Above the gray fog

Chapter 1210: The sincere faith from the fallen

Lin Shan closed his eyes and pondered the name Mamazaha. This familiar feeling was not fake. He must have seen it somewhere.

"History... can it help?" Lin Shan silently operated the historical authority.

Familiar memories emerged in his mind, and Lin Shan suddenly opened his eyes. He remembered!

Lin Shan kept searching in the Zhulong Ring and found an old scroll.

In the corner of the Zhulong Ring, there were many precious cultural relics of unknown civilizations, sculptures of old civilizations, as well as ancient scrolls, stone tablets, documents and other antiques.

Most of these things came from the fifth floor of the Zhaixing Pavilion. Fortunately, these things could not be sold. Otherwise, when there was a lack of points, they would have been sold by Lin Shan.

Along with this ancient scroll, Lin Shan also took out several long-sealed strange objects and relics.

Rattle, crow kite, black brick...

Rattle and crow kite both come from the ruins of the Grass Spirit Clan. The original name of the crow kite seems to be "Omen of War". When he took it from Lao Wang, he used yellow paper to identify it, but he can't remember it clearly.

Floating next to the kite is a fish hook shining with golden light. The light on the fish hook is very strong. It can be seen at a glance that this fish hook is not simple, but Lin Shan has walked such a long way and has not found any relevant clues about the fish hook. These things have been put aside by Lin Shan for a long time.

When the consciousness entered the Zhulong Ring, it was found that Xiaolong and Heilang were fighting again. Xiaolong's growth rate is very fast. After so many years, he has been promoted to the level of Sequence 5. The small world in the Zhulong Ring can indeed help it grow quickly. I hope it can become a god quickly, so that it can be used as a mount.

Lin Shan put the rattle, crow kite, black brick, fish hook and other things back to their original places, leaving only the old scroll.

Lin Shan had read all the ancient scrolls or documents left on the fifth floor of the Star Picking Pavilion. He vaguely remembered that one of them introduced the ritual of the creation of gods.

At that time, his level was too low, so he did not read it too deeply.

Lin Shan slowly spread out the ancient scroll, which was more than two meters long, but there were not many words on it, most of which were ritual patterns.

His eyes fell on the lower right corner of the ancient scroll, where there was an unclear signature.

[Mamazaha. ]


There was no mistake, the familiar feeling did come from this ancient scroll. Mamazaha was the author of this ancient scroll and the founder of this country.

But this ancient scroll was definitely not a product of this era, but the country below must have been produced in this era, which means... Mamazaha is also a god who has lived for several eras...

This ancient scroll happened to be about ritual creation, which is useful to him now.

He had forgotten the content inside completely, so Lin Shan started reading from the beginning.

[Prologue: The Beginning of Creation. ]

[I wandered in the void, thinking about how to communicate with the people of the world. I decided to share my power with them, and use rituals as a bridge between heaven and earth, mortals and gods. In the ritual, the pattern is a mysterious carrier, a manifestation of power, and an extension of my will. ]

[I. Conception of the pattern: the blueprint of all things. ]

[In the boundless world, every star, every river, and every leaf follows a set order. I condense these orders into patterns. They are symbols of the rhythm of the universe. The lines and interweaving of the pattern are enough to weave all things.

[II. The stroke of the pattern: the condensation of power. ]

[I touched the void with my fingers, leaving traces of light and shadow. Every stroke was accompanied by wind and clouds, and the stars were arranged. I gave these patterns different powers. Some can protect, some can heal, some can predict, and some can enlighten the mind. Their shape and structure determine their energy flow, just as rivers determine the direction of water. ]

[III. The teaching of patterns: the sharing of wisdom. ]

[I chose the wisest and most pious people in the world, and taught them the secrets of these patterns, teaching them to learn to draw and embed, to communicate with me with the help of these patterns, and how to survive disasters through my power. ]

[Fourth, the application of patterns: the development of rituals. ]

[In the ritual, every time the patterns are copied and displayed, they will be activated and become a gateway to the divine energy. The patterns can be painted on the ground or on the body, or on the sacrifices, to enhance the connection between all things and me. ]

[Five, the protection of patterns: the maintenance of order. ]

[Ritual patterns are not only a connection, but also a protection. They protect the order of the universe and maintain the balance of life. Any abuse or wrong drawing may lead to chaos and disaster. ]

[Rituals are not just pictures, but a direct expression of the power of the world, a bridge for communication between God and all beings. They are my gifts to the world and a tool to guide all beings to a higher wisdom and spiritual realm. In every ritual, I will watch quietly and witness how my creation continues in the world. ]

Lin Shan's expression suddenly became a little strange as he read. He didn't feel anything when he read it back then, but now he found that the tone was a little wrong, as if the reason why the ritual pattern appeared in the gray fog universe was because the author of this ancient scroll had opened a precedent.

There were too few clues, and all the guesses were just guesses. No matter what the god named Mamazaha was like, it didn't seem to have a direct relationship with him. For now, he should focus on developing himself.

Lin Shan put away the ancient scroll and sat on the starship, ready to find the sense to develop the mysterious ritual in one go.

Based on authority, he draws patterns and corresponding prayers, and then teaches them to believers. Believers can connect with him through patterns and prayers, thereby gaining power.

Of course, interest needs to be collected in this process.

The interest is spirituality or lifespan. As for where the collected spirituality and lifespan will be stored, Lin Shan does not know. He can only get the answer after trying.

As for what the ritual pattern should look like and what kind of ability is needed, countless predecessors have given the best answers. Lin Shan only needs to add the unique ability of the mysterious authority and imitate it.

Two years later.

Lin Shan has passed down all the rituals he created. At this moment, he finally knows where the spirituality of the sacrifices will be stored. It will be compressed into divine power and supplement his own divine power. This supplement has nothing to do with the environment. Even if he is in a world without spirits, he can supplement divine power through the connection of faith.

During this period, the power of the mysterious authority has grown steadily.

Because the area of ​​this country is too large, in two years, even if the king personally ordered to organize faith, the number of people who now believe in the mysterious god is less than one thousandth.

Lin Shan also discovered that the faith and willpower provided by the creatures in this country were extremely pure.

Their quality had surpassed that of the native races. Even though Lin Shan did nothing, he had gained nearly a thousand devout believers in two years.

Things gradually became smoother. At this rate of progress, it would not take long for him to reach the Sequence 3 level.

In the third year, Lin Shan created a mortal substitute and chose an area far away from the royal city to be deployed.

It would not take long for the faith of the mysterious god to spread here.

Lin Shan wanted to see with his own eyes why these humanoid creatures, who were essentially fallen plants, had such devout faith.

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