Above the gray fog

Chapter 1287 Brother

After dealing with the situation here, Lin Shan flew towards the Apostle Galaxy again.

It might not be enough to rely on himself to fight against the crystal life.

It's not that he is worried that he can't win, but that he is worried that he can't kill them all. If the cracks are opened in all directions, the entire human circle will be affected. At this time, he must rely on the strength of each race in the human circle.

He can only do his best to protect the human race, and only consider helping other civilizations if he still has spare strength.

As long as the human race is safe, Zhao Xiaoan will be fine.

Human race.

In a warm courtyard, time seems to slow down.

Xiaohai's fingers dance on the rice paper, drawing something.

Next to him, Yuan Guang lay leisurely in a rocking chair, enjoying the warm sunshine, with a healthy blush on his skin.

The two talked in a low voice.

"Although dreams are charming, they are fake after all. Don't lose yourself in the fake world." Yuan Guang said softly, as if he was talking to Xiaohai, and as if he was talking to himself.

Xiao Hai's eyes revealed a kind of determination, "But my dream is real. Xiaogui became very handsome in the dream."

"I said it was a dream, there is no need to delve into it."

"Do you have any offspring? Why are you the only one in such a big family?" Xiao Hai changed the subject and asked suddenly.

Yuan Guang was stunned for a moment and waved his hand, "No offspring, let's talk about it later."

Lin Shan's voice passed by like a breeze, breaking the silence, "So leisurely?" There was a hint of teasing in his voice.

Yuan Guang was already used to Lin Shan's unexpected approach, and responded with a smile, "After all, I'm retired, and the troubles in the world have nothing to do with me. Why not find a way to spend the rest of my life in peace?"

"Thousands of years of life?"

"Very soon." Yuan Guang continued to smile, and then sat up, "What's the matter this time?"

Lin Shan's eyes were attracted by the unfinished scroll in Xiao Hai's hand. In the painting, a man with an unclear face stood on the rolling waves, and below was a divided world, half of the starry sky was shining, and the other half was majestic. He held a trident in his hand, and surrounded by clear blue water waves.

"This painting, could it be Shanhai?" Lin Shan guessed in his heart, but did not say it directly. Shanhai did not want Xiao Hai to recall it, proving that this memory was not good.

"Well, help me call the current human leaders to hold a meeting. Don't reveal my name. Just say that I am a senior expert of the human race. Let the most influential person in the human race come. No one else needs to come."

"Hold a meeting? You hold it for them? And you can't say your name..." Yuan Guang was a little embarrassed. "I am already retired. It would be much more convenient if I could say your name to call the human leaders in such a high-profile manner."

"If you can avoid saying my name, it's best not to say my name. I hope that in the eyes of most human races, I am already dead." Lin Shan waved his hand. "If it really doesn't work, you can say my name. One day should be enough for you."

Yuan Guang smiled bitterly. "I'll try my best."

"Well." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Guang suddenly called Lin Shan.

Lin Shan glanced at him. "I haven't left yet."

"You always leave too fast. I don't have the chance to tell you, so I'm telling you in advance this time." Yuan Guang smiled. "Go to this place and there will be a surprise." Yuan Guang handed over a cone-shaped transparent object.

"This is the fixed-point transmission device used by the human race now. As long as you enter the coordinates, you can directly transmit to the destination. The coordinates have been set. You press the blue light block below the tip." Yuan Guang reminded.

"What is that, mysterious?" Lin Shan's finger gently touched the more obvious light block, and the next second, a beam of light came down from the sky and shone on Lin Shan.

After a few seconds.

Nothing happened.

Lin Shan looked at Yuan Guang.

Yuan Guang was also a little embarrassed. He took the transparent cone handed by Lin Shan, checked it, and then showed an incredible expression, "Overload..."

"Maybe your life level is too high, and the 'endpoint transmission device' built by the human race can't take it. I'll take you there."

Yuan Guang made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Shan had a blank expression, "The surprise you are talking about is Lu Shaosi?"

"You know?" Yuan Guang was surprised. How did Lin Shan know this? He never mentioned it. Did he calculate it?

Lin Shan looked in a certain direction, "If I want to know, I will know naturally. No need to lead the way. I will go and see it myself."

Looking at Lin Shan's disappearing figure, Yuan Guang lay on the rocking chair as if nothing had happened, "Xiao Hai, do you see how hard your life will be if you follow him in the future? If it were me, you should stay and live a leisurely life in the human race."

Xiao Hai kept moving and continued to draw, "Xiao Hai can't live a leisurely life. Xiao Hai still has a mission."

"What mission?"

"Xiao Hai doesn't know, but there is one, but I haven't thought of it yet."

On the other side.

Lin Shan appeared under a building thousands of stories high.

There are similar high-rise buildings on both sides, like a community.

In fact, this architectural style is completely different from the previous one. This high-rise building has built-in commercial areas, leisure areas, education areas, residential areas, etc. It can be said that this building is a miniature city, which can be self-circulated inside, and people living in it can even stay in this building for a lifetime.

Lv Shaosi lives in this building. Unlike others, she owns a large flat in this building.

This sister has changed a lot.

While Lin Shan was thinking, he had already appeared in the flat where Lv Shaosi was.

As soon as he entered here, there was a light music surrounding his ears.

There were all kinds of electronic equipment around, and robots shuttled around, flying, walking, crawling, everything.

Lv Shaosi was sitting at the end of the room, with disheveled hair and flashing lights in front of him. From Lin Shan's perspective, it looked like he was soldering a circuit board.

Lin Shan walked slowly behind her, the footsteps were very crisp, but Lv Shaosi didn't seem to notice. She stretched out a hand and said without looking back, "Ding Ding, take the 'microparticle module'."

Ding Ding, a robot shaped like a yellow kitten, its tail shaped like lightning, quickly carried a tiny module that flashed light blue light and sent it to Lv Shaosi's palm.

The robot cat made an anthropomorphic voice, "Master, there is a visitor."

"Visitor?" Only then did Lv Shaosi seem to come back to his senses and slowly turned his head.

Her eyes were as clear as morning dew, full of spirit, but the moment she saw Lin Shan, suspicion, shock, and joy intertwined in the depths of her pupils. Her lips slightly opened, "Brother?"

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