Above the gray fog

Chapter 1505 The Chosen One

"It's already this time, you shouldn't know nothing at all." Hearing Lin Shan's question, Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan with some doubt.

Lin Shan touched his stomach. He hadn't felt full for a long time. Then he shook his head slowly, "What should I know? So far, I don't know anything. At most, I know a little history."

"You are the chosen protagonist. What don't you know? Then what are we marginal characters playing?" Lao Wang was surprised, and then his expression was strange, "You don't... really know nothing? They didn't tell you?"

The two of them exchanged glances, and Lao Wang was defeated in just a few seconds, "It seems that you really don't know anything."

"I don't know what to say..." Lao Wang's expression became more and more strange.

"Just talk about it, starting with the Tianxia genealogy." Lin Shan looked at him expressionlessly.

Lao Wang stretched out his hand, and an extremely delicate golden balance slowly rose in the palm of his hand.

This scale seems to be made of pure gold, shining brightly. What is different is that its crossbar is not a rough straight rod, but a fine golden vine, with a pair of small and exquisite trays wrapped around both ends.

Each tray is engraved with fine patterns, flashing with subtle light, as if containing unspeakable secrets.

Lao Wang gently placed this mysterious scale on the table, and his fingers gently rubbed one end of the scale, like a skilled craftsman adjusting some precision instrument.

With his delicate movements, the other end of the scale began to slowly tilt up, as if responding to some ancient law, and slowly lost balance.

"A closed room." Lao Wang's voice came lightly, as if it floated from a far distance, with a strange calm in the low voice.

As this sentence fell, the surrounding space began to change dramatically.

The original furnishings around it were like being wiped by an invisible hand, gradually disappeared, and were replaced by a shocking darkness.

The closed darkness was like a gentle monster, silently devouring all material existence.

The table and chairs where the three people sat became the only existence in the darkness, surrounded by a soft and sacred light.

Lin Shan stared at the scale on the table. This scale was Lao Wang's previous super-standard sequence - unfair trade.

The super-standard sequence, as far as Lin Shan knew, was the evolution of the broken fragments of authority. Because it was related to authority, it was called super-standard in the normal sequence.

No matter how powerful the super-standard sequence is, it will lose its corresponding function after becoming a god.

But the qualitative change ability containing the ability of this sequence can be used as a material for creating the innate magic weapon.

Is this scale Lao Wang's innate magic weapon?

The essence of the innate magic weapon is the ability to sublimate the qualitative change. Like divine power, it cannot be effective in the void.

Moreover, there is no breath of the innate magic weapon on this scale, but it is more like... a world relic.

The super-standard sequence and this world relic are both scales, and they have the same ability. Is this a coincidence?

There are not so many coincidences in the world.

There was a heavy look in Lao Wang's eyes. He lowered his head slightly, as if he was sorting out those scattered and vague memory fragments. "I recovered relatively late, and many of my memories are still a little vague. This matter is of great importance. I will tell you everything I know without reservation."

"Then you can judge for yourself."

Seeing that Lao Wang was rarely serious, Lin Shan also sat up straight.

"In the old days, there were seven major genealogies headed by Tianxia, ​​five major religions, Tianxia genealogy, Greek genealogy, Nordic genealogy, Egyptian genealogy, Indian genealogy, Indian genealogy, Amaterasu genealogy, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism."

"Among them, Taoism and Hinduism have disappeared. The so-called disappearance means that all information, including inheritance, has become history. I heard that Taoism is because it is too advanced, and Hinduism is because it is too weak."

Lao Wang raised the wine glass with a capacity of more than one liter in his hand.

Lin Shan followed suit and raised his glass.

After taking a big sip, Lao Wang continued, "In addition to Taoism and Hinduism, there are seven major lineages and three major human religions. These old forces have passed down through a long period of time and experienced countless disasters. They have been passed down to this day."

"Although there is still inheritance, there is not much strength left in each party. The so-called strength is the number of the strongest combat forces left. Only those who are comparable to the masters of the gray fog universe can be called the strongest combat forces."

"You should also know a little about what happened later. The old days first faced the plant tribe and the fallen tribe, and then faced those invaders."

Lao Wang sighed lightly, "In the first era, when the world was just opened, various innate gods and many plant and fallen tribes comparable to the masters were bred by the source. Although this era is the plant tribe During the most powerful period of the Fallen Clan, they were no match for the many strongest people who had survived from the Old Ones to the Origin. "

"In the Second Era, the Old Ones relaxed, and many of the strongest people did not wake up in this era, so in this era, the Old Ones lost to the invaders. "

"In the Third Era, the Old Ones woke up again, repelled the invaders and regained control of the Origin, but since the Third Era, the Old Ones have never won again. For some reasons, continuing to fight will only waste combat power, so it is better to save combat power and wait for the last opportunity. "

"In the following eras, the strong men of the Old Ones almost disappeared, only making arrangements in the dark, and even if the Outer Gods invaded, they would hardly make any effort. Under the attack of the Outer Gods, the Origin was defeated step by step, and the Gray Fog Universe was restarted again and again.

"Until the last few epochs, some people had a premonition that the number of restarts in the gray fog universe was limited, and the 'Green Sun' that gathered the strongest from the past came into being."

Lin Shan was thoughtful, and Lao Wang's words made a lot of messy information in his mind come into focus.

"These are additional popular science. This is not what I want to know." Lin Shan looked at Lao Wang.

"You have to know this first. I don't know why you don't have memories of the old days, but you must at least understand what the old days are and what they are planning to do." Lao Wang raised his hand and stretched out the darkness as a shield, "Boss, Have another bottle."

"Yeah." Lin Shan hummed softly, waiting for Lao Wang's next words.

"Since the third era, the old days have disappeared. The seven major lineages and the three major human sects have begun a long layout. In each era, they will choose one or more suitable candidates, and use the remaining luck of the old days to help them become the origin. The Lord of the First.”

"And you are the choice of the Tianxia lineage in this era." Lao Wang said seriously, "But now, the luck of each lineage has dropped to the extreme. Your luck seems to have failed. I know a The protagonist of the Egyptian genealogy, this is what she said to me, 'In the eleventh era, people selected by the genealogy can only get a very small part of their luck. Let alone becoming a master, it is difficult to survive. As far as I know , the protagonist of Amaterasu Lineage is dead.'"

"What if he was originally a creature from the old days, or even a big boss from the old days, would he be selected?" Lin Shan frowned.

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