Above the gray fog

Chapter 1281 Passing Through

Tens of thousands of small tribes around the human race are within Lin Shan's perception range, and the cat tribe is no exception.

Due to population problems, the Cat Clan does not have high-rise buildings. Compared with the Cat Clan two thousand years ago, there seems to be no change.

Red lanterns are hung in front of every house, swaying in the breeze.

The members of the cat tribe have human postures, but each tribe member’s ears are pointed cat ears, and their eyes are large and lively. Their movements are light and dexterous, and they can show extraordinary care and delicacy in small things. .

The market is bustling with activity, and the stalls have a dazzling array of products, from delicious fish to various handicrafts, each of which exudes the unique style of the cat people.

As before, the most popular fish stalls on the street are fish stalls. Every fish is arranged in an orderly manner, and people passing by will smell it even if they don't buy it.

Although the market is lively, most of the cat people are wrapped in large black turbans, leaving only their ears and eyes exposed. This makes their expressions difficult to capture, but it is not difficult to see the deep worry and fear in those eyes. .

"Meow, human guest, would you like to buy a fish?" A young cat child appeared and interrupted Lin Shan's thoughts. She was holding a still twisting black fish in her hands, her eyes full of innocence.

"Sorry, distinguished guest, the child is ignorant." A woman quickly approached, picked up the child, apologized, and left as if running away.

Lin Shan's hand stopped in mid-air, but his heart sank.

The atmosphere here was very different from what he had imagined. He originally thought that humans should receive a warm welcome when they came to visit the cat tribe, but what he saw before him was a suffocating feeling of discomfort.

The enthusiasm of the cat people seems to be forced. They are afraid of the human race, as if they are facing some kind of terrible demon.

Lin Shan's perception spread, and he soon discovered the reason.

All over the streets of the cat tribe, some evil deeds of the human race are happening wantonly.

Random robbery, refusal to pay bills, unprovoked violence, and even killing, all of this seems to be acquiesced in front of the officials of the cat tribe, and these officials are all held by the human race.

What is even more outrageous is that some daring people dare to rob women of the Cat Clan on the street, dragging them directly to a deserted corner amid the screams of the victims and the horrified eyes of the surrounding residents.

In the face of such evil deeds, the local sheriff only issued formal criticism and symbolic fines, and only a small part of the fines would fall into the hands of the victims.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shan finally understood the meaning of those black headscarves.

That is not just a kind of clothing, but also a measure that the cat people have to take to protect themselves.

In the face of atrocities, they choose to hide themselves to minimize the chance of being harmed.

Lin Shan sighed lightly and disappeared from the place.

When he appeared, he was already standing behind Qian Nianyun and Zhu Yiping.

"Yiping, this kind of place is really a hell on earth. The evil in the hearts of this group of people has been completely induced. Fan Xiaoxiao's novel is true. These evil deeds must be stopped." Qian Nianyun said angrily.

Zhu Yiping gently comforted his mother, "Under the blessing of light, shadows will always grow quietly. Just like every soul has its hidden corner, people often cannot tolerate the darkness in their own territory, but they do not realize it. It is better to pass it on to the outside world than the darkness in your own territory. Even if there is no cat clan, these people are still evil people. The breeding of evil people is endless and no one can stop it. "

"Yiping, sharing the darkness with the outside world can make oneself purer. However, the real wisdom lies in recognizing and accepting the dark side of the heart, rather than abandoning it in front of others. This will only expose the ugliest side of our human race. On the one hand." Qian Nianyun sighed, "The Cat Clan must undergo a major purge. The civilization of the human race does not allow these darkness to grow."

"Well, from a civilized perspective, 'evil' is contagious. The best way is to catch each one and eliminate them, rather than leaving them alone." Lin Shan's voice sounded behind the two of them.

The two of them turned around, confused at first. Qian Nianyun's eyes opened slightly, "Xianxian Lin?"

"It's me, asking you something." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

"Xianxian Lin is really fine. I knew that people like you would not die easily." Zhu Yiping looked a little excited when he saw Lin Shan.

"What does Pioneer Lin Shan want to ask?" Qian Nianyun asked. Although he wanted to say more, the aura of Lin Shan always pushed them further away, as if they could talk to each other. pleasure.

"Is the red umbrella here with you?" Lin Shan asked.

"Father's red umbrella?" Qian Nianyun touched her wrist, and the red umbrella appeared in her hand, "Is Pioneer Lin Shan looking for this?"

"That's right, lend it to me." Lin Shan nodded.

"The red umbrella is a relic of my late father. If Lin Xianxian knew how to use this red umbrella, I would give this red umbrella to you." Qian Nianyun held the umbrella in both hands and handed it to Lin Shan.

"Okay, this umbrella is useful to me, so I will accept it first and give this to you in exchange." Lin Shan took out two serial 5-level relics and handed them to Qian Nianyun, "I also want to lend them to your son. ”

"What are these?" Qian Nianyun lowered his head and looked at the two dark objects handed over by Lin Shan.

When he looked up again, he found that Lin Shan and Zhu Yiping had disappeared.

Purple Soul Flower Forest.

Next to the air wall.

"Do you know how to get in?" Lin Shan looked at Zhu Yiping and asked.

"I know that the red umbrella can bring people's consciousness in. Does Pioneer Lin want to pass through this air wall?"


"I have been inside this air wall many times. It is a very small space. The only thing you can see is a grave. You should know that I got my Tianxia Dragon Fish from there. I can't go any further." Zhu Yiping explained.

Lin Shan said calmly, "Just pass through the air wall."

"Okay, give me the red umbrella." Zhu Yiping nodded seriously.

Lin Shan handed him the red umbrella.

With a "click", Zhu Yiping opened the red umbrella, and his eyes gradually became dull.

Lin Shan's mental power took the initiative to touch the red umbrella, and the next second, he entered a space full of silk threads.

Zhu Yiping stood opposite him, with an air wall between them.

Lin Shan tried to speak, but found that his voice seemed to be swallowed and could not be heard.

Zhu Yiping's hand had already reached out, Lin Shan shook it, and then stepped through the air wall.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and walked forward.

Zhu Yiping followed closely behind.

They walked about a hundred steps away, and a huge tomb appeared in the dense silk thread.

[Tomb of Tianxia Dragon Fish]

After passing the tomb, Lin Shan continued to move forward. The fog in front of him became deeper and deeper, and all around him was white.

At this time, Zhu Yiping stopped and patted the non-existent wall in front of him, indicating that he could not pass in front.

Lin Shan waved his hand, indicating that he should go back, and then continued to move forward.

The space in front was occupied by thick gray fog, and the place two meters away was a little blurry.

A ray of purple light penetrated the gray fog and guided Lin Shan forward.

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