Above the gray fog

Chapter 1399 The Brain is Full

《Two Hundred Ways to Cook Donkey Meat - Part 3》

You can't get along with donkeys, right?

Lin Shan directly released his perception and wrapped the entire tower.

During this period, he found several perceptions, and those who had perceptions must be sequence 3.

Perception is different from mental power, and will not collide with each other, which can avoid embarrassment.

Although the range of perception was suppressed by the big world, it was enough to cover the tower of less than 10,000 meters.

In an instant, countless knowledge poured into his brain.

It seemed that there were thousands of Lin Shans in his mind, each holding a book in his hand and flipping through it quickly.

They were all useless knowledge.

It took half a day for Lin Shan to read all the more than 40 million books on the first floor.

If he was given a donkey now, he could make donkey meat into flowers.

Why can't he get along with donkey meat?

Lin Shan shook his head, abandoned these messy thoughts, and focused his attention on the second floor.

It took more than half a day to clear the second floor.

He spent more time reading on the second floor, not because the books on the second floor were more difficult or more numerous, but because his brain had become a little dull.

A large part of the first floor was recipes, nutrition conditioning, different animal and plant atlas records, etc.

The second floor recorded the customs and habits of different worlds and civilizations, etc.

Rubbing his head, Lin Shan continued to flip through the books on the third floor.

This time it took two full days, and the speed was several times slower.

The third floor recorded different art forms of different civilizations, dance, song, chess, calligraphy and painting, etc. A few books also involved extraordinary knowledge. Some civilizations used these art forms as a power system and developed feasible extraordinary paths.

At this time, Lin Shan could be completely sure that his brain had become dull.

Consciousness and existence are at the same level. Existence records all the details of a god's life level, talent, appearance, characteristics, etc., while consciousness records memory and wisdom.

Only with these two together can a living being be complete. The body is derived from existence, but the brain in the body is the carrier of consciousness. Without the body, consciousness can continue to function, but it will become dull like the spirit. The brain is more like an organ that carries and radiates.

Now, there is a problem with his brain, and his mental power and consciousness are declining.

This problem is recorded by existence, and it cannot be changed even if a new body is reshaped.

This dull state will even affect combat effectiveness.

"What is wrong?"

"Is it because of these books?"

Lin Shan ignored others and sat by the bookshelf. He thought for a while and then took out the terminal.

Type in it: [I read a lot of books, but suddenly I feel that my consciousness has become dull. What's going on? ]

Soon, tens of thousands of related information were searched.

According to Lin Shan's usage habits, the terminal automatically summarized several more direct explanations for him.

[All intelligent flesh and blood creatures have consciousness and existence. Consciousness is a medium-to-high-level biotin, which often presents an elusive energy form and can derive mental power, perception, thoughts and other abilities. ]

[However, consciousness must be coordinated with an external carrier to play a powerful role. ]

[Take the brain as an example. The consciousness carried by the brain of a creature at the Sequence 7 life level can project mental power, the brain at the Sequence 3 level can project perception, and the Sequence 1 level can project thoughts. ]

[As a medium-to-high-level biotin, consciousness itself has a very high natural level, but the carrier will limit the ability of consciousness. ]

[Based on the above information, it is inferred that you should have read too many books, and the things that the brain can record have reached the upper limit, thus squeezing the space for consciousness. ]

[There are two ways to deal with the current problem. The first method is to strengthen the carrier. The simplest way is to improve the life level. The most common method is to learn related cultivation methods such as spirit, consciousness, and thoughts. The fastest solution is to take special drugs to directly strengthen the brain. ]

[The second method is to delete the content recorded in the brain. It requires special methods and no records. ]

Lin Shan carefully read the content on the terminal.

It turned out that the brain was full.

Including other books from the Shenzhou Civilization Academy, he probably read tens of billions of books this year.

Lin Shan searched again.

[Can 10 billion books fill the brain of a Sequence 3? ]

[High-level consciousness does not mean low-level brain. The brain belongs to the middle-level entity biotin. Even the brain of an ordinary creature can store the contents of at least 500 million books after development. Sequence 9 can stably accommodate the knowledge of 10 billion books. If it involves extraordinary content, 100 million high-level extraordinary knowledge contents may fill the brain of a sequence 3 god. ]

Is that so...Lin Shan only learned today that knowledge can be divided into different sizes.

I don’t seem to have mastered too much extraordinary knowledge. It’s just that the origin of life that he has been developing recently has given him a little more knowledge.

Lin Shan guessed that his brain capacity might have been occupied by the big curse.

What should I do now? It’s not a solution to stay in a dull state all the time.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan seemed to think of something and looked up.

Garden of Eden.

Lin Shan appeared at the side of the square, right in front of a stall.

Lin Shan looked down and saw that they were just ordinary extraordinary items. Speaking of which, he still had a huge sum of money to spend.

If he used this money to buy advanced cultivation methods to strengthen the brain, it would probably be enough.

But Lin Shan has a more cost-effective way.

His eyes swept across the entire Eden Square, looking for the scarecrow's location.

"Looking for me?" The scarecrow's voice came from behind.

Lin Shan turned around and found that the scarecrow was waving a broom right behind him.

"Well, I have something to ask you." Lin Shan said.

"What is it? I'm not one of those philanthropists. I can't tell you everything." The scarecrow still lowered his head to sweep the floor without even looking up at Lin Shan.

"I want to ask, how can I delete the extra knowledge in my brain?"

"Is it full?" The scarecrow asked.


"Give me 100 million points, and I'll teach you." The scarecrow stopped moving, leaned the broom against the wall, and then sat against the wall.

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded in agreement. He now has more than 50 billion points on him, and 100 million points are nothing at all.

Moreover, when buying from the scarecrow, there are only cheap ones, not expensive ones.

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