beggars we saw before?"

"Remember...you asked this...do you want the outside gods to kill these beggars and thus be suppressed by the system?" Ran Yue's eyes flickered. If Lin Shan's plan is really like this, he will not stop it. He is very worried. Be kind, but only if He lives.

Jingwei does not have Ranyue's awareness. No matter how many years she lives, the pure kindness in her heart will not disappear. "How is it possible? Lin Shan would not do such a thing. In Lin Shan's eyes, the life of any living being is Precious, all equally important.”

Lin Shan didn't say anything, but just led the two of them back quickly, and finally returned to the hotel before the sun set.

Fortunately, those beggars are still here.

"I understand, you mean... we follow these beggars?" Jingwei looked at Lin Shan and then at his brand new clothes, "Our clothes are too clean, we are obviously not from the same group. , how about... let's roll on the ground?"

Lin Shan still didn't answer. She took over the boxes containing clothes that Ranyue and Jingwei were carrying.

Lin Shan led three packing boxes to the group of beggars. When he got closer, he realized that there were no women among the beggars.

He only placed the box containing the gold-threaded white robe in front of the group of beggars, then carried the other two boxes and returned to the two women.

Jingwei's pupils shrank slightly, "Lin Shan..."

Lin Shan shook his head slowly and still said nothing.

There was a beggar leader among the group of beggars. No one else dared to act rashly. Only the beggar leader picked up the packaging box.

He looked at Lin Shan doubtfully.

Lin Shan pointed at the packaging box and then at him.

The meaning is obvious.

The beggar looked excited and couldn't wait to put on a brand new white gold robe. Lin Shan stepped forward and picked up the shabby clothes he took off, put them back into the box and took them away.

"Let's go." Lin Shan said softly.

"Lin Shan, why are you doing this? You will kill him!" Jingwei questioned from behind Lin Shan.

"Death him or you?" Lin Shan looked at Jingwei.

"Lin Shan...Lin Shan...you have changed. You wouldn't do such a thing before."

"What would he have done before?" Lin Shan asked.

"You will smash all these messy things to pieces!" Jingwei clenched his fist tightly and made a punching gesture.

"Oh..." Lin Shan showed a look of astonishment, "If I were strong enough, I wouldn't want to make these choices."

"Don't worry, if that foreign god is really smart, then the beggar won't die." Lin Shan saw that Jingwei was about to bother him again and asked him what happened, so he gave an explanation that was not an answer.

Jingwei let out a long breath. Lin Shan was still the same Lin Shan he knew. "Can't you explain the matter clearly? Why did you give me clothes?"

"Then when the outer gods see this dress, they will definitely turn their attention to the beggar. I have the beggar's clothes. If we become beggars, where will we go?" Lin Shan asked, casually taking the beggar's clothes. The packaging box is thrown into the garbage basket on the roadside.

"Maybe I'll be with those beggars...be a beggar?" Jingwei bit his fingers and racked his brains to think.

Lin Shan looked at this silly girl and didn't know what to say anymore. IQ really has no direct relationship with the age you live.

"These are not important. The clothes are on the beggar, just to send a message to the outer gods."

"What information?" Jingwei asked curiously.

"Send the message that we are in this town." Lin Shan said.

Ranyue didn't react at first, but then she seemed to think of something. She was shocked, feeling that her thinking was not on the same level as Lin Shan's. If she were the outside god, she would definitely be fooled by Lin Shan.

"So, what happens after delivering this information?" Jingwei still didn't understand.

"So the outside god will definitely be looking for us in the town, and will even search for our location one by one." Ranyue said slowly, "And we only need to hide at the border outside the town for one night to survive. Until tomorrow."

"Uh..." Lin Shan was speechless for a moment. She was already sure that if he didn't come, this woman would definitely not survive tomorrow.

Ranyue said a lot of things that didn't make sense, but he missed the extraordinary speed of Sequence 8. Sequence 8's speed was close to the speed of sound in this small place. They couldn't escape wherever they hid, so they took the time to run to the border of the town several times while searching for the town. It won't take long.

Jingwei bit his finger and nodded thoughtfully. Seeing Lin Shan's reaction, he couldn't help but wonder again, "What's wrong? I feel that his analysis makes sense."

"What is the speed of Sequence 8?" Lin Shan asked.

"The ultimate speed is close to the speed of sound?" Jingwei replied with some uncertainty.

"This town is ten kilometers away. For him, he can fly back and forth in one minute. There is only a dead end outside." Lin Shan explained softly, "I have said before that this small town is the only way to survive."

Lin Shan's eyes searched everywhere, and finally locked on the street lamp not far away.

The street light here is just a tall bamboo pole holding a lantern. I don’t know what fuel the lantern uses as fuel, and it will not go out day or night.

Lin Shan stepped forward and tried to bend the bamboo pole with force, but the bamboo pole did not move at all.

In desperation, Lin Shan had to climb up manually, climbed to the top and took down the lantern.

"Rely on this to win." Lin Shan raised the lantern to indicate.


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