Above the gray fog

Chapter 1539: Attack of Heaven

"Don't call me master when you get out, call me...eldest brother or boss." After Lin Shan finished speaking, he continued to walk towards Si Yin.

After all, he had raised this dragon since he was a child, so he should keep it with him for the time being.

The environment inside the Candle Dragon Ring is quiet and mysterious, enriched by various flowers and plants. Si Yin is sitting on a piece of soft grass, like a fairy among flowers.

Lin Shan sat down next to Si Yin and looked at her.

Si Yin's condition is still strange. Her consciousness is severely disabled and she can't even speak normally.

Her empty eyes and dull expression make people feel distressed just by looking at her.

"Do you remember me?" Lin Shan asked softly.

Si Yin turned his head and looked at Lin Shan. He said nothing, just looked at him quietly, as if he was trying to remember something.

Lin Shan sighed.

Although Si Yin's current state is like a retard, which doesn't sound good, but that's probably what it is, but judging from the battle between her and Xiao Long just now, her state should be much better than when they first met, which proves that she is slowly improving. recover.

"Green Day should have a way to help you recover quickly. Do you want to go out with me?" Lin Shan said.

Si Yin still stared at him and did not answer, or was unable to answer.

Well, it seems his trip was unnecessary.

Let's ask Green Day first. Green Day must have a way to let them enter the ring to help Si Yin recover.

Lin Shan returned to the outside world and took Xiaolong with him.

Xiaolong is curious wherever he goes.

Lin Shan came to the Green Day office. Apart from the Human Emperor, he didn't know any of the Green Day executives at all.

He took Xiaolong into the non-existent street. The surrounding buildings seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, making them appear mysterious and deep.

The shops on both sides are old and quirky.

Lin Shan raised his head and stared at the plaque of the Green Day office.

When walking into the Green Day office, Lin Shan happened to meet someone coming out.

The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke, and each continued on their own way.

Lin Shan pushed open the familiar door.

In the office, the woman in the green dress was still busy.

The pile of paperwork on the table shows her busy work status.

"It's you, what happened this time?" The woman looked up and saw Lin Shan and asked with a smile.

Lin Shan told her Si Yin's situation.

After listening, she nodded and said, "Regain your weird consciousness? You have permission now. The captain has Green Sun's highest secondary permission."

Lin Shan frowned slightly and asked, "What does it mean to have permission?"

The woman in green said helplessly, "I don't know. The information about how Weird regains consciousness is Green Sun's highest intelligence. I can't know it." She pointed to her head, "It will be contaminated. With my strength The weak ones will die."

Lin Shan thought, "I don't know either."

The woman in the green dress continued to explain, "In the new system, the captain's permission has been upgraded to the second highest level. In other words, you can know, but how you need to know is not something I can know."

Lin Shan looked around and asked, "Besides here, does Green Day have any other offices?"

The woman shook her head, then seemed to have thought of something, and added, "No, there is only this office, and I am the only employee." She paused, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, and said, "You can ask others Captain, or ask Tianzun, they should know."

Lin Shan frowned. He didn't know the other captains at all, and he couldn't find Tianzun at all.

The woman seemed to see his confusion and suggested: "If you are in a hurry, I can help you ask my immediate superior."

Upon hearing this, Lin Shan immediately responded: "It's troublesome."

"No trouble." Shen Tongxin showed a professional smile. She walked to the computer desk and picked up the old-fashioned rotary phone next to her.

She inserted her finger into the hole, making a slight clicking sound from the phone with each turn.

After dialing only three times, Shen Tongxin stopped and waited for a reply from the other party.

"Hello? Who's there?" A young male voice came from the other end of the phone, with a hint of impatience.

"It's me, Shen Tongxin." Shen Tongxin quickly replied with a respectful tone, "Master Ling, I have someone here..."

She described in detail the problems Lin Shan was currently experiencing.

"Shen Tongxin?" The other person was confused at first, and then continued after a few seconds of silence, "Remember, the new receptionist in charge of Green Sun?"

The other person on the phone continued to ask, "Has the man with the nostrils on his head been to your place?"

"Yes, it's me." Shen Tongxin responded repeatedly, looking a little nervous, "That adult has been here before. I told you that you went to the void, and he left."

"I am also the person in charge of what you just said. Let him come to my place. You can contact me again when I come back. It should be half a year." After saying this, the other person hung up the phone.

Shen Tongxin breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed softly, "Lord Ling is still so oppressive."

She turned around, looked at Lin Shan, with a smile on her face, and said, "Your matter is settled. I didn't expect Lord Ling to be the 'king' in charge of this."

Lin Shan frowned slightly and asked, "Who is Master Ling? Who is the 'King'?"

"The 'king' is the 'king', who is in charge." Shen Tongxin thought for a moment and tried to explain more clearly, "It's equivalent to the ministers of different departments."

"How many 'kings' are there in Green Sun?" Lin Shan asked, vaguely guessing that these so-called 'kings' might be the real deity level.

"I don't know." Shen Tongxin shook her head, "These are also secrets."


"Yes, when Lord Ling comes back, I will contact you through Jiu Ya. When the time comes, come over and I will take you to see Lord Ling." Shen Tongxin said.

"Okay." Lin Shan responded, "I'll go first."

This trip was rewarding. At least, Si Yin's problem was almost solved.

After returning to the villa, Lin Shan asked Xiaolong to find a room for himself, and then he stopped caring about him.

His consciousness entered the underworld, and the three areas divided by the underworld were all under his eyes.

There was no change in the human area, which proved that the human race was developing very steadily.

The number of souls entering the underworld in the middle thousand worlds gradually increased. Although the number of souls was still small, it proved that the middle thousand worlds were already recovering.

Finally, it was the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven had the biggest changes.

Originally, 1,000 souls were added each year. As the Kingdom of Heaven gradually became stronger, it now could add 20,000 souls each year.

The number of new souls was not the main reason for the changes in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because they can reproduce naturally with carriers, the population of Heaven has reached more than 400 million, with more than 100 million permanent residents, mostly the elderly and the weak, and the population of Heaven game has been growing year by year, and it is close to 300 million.

These players have laid out more than 900 tribes.

There are more than 200 tribes that have been completely controlled.

There are nearly 100 tribes that cannot be controlled, but have emptied the other party's assets.

In addition to the resources given back to the players, Lin Shan now has an unimaginable amount of various low-level extraordinary resources in his hands. If he wants, he can create a sixth-level civilization like the Dawn Free Federation at any time.

The efforts of Heaven game mean that his previous plan was not wrong.

If he is given enough time, relying solely on Heaven game, he can become a giant in the Gray Mist Universe

But time is running out.

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