Above the gray fog

Chapter 1488: Forced Purchase and Sale

The frog doll blinked and continued, "This book is called 'The Source of Endless Knowledge'. It was compiled by the guardian of the library of scale 999. It is a mysterious library with countless books, whether it is ancient runes or The unknown secrets are all between these pages, and they are also relics of the same level as the Gong of Destiny.”

"As for the 'pointer', in order to guide the lost travelers, the master of destiny took off a piece of his own hair and turned it into this compass. It can not only guide the direction, but also guide the holder. The path of destiny.”

The frog doll swayed gently, "The glass bottle contains the 'Essence of the Mist'. The Outer Gods were born in the gray mist and died in the gray mist. They will bring the gray mist wherever they go. This bottle of essence is a condensed It is made from the gray mist of the vast world. Rumor has it that this thing can create an alien god with unlimited potential and obey its master. This thing has no grades. "

Then, the frog doll's voice lowered a bit, "'Gap Blade', its story comes from a distant world, where there is a civilization that can manipulate time and space. Their bladesmiths captured the sword in a rare void phenomenon. This dagger was forged with the power of flowing time and space. There are no rules such as time in the void, but when you wield this dagger, you can create time and cut off time. The pointer can be used in the same way, but this knife It’s more valuable than a pointer, and it’s a relic on the same level as the Bridge of Void.”

Finally, the frog doll stared at the delicate box, "No one knows exactly the origin of the 'magic box'. The power sealed in the box is mysterious. Everyone who opens it will get different results. It is the largest The risk is also the biggest miracle. It is one of the few relics on the same level as the Abyss Tome. "

"So, what do you want? Don't worry, you can afford whatever you want, but our store has a rule, one person can only buy one thing." After introducing the products in front of him, the frog doll stared straight at By Lin Shan.

Lin Shan did not answer whether to buy it or not, but asked, "Then what does the Abyss Great Code and the Gong of Destiny mean?"

"You want to know? If I tell you, you will have to spend money with us today." Frog warned in a calm tone.

"You mean, I don't want to buy anything now and I can leave at any time?"

"If you don't buy anything, you will be trapped in the store forever." The frog doll replied calmly.

It was indeed a black shop, but Lin Shan had already been mentally prepared.

"Tell me about it." Lin Shan said.

The frog doll said slowly:

"In the void, as long as it is an object with extraordinary power, it is called a world relic, or a relic for short. Only after the world is destroyed, the things left behind can be called relics. The void is endless, the abyss is bottomless, and there is no one These relics can be classified into levels, but just like some ancestral gods, there are also some relics in the void that are very famous, so for the classification of other relics, they should be classified at the same level as a certain relic. "

"Breath of Ghosts, Broken Pages, Gong of Destiny, Bridge of Void, Heart of Creation, Bell of Sleep, and Tome of the Abyss, the relics have a total of seven levels. These seven names are taken from the relics themselves. They may Because of its special ability, or perhaps because of the power of its master, if we use the commonly used sequence classification of world creatures, Breath of Ghost is equivalent to Sequence 3, Fragmented Page is equivalent to Sequence 2, Gong of Destiny and Bridge of Void Belonging to Sequence 1, the Heart of Creation, the Bell of Sleep, and the Tome of the Abyss belong to the Overlord. Of course, apart from the Abyss, only a special world like the Gray Fog Universe can be born.”

"The ability of the world's relics is quite satisfactory, not particularly powerful. Compared with the sources of some worlds, it is still far behind. After all, it is the last afterglow of the world, but the advantage is that there are more people. Every day in the void There are countless worlds undergoing destruction.”

"Since I have to buy one, can you tell me what 'money' is now?" Lin Shan kept the frog doll's words in mind. These were all knowledge he didn't know.

"If I remember correctly, there should be seven stores in scale 244, right? The money we charge is somewhat different. I mainly charge 'memory' here and secondly charge 'emotion'."

"'Emotion' and 'memory'?"

"I don't want happiness, sadness, fear, or disgust. What I want is arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. If you are willing to exchange your emotions, I will evaluate the value for you."

"It all sounds like negative emotions."

"Yes, the Seven Deadly Sins, the classification of human evil in Catholic doctrine, these are the key to human nature." Speaking of this, the frog said with some melancholy, "The Creator loves the creatures of your world and allows you to carry them with you since you were born. Great wealth..."

"You also know about Catholicism? What about Christianity?" Lin Shan looked slightly moved. These are some religions in the west of the earth. They should belong to the gray fog of the past. How could the void creatures know? Could it be that...this frog is actually a person from the past?

"Why don't I know?" the frog asked.

"I'm just curious." Lin Shan shook his head. Although he wanted to ask more questions, this frog made him unclear about whether it was good or bad, and he would be wrong if he said too much.

"Have you made your choice?" the frog continued to urge.

"Which one is the cheapest?" Lin Shan asked.

"Map." The frog replied emotionlessly, "I advise you to choose the most expensive one. If you choose to pay with memory, it will cost you almost nothing."

"No, I don't know what can be lost and what can't be lost." Lin Shan shook his head.

"You can lose everything, but what you can't lose the most right now is opportunity." The frog continued to persuade.

Lin Shan thought about it and asked a philosophical question, "If I lose my memory, will I still be me?"

"Implant your memory on a brick. Do you think that brick will be you?" The frog asked back, and then continued, "I promise you that you won't lose anything, at least you won't feel the loss. You have some very precious memories, and we only need a small part."

"No, I want the cheapest. You can take as many memories as you need. Don't affect my current itinerary." Lin Shan said softly.

After a short conversation, Lin Shan already knew that the frog would not force buying and selling. If it really wanted to do that, it would not persuade him again and again.

"Okay, the deal is established. I look forward to your next visit."

With this sentence in his ear, Lin Shan felt a little drowsy.

The surrounding space began to distort and change.

With a loud bang, something fell next to him.

Lin Shan looked to the side.

It was not a map, but a ‘magic box’.

He looked around again, and the frog and the table had disappeared.

In the whole room, there was nothing left except the walls.

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