Above the gray fog

Chapter 1282 The Initial Sequence

Lin Shan's premonition became stronger and stronger. He was almost certain that the purple light was the purple soul flower of the innate god level.

He didn't know how many there were in the world, but there must be one in this air wall.

All the curses on the purple soul flowers in the outside world came from it, which explained why the purple soul flowers in the outside world had no curse power, but would be cursed after picking the flowers.

He was not in a normal space now, but a place similar to the destiny space.

Zhu Yiping passed through the air wall and directly entered the cemetery of Tianxia Dragon Fish, which did not mean that the other side of the air wall was the cemetery of Tianxia Dragon Fish.

The cemetery of Tianxia Dragon Fish was where Zhu Yiping was destined to come. He and Tianxia Dragon Fish were in a relationship of inheritance and inheritor. Tianxia Dragon Fish would guide him, and this guidance could be in any way.

And Lin Shan did not belong here, so he could leave and go to a deeper place.

Of course, all this was just Lin Shan's guess, and it might be a little far from the truth, but it was definitely not far away.

He was thinking about the purple soul flower, and there was a faint purple light flashing in front of him. He didn't have the ability to make his wishes come true. Perhaps, this space was also guiding him.

If he was thinking about the God's Court, would it be possible to enter the old God's Court directly?

Lin Shan shuttled through this misty unknown space, his body seemed to be filled with mysterious power, and every step was heavy and slow.

His eyes followed the swaying purple light in front of him closely. The light was like a lantern, leading him in this hazy space. Although Lin Shan tried his best to get closer, the light always maintained an insurmountable distance, as if it was an endless pursuit.

In an inadvertent moment, Lin Shan stopped, his body seemed to be frozen by an unknown force, he turned slowly, and the moment he turned around, it seemed to trigger some mechanism, the originally hazy space instantly became clear, and the surrounding scenery began to come alive, with bright colors and rich details.

In front of him, a huge purple soul flower was suspended in the air. It was so large that it seemed to use the sky as a flowerpot. The petals were inlaid with countless bright stars, like crystal dewdrops, gently swaying in the breath of the universe. The only difference between this purple soul flower and its counterparts in the outside world was its huge size.

"The innate divine purple soul flower, if you eat it, you can obtain the soul rules..." Lin Shan muttered to himself, and his voice echoed in this space, carrying a trace of shock and joy that was difficult to conceal.

"Are you looking for me?" The ethereal voice was transmitted directly to Lin Shan's mind without any medium, "Do you want to eat me?" There was a hint of playfulness and indifference in the tone.

Lin Shan was silent for a moment. He couldn't answer such a question. Telling it his true purpose-using it as a potion material? That would be too straightforward.

Judging from the way it appeared, the other party must be stronger than him, and it was not certain who would eat whom.

"Magic potion materials? Do you mean the heart light?" The words of the purple soul flower made Lin Shan realize that it could see through his thoughts. There was a hint of ridicule in its voice, "Don't say you ate me. If you can help me move to another place, you are also awesome..."

"Don't waste your time. The reason why you can see me is not because of you, Si Yin, come out." Before Lin Shan spoke, the purple soul flower seemed to have seen through his thoughts and continued to talk to itself. It seemed like it was talking to itself.

Hearing this, Lin Shan suddenly realized that it was no wonder that everything went so smoothly. It turned out that it was because of Si Yin. The other party wanted to see Si Yin, so they brought him in.

He had just considered many possibilities, but he never thought that the answer would be so simple and clear.

His purpose of coming here was not to take away the purple soul flower. If he could take it away, it would naturally be the best result. Even if he couldn't take it away, it would be enough to prove the existence of this innate divine purple soul flower, so he didn't feel disappointed.

If the innate god purple soul flower really exists, then other innate creatures such as Asato and the strange line fish must also have versions of innate gods. The purple soul flower knows the "heart light", which indirectly proves the authenticity of the ultimate version of the "heart light" potion.

After waiting for a while, when Si Yin did not come out, Lin Shan sank his mental power into the Candle Dragon Ring and found that Si Yin was still standing in a daze in a certain place, and did not hear the words of the purple soul flower at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. Si Yin was not pretending.

"Poor guy, you have become weird." The purple soul flower gently shook the huge pistil, and a drop of lavender liquid slowly dripped from the center of the flower.

The magical liquid penetrated the void, quietly entered the Candle Dragon Ring, and penetrated into Si Yin's body.

The next moment, the black in Si Yin's eyes quickly faded, and his eyes were confused.

She appeared in the outside world, her eyes were confused, as if she had woken up from a long dream, "Ruomu?"

"Yes, it's me, but now I'm called Purple Soul Flower." Purple Soul Flower replied in a calm tone, "You should know."

Si Yin's eyes gradually became clear, "The initial sequence... eleven eras, is it really possible..." She seemed to want to express something, but was interrupted by Purple Soul Flower before she finished speaking.

"Hey, there are still people here, be careful not to dirty him, Si Yin, you only have half an hour, I have something to tell you, this gentleman, you can avoid it first."

"Me?" Hearing the slightly teasing words of Purple Soul, Lin Shan pointed at himself in confusion, avoid? Where to avoid?

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, gently touching Lin Shan's clothes. His figure seemed to be lifted up by an invisible hand and appeared lightly in the outside world.

"Lin Xianfeng, you are back." Zhu Yiping saw Lin Shan appearing safe and sound, and the tight strings in his heart relaxed a little. He was full of confidence in Lin Shan's strength, but the inside of this air wall was related to the mystery of the origin of the human race after all, and any unknown danger was unpredictable.

"Well." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "It's okay, you go to accompany your mother."

Lin Shan pushed gently, and Zhu Yiping was sent back to Qian Nianyun's side.

Looking at Zhu Yiping's departing back, Lin Shan felt a sense of familiarity.

This scene was too similar to when Zihunhua pushed him away just now.

He couldn't help but think, did Zihunhua look at him the same way he looked at Zhu Yiping?

This trip was rewarding, but not much.

First of all, it can be confirmed that the innate gods really exist.

Secondly, Si Yin just called Zihunhua "Ruomu".

Ruomu, besides being its real name, the only thing Lin Shan could think of was the Ruomu sacred tree. Both are plants. Combined with the words of the Purple Soul Flower - 'I am now called the Purple Soul Flower', it can be seen that the Purple Soul Flower may be the Ruomu sacred tree.

In ancient mythology, the Ruomu sacred tree and the Fusang sacred tree are both places where the sun rests and prepares to go out to work. The sun rises from the Fusang and rests on Ruomu.

The only thing that Lin Shan can't figure out is why the original innate gods are related to the Ruomu sacred tree of the old days.

And the last point, what is the initial sequence mentioned by Si Yin?

Heart light?

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