Above the gray fog

Chapter 1286 The King of the Void

Twin galaxies.

Cracks in the crystal world.

Lin Shan came to the edge of the crack and sensed the flow of water into the crystallized world along the crack, hoping to find traces of the wandering children.

The butterflies on his shoulders that were always following him disappeared at some point. This unusual movement made his heart tense. If the Waif was manipulated, the human circle would face triple pressure.

Source Court, Regulator, Wanderer.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan looked slightly surprised, and a split soul with half the power entered the crack.

Passing through the crack, the scene in front of him was no different from what he saw with his perception.

At the mouth of the crack, a vast airport built of flesh, flesh and energy is spread out in the endless void.

Here, every inch of land seems to be a living body, with powerful life force contained in its veins, and the flowing energy is like blood, maintaining the operation of this huge structure.

Inside the flesh and blood airport, countless combat units patrolled among the huge structures with tightly defined bodies. Their steps were vigorous and powerful, and their eyes were as cold as the abyss.

In the distance, a team of collection units was slowly returning, carrying huge crystals on their backs.

Void crystals are the native creatures of this world and are also necessary to control foreign creatures. Although the crystals contain unimaginable energy, whoever dares to covet it will be covered with crystals and will be controlled.

Lin Shan's brows wrinkled slightly. There was no trace of the homeless child here. ,

"Lin Shan, Lin Shan." Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"I've been looking for you, why did you get here? Come out first, and if you can, completely destroy the airport inside so that they can't continue to develop." This voice came from the other side of the crack. A waif's.

"Destroy them all..." Lin Shan whispered softly, stretched out his hand, made a fist lightly, and held the space of thousands of miles in his palm.

As the sound of breaking like glass was heard, the space began to be unable to withstand the pressure and collapsed one after another.

The moment Lin Shan clenched his fist, the space in front of him, together with all the flesh and blood units, surged out of control toward an unknown center, and then exploded.

Lin Shan withdrew and retreated to the Twin Galaxy, leaving only chaos and ruin.

At the entrance of the crack, a butterfly waits silently.

"Wandering boy?" Lin Shan asked.

"It's me." The butterfly responded in its old voice.

"What happened inside?" Lin Shan asked.

The butterfly flew onto his shoulder, and in a calm and deep voice, he began to describe his experiences over the past few days.

"After you left, I began to collect the crystals behind the cracks, and used the ultra-high energy contained in the crystals to create construction units and combat units." Butterfly said slowly, "Due to the abundance of energy, my development speed is very fast."

"About a day ago, the units behind the cracks began to lose contact with me frequently. Those units were controlled by others. The problem may stem from the crystallized energy I collected. I felt that the situation was not good and prepared to let the remaining units self-destruct. I got rid of control. Unexpectedly, the other party tracked me back along the connection and used these units to interfere with my consciousness. Although the individual could not control the group, it made me temporarily lose contact with the external units. One of the butterflies following you, We lost contact at that moment, and by the time we regained contact, you were already gone.”

"Well... I just got the news that the crystals growing in the void are not pure energy crystals, but advanced void creatures from the void. They can reversely control the creatures that absorb the energy of the crystals." Lin Shan Nodding slightly, the experience of the wandering child was consistent with the information he received. Fortunately, the wandering child was not controlled. Otherwise, the human circle would be in big trouble.

"It turns out to be a void creature... No! How could a void creature appear in the gray fog universe? Has the king of the void also begun to spy on the gray fog?" Butterfly's voice became urgent.

"Can't void creatures appear in the gray fog universe?" Lin Shan asked rhetorically.

"No...if that crystal is really an advanced life form in the void, the trouble will be big..." Butterfly's voice changed obviously, as if he was afraid of something.

"Trouble? What about?" Lin Shan was very interested in the topic of void. One day, he would definitely go and take a look.

"If you want to know what the trouble is, you must first understand the framework of the void life forms. There is no accurate figure for how many types of void life forms there are yet, but one thing is 100% certain. Any type of void life form , there is a King of the Void at the top. Elementary life forms, medium life forms and advanced life forms are not distinguished by racial levels. This level division is only to distinguish individual life levels, such as our Sequence 9 and Sequence 8. In the void, all races have the same level. The power of the Void King is the power of the void race. The two are one."

"If a creature from the void appears in the gray fog, then the king of the void must also be here."

"What is the strength of the king in the void?" Lin Shan asked.

"What do you think? The one who can be called the King of the Void is at least as good as the Lord of Gray Fog." Butterfly said quietly, "Because the pursuits and needs of the Void race are different from ours. They have been in a neutral state since ancient times. As long as the King of the Void enters In this world, it must be for revenge.”

Lin Shan was silent for a moment and said, "What if this king of crystallized life is captured by Yuanting?"

"Then it's best to pray that the king of this crystal life has no allies. I just said that the pursuits and needs of void creatures are different from ours. Although they are different, they also have their own circles. Yuanting captured the king and controlled its tribe. Isn't this a naked slap in the face?" At this point, Butterfly's voice was more joyful. "Yuanting provoked void creatures for no reason. This is asking for trouble. In this way, the pressure of the past will be reduced a lot. This is not a bad thing."

"I hope so." Lin Shan nodded, and then said, "If you don't use this crack, I will seal it up to prevent crystal creatures from running out again."

"Well, you can handle it. When do you plan to solve the problem of the supervisor?" Butterfly asked again.

"Let's put the supervisor aside in advance. As long as it doesn't actively attack the Ten Thousand Races, don't worry about it. I have more things to deal with." Lin Shan waved his hand to set a seal near the crack. Creatures below Sequence 3 cannot enter or leave.

If a Sequence 3 really breaks in, it will definitely cause a big commotion, and there are twin sentries in the distance responsible for surveillance.

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