Above the gray fog

Chapter 148 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

In the painting above, the bottom is a broken island, on which a catman is bowing.

In the upper part of the painting, a mass of darkness is hidden in the gray fog, and the appearance cannot be seen clearly, but two strange red lights are extremely conspicuous in the darkness. Except for the small island below and the red light above, everything else is gray. Misty.

Lin Shan felt that the two groups of red light were more like the eyes of some kind of creature.

"Yes, the god who destroyed our home and saved us." Yu Hanjing said.

"I'm very interested in your mythology, can you tell me about it?" Lin Shan asked with interest.

"There is nothing wrong with it." Yu Hanjing nodded, "However, for us, this is not a fairy tale, this is history."

"My cat tribe used to live on an empty island. There is no danger on the empty island. We live and work peacefully there."

"Until one day, it was clearly daytime, but the sky suddenly darkened. Two entangled behemoths fell from the sky. Their huge bodies smashed the endless empty island into pieces."

"The sky island began to fall because it was broken."

"The content in the painting comes from that time. When the two red lights flashed, the fragments of the empty island carrying the cat clan fell into the gray fog, which is now the gray fog."

With the help of the translator on the side, Lin Shan learned this incomplete story.

"Don't you see what those two big guys look like?"

"The moment I looked up, we saw that all the cats in our clan were actually dead, but they were resurrected for some unknown reason. After the resurrection, all the memories of those two huge creatures disappeared, except for the last one. In the picture, there are records that there seems to be a creature covered with strange tentacles, but it cannot be confirmed," Yu Hanjing said quietly.

"This is more like a fairy tale, isn't it?" Lin Shan said softly.

"But this is indeed the history of my cat clan."

"Let's get down to business," Lin Shan said.

"Tomorrow, Sha Shali will be left to you in Wangxing City. Our Nine Cities will create a one-to-one environment for you." After saying that, Yu Hanjing handed something to Lin Shan, which was a fish bone. He looked at it. Lin Shan finally realized that this was actually a spiritual mark wrapped around the spiritual thread.

After accepting the fish bones, Lin Shan asked doubtfully, "Nine Cities?"

Yu Hanjing smiled and said, "Nine Cities represents classes, not cities. This world is an extraordinary world. What Shashali did went against the laws of the world, so her failure has long been doomed."

"Isn't it the same for the human race? No matter how the system changes, the ruling class will always be extraordinary. Even if an ordinary person can pass through many obstacles and be at the top as an ordinary person, he will have the ability to obtain a serial potion. "Facing this temptation, do you think he still wants to be an ordinary person?"

"After drinking the magic potion, he will find that he will have more and more extraordinary friends, and he will become farther and farther away from ordinary people. The boys and girls who originally thought about slaying dragons will die on the road if they fail, and those who succeed will die on the road. Will become another evil dragon."

"She is just an anomaly like Sha Shali, but she can win the love of ordinary people. After those people who loved her most became extraordinary with her help, they became the group of people who hated her the most. You think it's ridiculous. laugh."

Yu Hanjing chatted with Lin Shan about his views on Sha Shali without hesitation. The translator next to him was already thirsty.

"I'm not interested in knowing your thoughts." Lin Shan said, "The cat tribe is the cat tribe, and the human tribe is the human tribe."

Yu Hanjing smiled and said nothing, and then suddenly said, "Actually, I have always been curious about your human race. To us, the word 'human' is just a shape, just like the meaning of 'square' and 'round', and But you use form as your clan name.”

Lin Shan has discovered this problem before. Crystal people, unicorn people, and cat people. To them, "human" is just a form, but what about the human race? You can’t call us everyone, right?

"I'm also curious about your question. Obviously, I didn't get the answer." Lin Shan shrugged.

Yu Hanjing chuckled, "Since there's nothing to do, let's do this for now. When the red moon comes tomorrow night, we'll meet in Wangxing City."


Red light flashed in the room, and Lin Shan teleported directly into the air.

He doesn't know what the plan of 'Nine Cities' is. Even if he asks 'Nine Cities', he won't tell the truth. All he has to do is kill Shasally and survive. No matter what happens in the future, it will be the loss of the cat clan. .

other side.

"If we, the Cat Clan, want to revitalize, we must vigorously develop education. The technologies of the Cat Star that benefit the people must not be left behind. In this regard, the Human Clan, which has only been developed for more than 30 years, is doing better than us. When we take over Nine Cities tomorrow, , the cat tribe will enter an era of great development! Chaofan will no longer have exclusive interests!" Sha Shali spoke loudly on a high platform.

There was a dense crowd of Chaofan sitting under the stage, at least more than two thousand people.

Looking at the people below, Shashali looked satisfied. Most of the people here had followed her very early, and there were also a small number of people who had surrendered from Nine Cities.

But what she didn't notice was that some people below had their eyes averted and their expressions were extremely unnatural.

"Has the ceremony been arranged? We must protect the civilians in the city."

"It's set up, using the spiritual veins under the city as energy, and covering the whole city. As long as it is activated, even Sequence 8 cannot break it."

"Yeah." Shashali nodded.

"How many extraordinary things are there in Nine Cities?" Shashali looked at the girl with antlers on her head next to her.

"The four cities combined are less than two thousand." The girl said.

"We wanted to conquer them slowly, but since they want to fight in advance, we will fight them to the end. As long as the sequence stone tablet is there, these extraordinary people will recover sooner or later." Shashali said from the channel. With her own strength of Sequence 8 and the more than 2,000 extraordinary people below, she is not afraid of the joint offensive of the four cities.

Yesterday she suddenly received a letter from the four cities.

The letter read.

Tomorrow night, when the red moon appears, the four cities will jointly attack Wangxing City, and use the power of the extraordinary people to decide the outcome in one battle.

Although she doesn't know why they do this, her subordinates have confirmed the news. Although most of the 'cat workers' in the other four cities have been gathered by her, there are also a few spies left there. The movements of the extraordinary people in the 'Nine Cities' cannot be hidden from her.

The only thing that made her sad was that the cats were killing each other, which would definitely cause the cats to lose some of their strength. The accumulation of extraordinary people over the years had been decreasing again and again during this period. Fortunately, the only external enemy, the human race, was a small tribe with a population of one million and no more than a thousand extraordinary people. After she unified the cats and took over the fortune of the human race, it would definitely allow the cats to move up a level. No matter how strong Lin Shan was, he would not be a match for the power of the whole tribe. There was absolutely no time for the human race to develop.

"The dispute of more than a hundred years will end tomorrow. After tomorrow, the cats will be a new cat tribe..." Sashali said to herself.

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