Above the gray fog

Chapter 1540: Ancient Relics in the Black Mist Forest

Lin Shan sat cross-legged in the bedroom, closed his eyes and meditated, constantly flipping through the various exercises he remembered in his mind.

The room was quiet and silent, with only the sound of the breeze blowing through the flowers and plants outside the window.

Finally, he chose a technique.

This technique was completely different from his previous practice. It did not enhance existing abilities, but created a small world hidden in the body.

This small world is similar to the kingdom of God, but the kingdom of God relies on the power of rules and will fail in the void.

And this small world is the inner world. Once it is shaped, it will become a part of his body like flesh and blood.

During the practice, Lin Shan found that the old practice method focused more on the transformation of oneself, while Yuanchu borrowed the rules of the universe to practice.

In contrast, the old practice method is more suitable for the void. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to practice and difficult to pass on.

The promotion method of Yuanchu is simple and direct. It can be mass-produced through magic potions and authority. The advantage is that promotion does not depend on talent, and it can be passed down without limit. The disadvantage is that it depends on the rules of the universe. If the gray fog universe is finished, Yuanchu is destined to fall to the bottom.

The reason why the old days can persist until now without perishing is largely due to the unique promotion method of the old days.

Lin Shan carefully read the name of this technique in his mind. The name of this technique is-"Shen Body Realm Technique".

The process of cultivation is to simulate the process of opening up the world.

Therefore, before the small world is formed, the practitioner cannot obtain any practical ability.

The technique is divided into four stages. In the third stage, the prototype of the world appears, and in the fourth stage, the small world is formed.

After selecting the technique, Lin Shan began to practice.

In the room, the air seemed to be filled with a mysterious power, which gradually flowed with his breathing.

Ten days later, Lin Shan opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

He got up, pushed open the window, and the fresh air hit him.

He walked out of the bedroom with firm and steady steps, but there was still some confusion in his heart.

In half a month, he couldn't even get started. The difficulty of this technique exceeded his expectations.

"Let's complete the team's mission first." Lin Shan whispered. If the team didn't rescue them, they would be disbanded. This was what he didn't want to see at the moment.

When he went downstairs, Xiaolong came up to him and carefully took out something.

"Master, do you still want this?" Xiaolong took out a solid scroll, and his hand holding the scroll was shaking a little.

"Is this... a movement bomb?" Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. He had forgotten about this thing.

After thinking about it, Lin Shan took the scroll.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Shan came to the meeting room in the villa and opened the door. The light in the room was slightly dim. The four team members were already sitting on the left and right sides of the conference table, with different expressions.

Seeing Lin Shan come in, they all raised their heads and focused their eyes on him.

Lin Shan sat in the main seat and asked directly, "What mission?"

"I haven't accepted it yet." Ethan Black on the right said.

Helen nodded slightly, "It's my suggestion. Our team's overall combat power is not strong. I think it's better for our team to take the task together, so that we can choose the appropriate task based on our respective abilities."

Mia yawned and said, "I don't care. You can decide."

"I don't care either, as long as I can get something for it." Lao Wang crossed his legs, looking careless.

"Then let's take a look together. Where can we take the task?" Lin Shan glanced at the luxurious lineup in the room.

"Use the old crows. All the systems of Green Day are connected by the old crows." Helen said.

After she finished speaking, I don't know what method she used, but three old crows flew in through the doors and windows.

The old crows hovered above the conference room. In just a few seconds, a cube flashing light green light appeared below the hovering old crows.

The four sides of the cube were screens, and the three words [task bar] were written on them in Tianxia characters.

"How were these old crows summoned?" Lin Shan did not look at the tasks in the task bar, but asked about the old crows first.

Helen, Mia, and Ethan Black looked at each other and instantly understood that Lin Shan had just joined Green Day.

A newcomer who had just joined Green Day... could he become the captain?

Is the Tianxia lineage so weak?

Or was Lin Shan once a big boss in the old days?

Lin Shan... Lin Shan, this name seems a little familiar.

The three looked at each other, and finally looked at Lao Wang, and found that Lao Wang's eyes were similar to Lin Shan's.

Finally, Helen explained, "One old crow can transmit text information, two old crows can transport small items, and three old crows can summon the Internet of Things system inside Green Day. Checking tasks is only one of its functions. Its functions also include the ability to transmit various large items, etc. Four old crows can transmit over long distances. This kind of transmission requires the consumption of some special energy and is generally not easily opened. You need to apply."

"These are the common knowledge of old crows. As for how to summon rescue, it's very simple. As long as you think about it in your heart, the old crow will come."

"So what exactly is this old crow?" Lin Shan asked.

"I don't know. The Old Crow only started to appear after Green Day was founded. I heard that it was the ability of the Human Emperor. No one knows the specific situation. Anyway, the Old Crow was issued by the Human Emperor, so it must be harmless." Ethan Black continued.

"Well, choose a task." Lin Shan nodded and signaled everyone to start the discussion.

"Lin Shan, this is good. Occupy the Gray Mist Void Station." Lao Wang flipped through the task list and pointed to one of the tasks.

"?" Ethan Black and Helen looked at Lao Wang at the same time. Even Mia was a little more energetic after hearing what Lao Wang said.

"Didn't you say that you should accept a simple task? Isn't this task an obvious death task? Unless the Emperor goes there in person, who can pull out the Gray Mist Void Station?" Mia frowned and said.

"We can use a trick." Lao Wang said, "Do you know that there is a treasure house in the Void Station? There are all the high-level Void materials looted by the members of the station. We take the treasure house as our main target. We will leave after we succeed. Don't be greedy. And this task is so difficult that it is glorious even if we fail..."

"Do you know who is guarding that place?" Helen interrupted Lao Wang, "The person guarding there can slap our team to death with one slap."

"Is it that powerful?" Lao Wang was a little unconvinced.

"This is my information. If you want to die, I won't stop you. Anyway, I won't go there." Helen said unhappily.

Ethan Black, who was sitting opposite Helen, echoed, "Even if there is no information from Helen, the Void Stronghold is not a place we can go. It is the important place of the Source Court and we can't remove it."

"How about this task? It meets the requirements of all of us." Mia, who had been silent, pointed to a task and said, "It's not difficult, and there is money to be made."

Lin Shan walked closer to check the task that Mia pointed to. The task description was: "Investigate and clean up the old ruins in the Storm Sea-Black Mist Forest."

"Old ruins in the Black Mist Forest?" Lin Shan glanced at the task details and nodded slightly. This is an old ruin, which should not be too difficult. After all, it is all the power of the old days, and there must be various relics in the ruins that can be harvested.

"Please take a closer look at the detailed introduction. This is not just investigating the ruins, but also taking back the ruins." Helen made an enlarging gesture.

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