Above the gray fog

Chapter 1151: Imprisonment

"Tell me more." Jingwei listened enthusiastically. She didn't expect to experience such a wonderful thing yesterday. "

"If the outer god sees this beggar first, no matter what happens in the process, he will definitely know in the end that this beggar wearing our clothes is not the gray mist god. We deliberately changed clothes with the beggar, and the information is transmitted at the same time. It will also pave the way for the outer gods to encounter us next.”

"After meeting the beggar, when the outside gods meet us again, they will definitely find out immediately that the two boxes in Lin Shan's hands contain clothes that do not belong to this world. The rich divine power cannot be concealed. When passing by the beggar, He You will definitely think at the first moment that this was sent out deliberately by the Gray Mist God. In addition, we are so upright and even shouting in a language that He does not understand. Under the continuous interference, the chance of the outside gods suspecting us is almost zero. , because of the existence of the system, if we are ordinary townspeople, killing three of us townspeople will probably be suppressed by the system, and the outside gods will definitely not do such a thing. "

"If the Outer God discovers us first, the situation may be a bit dangerous, but we are definitely safer than the beggar. We are covered up too much, and the Outer God may not take action easily. If he continues to explore now, he will definitely find the beggar. This Then we and the beggars will be safe."

Ran Yue looked at Lin Shan, "Is that so?"

Lin Shan nodded slightly. Ran Yue could see through this, which proved that he still had some brains. "It's just a gamble. We were lucky and barely won the bet."

"Lin Shan, as expected of you, you are still so smart. My father said that the wisdom of living beings is not directly related to their strength. There is also a fool among the contemporary masters. I am smarter than that fool. I think you can kick him down in the future. You sit down That position." Thinking of this, Jingwei puffed up his chest proudly.

"Although there is no direct relationship between wisdom and strength, strength can enlighten wisdom." Ranyue slowly shook her head, "There are not a few gods who are as wise as monsters, but many times, gods do not need to use their brains. The master you are talking about , It’s not that He is unintelligent, but there is nothing in this world that requires Him to use his brain.”

"Who are you talking about?" Lin Shan asked curiously.

"Void." Ranyue and Jingwei said in unison.

"Void?" Lin Shan thought of an image with big eyes. Void was the first master he saw. If he remembered correctly, the Void Master accepted sacrifices of souls and lifespans. He was an evil god. Unexpectedly, there was another one. Is the Lord of the Void not very smart about this kind of thing?

Before Lin Shan could continue to ask, someone suddenly shouted in panic not far away.

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes, "It seems that the beggar was really killed by an alien god."

"The beggar is dead?" Jingwei's eyes darkened, "We killed him."

"What should we do next?" Ran Yue seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, but compared to the life of an ordinary person, he cared more about his own life.

"Next, let's go have a free meal." Lin Shan said slowly.

"Eat? Where is the food?" Jingwei's eyes lit up, and the sadness lingering in his heart disappeared instantly.

"It'll be there in a minute."

Among the crowd, a group of men in uniform trotted over and captured Lin Shan and the other three.

Lin Shan had already done some ideological work in advance, and none of the three resisted.


"Lin Shan."


"More than two thousand years old, I don't remember the details."

"Where did it come from? Did you kill the beggar who died last night?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

In a closed cabin, the only light source was a naked lamp hanging from the ceiling. Its weak light hit Lin Shan's face, making his face look a little pale.

Lin Shan sat on an iron chair, with handcuffs fixed on the back of the chair. Opposite him, a uniformed police detective sat at the other end of the table. His eyes reflected the light, making it impossible to see his eyes clearly. A document was spread out in his hand. He seemed calm, but the atmosphere in the whole room was extremely tense.

The detective looked at Lin Shan deeply, and then said, "You really can't speak Xiaomai Mandarin?"

Lin Shan was unmoved, "What are you talking about? Are you asking about your name and age?"

At this time, a female police detective came in and said, "Captain, we found out. These three people are really outsiders. They arrived in Yanzhao Town yesterday during the sun and immediately found a clothing store, barber shop and shoe store. They changed themselves to look like people in the town. After that, they went shopping. The route was not clear, but at 6pm in the afternoon, they gave a piece of clothing to the deceased beggar, and after that, they disappeared. "

"We found three lanterns where they passed out. These three lanterns were taken down from the street lamps by these people. According to reports from the townspeople, these three people held up the lanterns and shouted some unintelligible words at night."

"Everything about this matter is weird... Lock up these three foreign suspects and let's go to the police chief to report the news."


After the interrogation, a jailer walked in, his face full of sternness.

He looked at Lin Shan and said, "Get up." He said coldly, "It's time to go to a new residence."

The jailer led him out of the interrogation room, through a dimly lit corridor, and then stopped in front of a heavy iron door. He took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, picked out one, inserted it into the keyhole, and turned it.

The door opened, and inside was a narrow cell. The air was filled with a strong smell of dampness. The water marks on the wall and the black mold in the corners were particularly glaring. There was only a worn-out straw mat and a thin blanket on each iron bed. The conditions were terrible.

"Go in." The police officer ordered, with no expression on his face, only coldness.

Lin Shan walked into the cell naturally, and the jailer closed the iron door and turned away.

As he left, the light in the cell became dimmer, and only the corridor behind the iron fence could be vaguely seen.

"Lin Shan, Lin Shan, is that you?" Jingwei's voice came from the cell next to him.

"It's me." Lin Shan nodded.

"What should we do now? We are prisoners." Jingwei was a little anxious, "Didn't you say there was free food? Why didn't I see it!"

"Isn't it good to be a prisoner? At least, we can spend several days here safely." Lin Shan lay on the iron bed and lay down directly on it, "Take advantage of the opportunity and sleep for a while."

"They won't treat us as murderers and kill us." Jingwei was a little worried.

"Do you see the town outside? This is a civilized country. Without direct evidence, we will be fine." Lin Shan placed his hands flat on his lower abdomen, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep. His lips moved slightly, and he said something to reassure the two girls, "The beggar was killed by an alien god. The beggar's companions must have seen it. Even if they didn't see it, the wounds on the beggar's body would still have a supernatural aura. This world can withstand life at the highest level of Sequence 8, and it must know about supernatural beings. We are just ordinary people now, and can only act as suspects, not murderers. Matters related to supernatural beings will definitely be taken very seriously here. Don't worry, we will be fine."

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