Above the gray fog

Chapter 1400 Observing Heaven

The scarecrow took out a straw from his body, rubbed it in his hands and handed it to Lin Shan.


Lin Shan took the straw, and the moment he touched it, a stream of information rushed into his mind.

He closed his eyes and felt it, and soon, a short blade condensed by pure mental power appeared in his hand.

The scarecrow taught him an old spiritual secret method, which used mental power to shape a short blade in a special way. This short blade would not cause any harm to others, and its main ability was to cut off its own memory.

With this short blade, he could treat his brain as a biological computer and delete it whenever he wanted.

The scarecrow had never remembered him before, and it was because he had been deleting his memory. Lin Shan learned about it in the subsequent conversation.

So Lin Shan was sure that the scarecrow must have related abilities.

Seeing the illusory dagger in Lin Shan's hand, the scarecrow was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, "Points."

Lin Shan took out a coin with a face value of 100 million from his own huge sum of money and gave it to the scarecrow, "It's very useful, thank you."

The scarecrow took the coin and reminded, "There will be some negative effects on yourself. If you become dependent on it, you will eventually become like me with a bad memory."

"I understand." After saying goodbye to the scarecrow, Lin Shan's consciousness returned to the library.

Staring at the short blade in his hand, Lin Shan directly inserted it from the center of his eyebrows, giving his brain a chill.

The brain was damaged, and the consciousness was briefly blurred, but it soon recovered.

Lin Shan began to drastically delete the knowledge he had mastered.

Just deleting tens of thousands of irrelevant contents, the dullness of the brain had disappeared.

Lin Shan continued to operate, deleting more than half of the knowledge he had seen in the Shenzhou Civilization Academy during this period. In addition to extraordinary knowledge such as the Great Curse, his brain can still accommodate at least more than 10 billion ordinary books.

He kept the ordinary knowledge that he thought was useful, and there were less than 100 million books left.

Lin Shan did not move the extraordinary knowledge, even the extremely low-level extraordinary knowledge was kept.

As long as there was space, he would not have to worry about brain capacity after he was promoted.

When Lin Shan walked out of the library, two years had passed unknowingly.

The process of deleting memory was not instantaneous, just like falling into a deep consciousness, unable to feel the passage of time.

Sitting on the Tengyun, Lin Shan felt refreshed. It turned out that the empty mind that people often said really existed.

Tengyun flew slowly towards the villa, and students or tutors passed by from time to time.

Lin Shan took out the terminal to check.

Nothing happened in two years, and Principal Crow really forgot about him.

Push open the door of the villa.

"Master, welcome home."

I don't know when a robot appeared in the house.

I remembered that he ordered it when he left.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and walked straight to the bedroom on the second floor.

In two years, a lot of life fuel has accumulated.

Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and opened them again soon.

He remembered that it seemed that he had not observed the development of the Kingdom of Heaven for a long time.

Zhao Xiaoan had operated it before, and now Zhao Xiaoan is gone, and the Kingdom of Heaven has been running automatically for nearly a hundred years.

While thinking in his heart, his consciousness followed through layers of boundaries and descended into the unfathomable underworld.

The underworld has been completely renewed. The previous Naihe Bridge and Huangquan Road no longer exist. There are magnificent buildings in the vast area. They absorb the style and atmosphere of the world of the living and integrate the unique elements of the underworld.

The palaces, pavilions and towers that rise from the ground are carved with beams and painted with colorful lights, reflecting a hazy aura, which looks solemn and mysterious.

The underworld soldiers wear uniform armor and behave in an orderly manner.

Souls come and go here, and each soul is carrying out the journey of reincarnation in an orderly manner.

"It's developing well." Lin Shan nodded slightly. This area is the main body of the underworld. He has not participated in the specific construction. It is all handled by the judges.

While he was away, the top leaders of the underworld were now nine judges.

Five of the nine judges were acquaintances of Lin Shan.

When he was in the underworld, all the changes in the underworld were immediately clear to him.

Lin Shan did not go to reminisce about the past, but flew directly to the heavenly area next to it.

Under Lin Shan's operation, the heaven and the underworld were completely separated, and even the judges could not break through the barrier between the two places.

Lin Shan stepped into the heavenly area, which had been built into a busy small town.

The population flow of the small town was close to 100,000, full of noise.

In the center of the small town, there stood a magnificent palace-style building, and the surrounding buildings were like waves, spreading out layer by layer.

The palace was very empty, with no interior decoration, but people kept walking out of that void.

Lin Shan was not aware of these changes, which were all arranged by Zhao Xiaoan later.

Lin Shan observed carefully and had a rough idea in his mind.

Before, he stored all the carriers inside the Heavenly Kingdom, but now the carriers have been moved. Zhao Xiaoan created a new dimensional space in the Heavenly Kingdom, and the void in the hall is the exit of this dimensional space.

For those who complete the task, their souls will first be sent into the carrier of the dimensional space, and then through the exit, they will return to the real Heavenly Kingdom.

Lin Shan gently touched the void, and immediately a panel jumped out.

As the creator and highest manager of the Heavenly Kingdom game, Lin Shan can intuitively understand the operation status of the Heavenly Kingdom game through the data provided by the Heavenly Kingdom system.

He carefully compared the data differences in front of him.

The development of the Kingdom of Heaven game is quite good.

The number of players has reached 3.7 million, including some of the offspring born by the players themselves.

When these offspring grow up, they will also join the mission world.

Over the years, players have traveled to 193 different civilizations.

One of the civilizations has even fallen under the rule of the players, and a steady stream of resources has been sent to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The total mortality rate of players is only 5%, which is very low, even astonishingly low.

From the data, we can see that there are more than 40,000 extraordinary players among the 3.7 million players, and nearly 100 have reached the level of Sequence 6. Due to time constraints, no one has reached Sequence 5 yet.

If we continue to progress at this pace, future growth is bound to be exponential.

Lin Shan clicked the panel again and entered the system warehouse.

The subtitles slid across one by one, and it took dozens of seconds.

In front of the subtitles is the name of the material, and behind it is the quantity.

The first place is ordinary ore, with a stock of up to 21.9 million cubic meters.

These quantities can form a mountain nearly 10,000 meters high.

The second place is the spiritual stone containing spirituality, with a total reserve of 7.01 million cubic meters.

The energy reserve of the spiritual stone is enough for the current human race to use for decades or even hundreds of years.

The third place is the expected spiritual storage stone, with a total of 990,000 cubic meters.

The number is a bit small, but the use of the spiritual storage stone is also relatively small.

The extremely hard ore, the spiritual stone containing spirituality, and the spiritual storage stone that can store spirituality, these three constitute the three cornerstones of Yuanchu Technology.

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