Above the gray fog

Chapter 1150 Confrontation.

Lin Shan followed the same method and took down the two lanterns next to him.

"Oh. I understand. These lanterns are for lighting us, right? After all, there is no fire outside the village. It would be dangerous if there are any poisonous insects. Lin Shan, you are really smart." Jingwei did not hesitate to praise him.

"Next, don't say a word, stand side by side two meters behind me, hold the lanterns and follow me."

"Ah?" Jingwei was stunned, "Aren't we going outside the town?"

"We are not going anywhere, just walking openly in this town." Lin Shan turned around and took the gift box from the two people. "We will act according to the situation later and act according to my performance."

Ran Yue was thoughtful. She still underestimated Lin Shan's plan.

He thought of such a comprehensive plan in such a short time. This man is really terrible.

"If there is any unusual movement later, you can improvise. From now on, you are ordinary residents of this town." Lin Shan reminded.

"I understand." Ran Yue nodded heavily.

"I think I understand too." Jingwei was thoughtful, as if she understood.

Lin Shan held two gift boxes of clothes in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand and walked along the main road of the town.

When there were no people around, Lin Shan began to shout in a low voice, "It's dry, be careful of fire."

Ranyue and Jingwei followed quietly behind, and the three of them walked very slowly, almost like a tortoise.

Lin Shan's voice was not loud, and he would not really harass the residents here.

"It's dry, be careful of fire."

"It's dry, be careful of fire."

"It's dry, be careful of fire."


A few hours later, the bright white moon was already hanging overhead.

Lin Shan's speech slowed down gradually, and the three of them had already circled most of the town.

During this period, they passed by the place where the group of beggars were. The beggars were sleeping soundly, and the beggars in gold-threaded white robes were still intact.

"It's dry, be careful of fire." At the corner of the long street, Lin Shan's voice had become a little hoarse.

The residents of the town had already fallen asleep. The shops on both sides of the street were closed, and the street lights were swinging alone, reflecting the empty streets.

A light breeze blew, and the gravel on the roadside rustled.

Apart from the sound of the wind, only the footsteps of three people echoed in the empty night, turning a corner.

Suddenly, a hoarse scream was heard, breaking the tranquility of the night.

This scream came from Lin Shan. After the sound was made, several lights were lit in the room next to him.

Lin Shan found that no matter how he opened his mouth, he could not make any sound.

Lin Shan's heartbeat accelerated, and he looked ahead vigilantly. A tall figure walked out with heavy steps. Under the dim street lights, Lin Shan could see clearly that it was a monster with a black body, claws and fangs!

Its eyes were locked on Lin Shan, and the heavy footsteps stepped on Lin Shan's heart.

"Woo woo woo..." The wooing sound of Jingwei came from behind.

The monster walked in front of Lin Shan, with maggot-like tentacles all over its body.

It used its claws to pick up the two gift boxes in Lin Shan's hand.

"Where did this thing come from?" A roaring voice came out of the monster's mouth, and a sticky and smelly mucus kept pulling out between the opening and closing of its round mouth.

"Strange... Monster!"

Lin Shan's face was full of fear, and only vague tones came out of his mouth.

"Damn... Where are these gray fog gods hiding!" The monster exuded a terrifying aura, and its other claw held Lin Shan's white robe with gold thread, which was still a little bloody.

Looking at Lin Shan and the other two, a fierce look flashed in the monster's eyes, and it stretched out its claws to tear Lin Shan to pieces.

At this moment, the monster found the water stains on Lin Shan's trouser legs.

The monster showed a look of disgust on his face, and spit out a thick fog to knock the three people unconscious.

In a daze, Lin Shan found someone shaking him.

Opening his eyes, he saw an old woman.

Lin Shan looked at the horizon. It was not yet dawn, but it was not far from dawn.

"Young man, you are awake. Why are you sleeping on the street? What if you catch a cold?"

Lin Shan still looked terrified, pointing to the place where the monster appeared and kept scratching.

"What's wrong? What's going on over there?" The old woman did not understand what Lin Shan meant.

At this time, hearing the movement here, the early risers in the surrounding area gradually gathered.

At this time, Ran Yue and Jing Wei also woke up in a daze.

"Lin Shan, we are not dead, where is this?" Jing Wei looked around blankly.

"No, it's dawn, the first day is over." Lin Shan took the time to reply.

"What did you say?" The old woman saw that Lin Shan was speaking a language she could not understand, and she was even more puzzled.

"Is the first day over?" Ran Yue was also a little confused.

"It's safe during the day. We will do whatever the townspeople arrange. The outer gods have seen us. Our suspicion has been ruled out. It will be much easier next time, but we can't let our guard down." Lin Shan stood up and patted the dust off his body. The water stains on his pants were wet by him in advance. He didn't expect that they would be useful.

"Hmm..." Ran Yue looked at Lin Shan with a strange look. After a day, the nightmare started and Lin Shan turned it into a normal start.

This man is amazing.

The arrangement is linked together, and anyone who comes here will be confused.

At this moment, more than a dozen early-rising townspeople have surrounded the three people, pointing and talking, or whispering.

They talked about themselves, and Lin Shan and the other three were also chatting in low voices.

"Lin Shan, how did you do that? Why am I still a little confused?" Jingwei felt that his mind was a little confused.

Lin Shan looked at Ranyue and said, "Let Ranyue explain to you."

"I seem to understand...but I don't seem to understand." Ranyue recalled what happened yesterday.

“First, we changed our appearance to look like local townspeople, then we spent a few hours familiarizing ourselves with the town’s roads, and as it was getting dark, we gave one of our clothes to a beggar. In the end, we pretended to be patrollers in the town and patrolled openly along the main road we walked in the morning. During this period, Lin Shan washed his hands with water in the water tank on the roadside. Finally, late at night, we met the outside god. The outer gods didn't discover our identity, they just knocked us out..."

Ran Yue recalled slowly and realized that nothing they did yesterday was unnecessary.

"The reason for changing the appearance is to prepare for the next action. The reason for spending a few hours to familiarize myself with the road conditions is so that when patrolling at night, I will only take the main roads in the town. I took down the lanterns from the bamboo poles because these street lights are everywhere, full of local elements, and foreign gods. Seeing the lanterns in our hands will reduce suspicion to a great extent. Secondly, our aboveboard patrols are the opposite. When the outside gods see us shouting in a language he does not understand so openly, they will also Reduce suspicion to a certain extent.”

Ranyue seemed to have sorted out her thoughts and spoke more smoothly, "The killer thing here should be the clothes on the beggar's body."

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