Above the gray fog

Chapter 1541 Teammate died?

All other tasks on the light screen disappeared, leaving only this one task. The following is a detailed introduction.

[The old ruins in the Black Mist Forest are suspected to be one of the relics left by the old primitive god Caius. ]

[This god is extremely powerful and is the original god of the Greek lineage. His power far exceeds that of the old Tianzun. He fell in the old days. ]

[The ruins have been discovered and controlled by the Source Court, and the Source Court has conducted preliminary exploration of the ruins. ]

[Task goal: retrieve as many relics as possible from the ruins and bring back all information about Caius. ]

[All relics belong to the team, and the information needs to be shared with Green Sun. ]

The five people all nodded slightly when they saw the information introduction.

The goal of this mission is very vague-retrieve as many relics as possible from the ruins and bring back all information about Caius.

This is as much as possible, there is a lot of room for improvement. It is possible to bring back one relic, and it is also possible to bring back all the relics.

In other words, at the very least, they only need to get one relic, and the mission is considered completed.

Old Wang's eyes flickered, and he put down his raised thighs, "This mission is not impossible..."

Ethan Black stood up and said, "Yuan Ting has already conducted a preliminary exploration of the ruins. Speed ​​is everything at this time."

Mia continued, "This mission is possible. As long as we act cautiously, we should be able to gain something."

"Since everyone agrees, then, let's set off now." Lin Shan waved his hand and announced the start of the action.

The team members stood up one after another. Although most of them looked weak, it was the first action of their team after all.

There was nothing to prepare. Everyone came to the vicinity of the core universe through the Green Sun's jump channel, and then took a starship from the core universe to the storm sea.

It was still two months away from the coordinates given by Green Sun.

Lin Shan found a corner in the hall of the starship and closed his eyes to practice. Outside the window next to him were stars that kept retreating backwards. Those retreating stars were actually pieces of oblate galaxies.

Diagonally opposite him, Helen and Ethan Black were talking in a low voice.

In the garden in front of the villa, they were close, and now they are familiar with each other.

Mia went to the bedroom at the back to sleep.

Lao Wang was in the ruins sent by Emperor Qin Su.

Lin Shan had been practicing the "Divine Body Realm Technique", and Lao Wang's portable relics gave him inspiration.

He realized that there must be similar skills.

After searching for a while, he really gained something.

The starship was very fast.

Or it could be said that time passed very quickly.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

The starship stopped near the coordinate location.

Before they got off the starship, a terrifying attack came at them.

The kilometer-level starship was instantly torn into pieces until it was crushed into particles in the face of the huge energy explosion.

Before the attack came, Lin Shan, Helen, and Ethan Black noticed it.

Lin Shan could protect the starship before the attack, but he didn't.

Looking at the eyes of the two people opposite, maybe they were the same as him.

Mia, who was sleeping in the bedroom at the back, was not so lucky.

She was knocked out tens of thousands of kilometers, broke through the scale prison, and appeared in the gray fog. She used her face to scratch a huge scratch of nearly 100 kilometers on the ground.

She lay face down on the ground straight.

She raised her head in a daze.

Her eyes looked at the source of the attack through the broken frame.

The attackers were a team of robots, who were much larger than normal humans.

Almost all of the weapons were embedded in their hands and feet.

"It's the Annihilation robot of Yuanting. We have been discovered..." Helen frowned.

Ethan Black sighed lightly, "It's a bad start."

"What should we do?" Helen asked.

"One for each person." Ethan Black looked at Lin Shan and said.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Helen snorted uncomfortably.

Then, her body swelled rapidly.

Ethan Black was shocked, "Can you control the weirdness?"

"Help..." Helen's voice was stuck in her throat, as if it was blocked by something.

The next moment, her body suddenly expanded and turned into a ball of light red mist without a specific shape. The red mist spread quickly and instantly enveloped everyone.

"What's going on?" Lao Wang appeared beside Lin Shan, facing this sudden situation, he was a little confused.

"The teammate named Helen seemed to have suddenly become weird. This red mist is her body." Lin Shan frowned and said.

"Weird? Who did it?" Lao Wang was shocked. How strong must the enemy be to force their team members into weirdness in such a short time?

"It looks like she suddenly became weird." Lin Shan touched his chin and analyzed, "But it is probably the enemy's hand. I just seemed to feel... a slight wave hit him."

Although his teammates have become weird, Lin Shan is still calm. Becoming weird cannot be reversed, and he cannot stop it.

"Old Crow, what's going on?" Now he has learned how to use Old Crow. As long as he is a member of Green Day, he can call Old Crow anywhere. However, in other areas outside Green Day, only one Old Crow can follow.

Lin Shan took out a piece of white paper from the storage space.

A black crow flew onto his shoulder from somewhere, with red light flashing in its eyes, and the light shone on the white paper, leaving a few lines of words.

[This wave is a special energy wave developed by the 13th Division of the Source Court. This energy wave cannot be captured by the old life. If the ember is hit, it will cause pseudo-death, thus causing weirdness. ]

[This wave cannot be defended and will have an effect on the old life below the Heavenly Venerable. ]

[This weapon is carried in the arsenal of the Annihilation combat robot. It needs the souls of the old life as fuel and cannot be fired continuously. ]

After reading the introduction on the white paper, Lin Shan was silent.

Lao Wang also turned his head to look at the content on the white paper.

"Lin Shan, let's run away first. Isn't this the 'whoever hits will die wave'?" Lao Wang immediately became nervous.

"It shouldn't be like this. If the Source Court really has such a weapon, those people who are carrying out the mission of Green Day would have been killed long ago. How could they have repeatedly achieved good news?" Lin Shan was puzzled, but it was written clearly on the white paper.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

But Ethan Black and Mia obviously knew something. At the moment when Helen became weird, they ran away with the cover of red smoke.

"You go first." Lin Shan said to Lao Wang,

"What are you going to do?" Lao Wang was puzzled. In his impression, Lin Shan didn't seem like someone who would stay behind to cover the retreat, and there was no need to cover the retreat in this situation, and the robots didn't seem to have any intention of chasing them.

Lin Shan slowly drew out his sword and swung it hard in a certain direction.

The next moment.

The red smoke that filled the void suddenly dissipated.

Lin Shan slashed again, and the three robots turned into scrap metal.

Lin Shan reached out and took Helen, who was floating in the void.

"Fake." Lin Shan said.

"Huh?" Lao Wang widened his eyes, "Are they teasing us?"

"When did you find out?"

"Just now."

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