Above the gray fog

Chapter 1489 Opening the Magic Box

It seemed to sense Lin Shan's gaze.

The magic box slowly floated up and floated into Lin Shan's hands.

It seemed to urge Lin Shan to open it quickly.

Lin Shan put the magic box into his flesh and blood, and stood in front of the store for several more hours.

At a certain moment, wisps of darkness that were like living things began to penetrate the barriers of the store, making the originally solid walls begin to become blurred, and then gradually lost their substance, as if quietly peeled off by some indescribable force.

With this transformation, the entire space gradually became part of the darkness.

At the moment when the entire store was completely swallowed by darkness, Lin Shan's figure suddenly turned, like an arrow from a string, and headed straight for the urn store.

Occasionally, there were corpse ghosts on his way, but for Lin Shan holding a meat cleaver, such a number was not a threat at all.

When Lin Shan broke into the door in an almost collision-like manner, his mind immediately tensed to the extreme, and his eyes quickly scanned the interior like a hunting bird of prey.

After confirming that he did not see Rubin, his tense nerves relaxed a little.

At least at this moment, he was safe.

But in this abyss full of weirdness and unknowns, safety is always short-lived.

Lin Shan walked to the front chopping board and opened the drawer below. The "money" was still inside.

Rubin did not get the money, most likely not because of his good quality, but because he did not dare to take it.

Lin Shan slowly closed the drawer, walked to the chopping board next to him, lay down flat, and entered a state of meditation or waiting.

In this silence and loneliness, time seemed to be isolated from the world, ticking by Lin Shan's ears, like the falling of fine sand in an hourglass, silent but irreversible, and half of a year had passed quietly.

The arrival of the fourth new guest broke Lin Shan's meditation. He got up from the chopping board and prepared to greet this guest.

The person who entered the door was not a human, but a creature suspended in the air. Its strange shape reminded people of seahorses in the deep sea.

The creature was nearly three meters long, almost reaching the ceiling of the shop. Its back had transparent and smooth fin-like appendages, which shone with a silver-blue color that looked like the seawater reflecting sunlight.

Its head had the curved features of a seahorse, but its eyes were different. They were a pair of deep black eyeballs, which seemed to contain star-like light spots, mysterious and profound.

Its body was a transparent silver color, and light seemed to flow inside it. The most eye-catching part was its abdomen, which seemed to have a structure like a bioluminescent organ, which emitted soft blue light from time to time, like a lighthouse in the deep sea, mysterious and inviting to explore.

This creature was not aggressive at all, and even gave Lin Shan an unusually peaceful and reassuring feeling.

"Guest, what do you need?" Lin Shan asked as usual.

The seahorse-like creature did not answer Lin Shan's question, and its two black pearl-like eyes stared at Lin Shan tightly.

Lin Shan looked at it, and this creature did not have any pressure from a higher level of life.

"Why is your divinity twisted like this? Are you from the Gray Mist Universe?" Seahorse asked softly, his voice a little ethereal.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

"Is the current situation of the Gray Mist Universe very bad?" Seahorse asked again.

Lin Shan replied calmly, "Maybe it won't last too long."

"It has lasted long enough. If the Gray Mist Universe is gone, the Abyss will also begin to turbulent..." Seahorse turned to face the ashes, as if carefully selecting.

"Maybe the Outer Gods may also attack the Abyss?" Lin Shan asked.

"Outer Gods are not interested in the Abyss. They just want a place to live, and the Gray Mist Universe, the first world in the void, is just right. If the Gray Mist Universe is gone, those masters will turn their eyes to the Abyss. I don't know how many scales will suffer." The seahorse creature shook his head, and the next second, one of the urns on the shelf flew up and floated next to it.

"Eight million three hundred thousand." Lin Shan said that this urn was the most expensive on the shelf.

The seahorse nodded slightly, but did not give any money. He turned around and left with the urn.

Lin Shan watched the mysterious guest disappear outside the door, then turned around and walked hurriedly to the cash box.

He opened the drawer and saw that the "money" inside had not increased at all.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Lin Shan's face, followed by a slight surprise of disbelief.

Could this noble-looking seahorse creature want to get something for free?

Even if the other party wanted to get something for free, he seemed to have no ability to stop it.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan returned to the table and sat cross-legged on it.

He took out the ink cartridge and looked at it carefully.

He didn't know what memory he had lost, but since the transaction had been completed, this magic box of the same level as the Abyss Tome must not be wasted.

There are seven levels of world relics, namely, Breath of Ghost, Page of Broken Chapter, Gong of Destiny, Bridge of the Void, Heart of Creation, Bell of Sleep, and Abyss Tome.

The Heart of Creation, the Clock of Sleep, and the Abyss Tome are all at the level of domination. If the domination level is divided into three levels, the Abyss Tome is the top one.

In this way, this magic box is the top world relic.

Compared with the source tool, it may not be much different.

The overall color of the magic box is deep blue-black, and the surface is covered with silver lines that seem to be alive. When you touch it, you will feel a cool and smooth touch.

Just when Lin Shan was concentrating on the mysterious magic box, a familiar and ethereal wave interrupted his thoughts.

The seahorse creature reappeared in the store like a phantom, and its voice was still ethereal, "Did I forget to pay?"

Lin Shan looked up at it and nodded gently, but did not respond.

A hint of apology appeared in the seahorse's wise eyes.

Immediately, the body lit up with white light.

Some crystal clear ice crystals precipitated from its body and merged into a palm-sized crystal ball.

The crystal ball floated in front of Lin Shan.

The seahorse creature looked at the magic box that Lin Shan had not yet put away.

"Where did you get this object?" The seahorse asked.

Lin Shan's expression was slightly condensed, but he still replied, "I bought it from the store next door."

"This thing...you'd better not use it too many times." The seahorse creature stared at the magic box for a while, reminded it, and left the store.

It's best not to use it too many times, that is, use it once or twice, it will be fine?

Lin Shan silently translated the words of the seahorse creature in his mind.

He stared at the magic box for a long time. The original words of the frog doll were: 'The power sealed in the box is mysterious. Everyone who opens it will get different results. It is both the biggest risk and the biggest miracle. '

What is the risk and what is the miracle.

Lin Shan slowly opened the magic box.

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