Above the gray fog

Chapter 1504 Scale 222

"We have gone through ups and downs and changes along the way, but the results are always good. I am very happy to meet Lord Lin Shan here." Saisi said seriously.

Lin Shan smiled and said, "What's the wind and rain? Isn't the road not going well? Aren't you always with Lao Wang? He shouldn't do anything to cause harm."

"Ever since I stepped out of the gray mist universe, I feel that this world is too big. Although I encounter more things, I always feel empty in my heart, but I'm almost used to it now." There was a sense of relief in her words.

"Stop chatting, come in quickly, we can still catch up with afternoon tea." Lao Wang waved in front, signaling the two people behind to hurry up.

Lao Wang, who was followed by Lin Shan and Cirsi, blended into the crowd.

The flow of people in the city is not dense, either alone or in groups, and it does not seem crowded at all.

Some people suddenly appear on the street, while others disappear while walking.

Of course, 'people' is a term Lin Shan refers to for convenience. Apart from him, Lao Wang and Cirsi, there are very few other 'people' in this city. Most of them are some weird void creatures or strange creatures. Special creatures.

The only looks these creatures have are imaginable, and there is nothing they dare not look like.

A face that looks like a butt can only be considered a little weird here.

There are also many creatures that look like certain animals he has seen, but they all have tentacles and other features.

Lao Wang led the two of them into a small alley and into a building that looked like a teahouse.

"Boss, here are three Monica set meals." Lao Wang shouted.

"Wait a minute." The tentacled creature behind the counter immediately began to prepare the ingredients, took out a bowl and started adding various ingredients into it.

After a while, a colorful dessert like ice cream was brought to Lin Shan.

"Try it, it's a unique delicacy you can't get anywhere else." Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan and said with a smile.

Lin Shan took a bite with the wooden spoon above and put it in his mouth.

Sweet and ordinary.

It looks like ice cream and tastes like marshmallows.

The next second, Lin Shan's eyes gradually widened.

"This is..."

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Lao Wang asked with a smile.

"This level can no longer be described as delicious." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

"Is it really that delicious? Why do I feel so ordinary? Mr. Wang often comes here to eat this. I thought it was just a special hobby..." Circe stirred with a spoon and supported her chin with her other hand. He looked torn between wanting to eat but not wanting to eat.

"A regular customer?" Lin Shan glanced at Lao Wang.

Lao Wang ate heartily. Hearing Lin Shan's question, he licked his fingers and said, "I'll come here occasionally."

"Why are you here?" Lao Wang asked with interest. "Although you have been promoted very quickly, you should not be able to come here with your current strength."

"Your life level is lower than mine. You can come, why can't I come?" Lin Shan asked back.

"You should know a little bit about my situation." Lao Wang spread his hands and said, "My Ghost Clan can be considered a powerful clan in the past, but now I am the only one left."

Lin Shan ate all the desserts on the table in a few bites.

This dessert contains vitality, and the level of vitality is extremely high, it may even be Sequence 1.

This is simply the best supplement for Lin Shan now.

Normally, he cannot directly absorb the vitality of Sequence 1 level.

But after processing, it’s different when it’s made into this kind of dessert…

Such a small bowl contains at least all the vitality of a peak Sequence 2 person.

"Are you treating me to a treat?" Lin Shan looked up at Lao Wang.

"Of course, for our friendship, this little money is nothing." Lao Wang was still smiling, but the smile on his face did not look kind, but rather treacherous.

"Here, give me another 20,000 copies." Lin Shan shouted to the people behind him.

"Bang..." The spoon in Lao Wang's hand fell on the table, and he quickly shouted after Lin Shan, "Boss, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, just have another one, just one!"

"Lin Shan, your heart is too dark! I don't have a few years to live, and you still want to take advantage of me." Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan with a picture on his face - I am here today Only then can I see clearly that you are this kind of person.

"Is the money here also a life span?" Lin Shan looked back calmly.

"Yes, except for special areas, most of the currency in the abyss is lifespan. Even after countless changes, lifespan is still the most valuable currency." Old Wang nodded slightly, and then shouted, "Boss, give me three bottles of 10,000-year black money." Go for it, the one with the highest degree.”


"Well, this is not an ordinary wine. Sequence 1 will make you drunk if you drink too much." Lao Wang chuckled. "After so many years, you are still alive. I am still somewhat happy. Let's do something today. original capital."

"Tell me where this place is."

After a while, all the snacks and drinks that Lin Shan ordered alone were served.

The boss also gave me a large pot of barbecued meat.

"Lord Lin Shan, I'll give you my share." Circe pushed the snack in front of her that was very messy even though she didn't eat a bite, to Lin Shan.

"Thank you." Lin Shan accepted it calmly. He didn't care about appearance.

Theoretically, only creatures like it that have "black" can absorb vitality.

The reason why Sersi thinks this snack tastes bad is because she can't taste the vitality.

But Lao Wang often comes here, which proves that Lao Wang must have a way to absorb vitality.

"This is scale 222. You can think of this as the super-dimensional space of the abyss." Lao Wang stretched out a dry finger and drew circles of different sizes on the table.

These circles are of different sizes and arranged up and down.

"Let's assume that all scales of the abyss are not infinite, and use circles of different sizes to replace different scales of the abyss."

"This is scale 1." Lao Wang pointed to the largest circle on the top and the smallest circle on the bottom. "This is scale 7."

"No matter where we dive from scale 1, we will appear in the small circle of scale 7. When we come down, we will leave coordinates. When we rise again, we will return to the original position. When we clear this coordinate, we will appear in a random area of ​​scale 1 after we ascend. However, when I change the ascending coordinates in this circle, I can ascend to the designated location. In the infinite void, this is a method of transmission that can cross endless distances."

"The 'clear coordinates' and 'change coordinates' I just mentioned are the special rules carried by this scale. At the beginning, all the creatures that fell into this scale, sitting The coordinates will be cleared, but now this place has been controlled by a giant crocodile in the void, and the coordinates will not be cleared automatically. If you want to go to other places, you can go to the service desk to pay and change the coordinates, but the changed coordinates can only go up, not down. "

"Because of the special nature of this scale, the number of creatures coming and going here has gradually increased, and this commercial city that receives temporary tourists has come into being."

"Is that so..." Lin Shan nodded slightly. He had thought about it before. The void is boundless. Except for encounters, it is almost impossible for strong people to come into contact with each other. But what he saw and heard told him that the void may be very large, but there must be a special circle that gathers these strong people.

This mechanism of up and down transmission undoubtedly connects the infinite void together.

"You said before that the Tianxia lineage chose me. What does it mean? What else do you know about the ancients? "

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