Above the gray fog

Chapter 1209 Mamazaha

The starship passed through the space barrier, entered the gray fog land, and then rushed all the way in a certain direction, entering an extremely vast country.

There are dense buildings below, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

After circling the vast land, Lin Shan released his mental power to search unscrupulously, but found no trace of the gods. The strongest aura in this country only had a qualitative change.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the top of the starship and thought quietly.

The creatures living here, even the lowest level people, possess the strength of Sequence 9. Although they are in human form, their essence is still evil and spiritual growth, and they are carriers of characteristics from the time they are born.

There are endless characteristic cores here, but the characteristic cores are of no use to him anymore. At most, they can be exchanged for some Eden Points.

The Plant Fallen Tribe should also be able to provide faith...

Thinking of this, Lin Shan went directly to the place where the ruler of this country lived.

The mental power spreads downward to search for the target.


In a hall filled with mist, Lin Shan was sitting on the main seat. Humanoid creatures suddenly appeared in the empty hall.

They were confused at first, then a little frightened.

"Litos, you're here too."

"King, it seems that all the ministers are here."

"What is this place? Why did we suddenly appear here? Is it weird?"

The visitors were all extraordinary, and their level was not low. Even if they encountered strange and mysterious events, they would not lose their composure. Everyone formed a group to explore forward until they saw Lin Shan sitting on the throne through the fog.

They were not afraid, but regarded Lin Shan as an enemy and entered a fighting state.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" the middle-aged man called the king asked sternly.

Lin Shan looked at the king of this country. He wore a huge golden crown and strange yellow and green clothes. From his breath, he could tell that this king had transformed into a spiritual plant.

Lin Shan couldn't figure out why all the plant fallen tribes in this country were in human form. He could only guess that they might be using treasures similar to the transformed grass.

"I am the messenger of the God of Mystery, and I am here to convey the blessings of Mystery to you." Lin Shan said very officially. His faint voice, combined with the surrounding fog, just made everyone who saw him tremble with fear. .

"The God of Mystery?"

"It's a god!"

"After so many years, is there finally a god willing to accept us?"

"Mamazaha's prophecy is indeed true. God is really willing to accept us again."

"Messengers are all gods. What level of god is the God of Mystery?"

"Dear envoy, we are willing to believe in the God of Mystery and become the most devout believers of the God of Mystery."


Looking at the people kneeling in front of him, Lin Shan nodded expressionlessly.

No matter what the reason was, none of these extraordinary beings kneeling on the ground had the right to refuse him.

Turning the people of this country into his followers is nothing more than a matter of time spent, but if these people are willing to cooperate, a lot of time can be saved.

"The others can leave, leaving two people behind." Lin Shan said softly, "Leave behind the people who can determine the fate of this country."

Everyone looked at each other, and the middle-aged man who was called the king said to dismiss the others, "The queen and I will stay, you all go back first, and I will convey the will of the mysterious god to you."


Everyone nodded in agreement, but didn't know how to go back.

Lin Shan waved his hand, and only the king and queen of this country were left in the hall.

Lin Shan deliberately left only two people present, in order to highlight the close distance between the king and the god and make things easier to handle later.

"What is Mamazaha's prophecy?" Lin Shan looked at the uncomfortable couple.

Lin Shan is particularly concerned about matters related to fate.

"Mamazaha's prophecy is: One day in the future, there will be a god willing to accept us, and that god will bring us to the top and make us prosperous." When he mentioned this prophecy, a strange light flashed in the king's eyes.

"Well... is there any relevant information recorded about the Mamazaha you are talking about? Show it to me, or tell me." Hearing this, Lin Shan just nodded slightly. It is inevitable that a god will find this place. .

As long as their race continues, one day they will be discovered by the gods, or they will give birth to gods. From this point of view, this prophecy is most likely not aimed at him. I wonder if Lin Shan is too sensitive to fate, or for some other reason. , he always felt that the name 'Mama Zaha'... he seemed to have seen it somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while.

The queen glanced at Lin Shan and could only see a vague outline. She controlled her trembling body and said carefully, "Seventy million years have passed since Mamazaha left the prophecy, and several things happened during this period." During the war, most of the records about Mamazaha were destroyed by the war.”

"The clearer record that has been passed down is this prophecy passed down from generation to generation, followed by Mamazaha's creation myth. We were originally the fallen race and the plant race, and Mamazaha transformed us into us through her great divine power. took on a humanoid form and helped us develop civilization, all the way to this point.”

"There is also a historical record about a war. Many gods invaded our homeland, and Mamazaha drove them all away. After that war, even the sun in the sky was extinguished for half a month."

"Sun? The Blazing Sun outside?" In the battle between gods, the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth are commonplace, but what power can make the Blazing Sun extinguish for half a month?

The Blazing Sun is the manifestation of the rules of the Lord of Heat. Lin Shan has never seen the Blazing Sun on the gray fog land slacking off. If this is real history, Mamazaha and the invading gods are probably not simple...

Mamazaha made the Plant-Falling Tribe into humanoid creatures. Did he have other intentions?

After thinking about it, there was no result, and Lin Shan shook his head slowly.

Forget it... There are too many secrets in this world, and many realms have their own history and secrets. This is normal.

Business is important. This country is extremely large, and almost all the Plant-Falling Tribes in the entire galaxy are gathered together. The total number is probably more than 100 trillion. If all become his believers, perhaps the vacancy of the mysterious authority can be filled.

"Well... This is my servant. He will teach you what to do next. Do as he says." Lin Shan looked at the dim corner of the hall, and a humanoid creature shrouded in shadows walked out of it.

Then, the king and queen in the palace disappeared.

The entire palace also disappeared. Lin Shan was still sitting cross-legged on top of the starship. The scene just now was just an illusion created by Lin Shan.

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