Above the gray fog

Chapter 157 Power Source

"Many of you must know the Earth. Our ancestors all crossed over from the Earth. All our inheritance comes from there. Even now, there are still compatriots who have crossed over from the Earth from time to time."

"Earth is a world that focuses on the development of technology. There is no such energy as spirituality in that place. The compatriots on the earth have developed technology to an extremely advanced level."

"However, all the scientific and technological principles on earth are not feasible in the gray fog world. What makes up the gray fog world is spirituality, not various atoms."

"Some people may say that spirituality is just a kind of illusory energy. How can it be composed of so many substances? We are still exploring this. Maybe we will have the answer after a hundred years or a thousand years."

"Although the technological theories on Earth cannot be used, the gray fog world has its own set of 'spiritual technology' systems."

"Everyone knows the 'whirlpool spirit text', which is also called the 'technological key' by us. If you want to open the technological door of the gray fog world, you can only use this key to pry it. Unfortunately, we only know this spiritual text. , many spiritual technologies cannot be realized, but this spiritual text alone can allow us to surpass many races. For example, the grass spirit tribe more than 20,000 kilometers away from us, their four hundred years of development are still in the farming era. There is no progress in their spiritual technology because they don’t have the key.”

"After we have mastered the key, after 60 years of development, we have entered the industrial age. All kinds of spiritual machines are roaring, and the more than 7 million people in the tribe have all solved the problem of food and clothing, and are still slightly wealthy."

Having said this, Yuan Shu touched his long white beard with his hand and continued without looking back, "Let's review the specific use of the 'Urlpool Spirit Text'."

He didn't notice at all that the table behind him had fallen. What was strange was that those children from poor backgrounds were still listening attentively. They were eager to learn, or to use learning to change their lives in the future. As long as they were admitted to the only university in the human race, After graduating from Lingyi University, they will be able to get ahead, or at least get a very decent job.

"We only need to know the basic use of 'Uzumaki Reiwen'. Advanced knowledge can only be learned in college. Let me briefly review the previous courses with you."

"The 'Whirlpool Spirit' is a spirit with a 'spirit-gathering' nature. After decades of research, we have found that this spirit is mainly used in 'charging' and secondarily in 'machine power' to activate The 'Vortex Spiritual Pattern' requires sequences with the 'Spirit Gathering' characteristic. We don't need to worry about these. What we need to learn is the wiring and balance of spiritual threads. Use the most beautiful and practical wiring, and cooperate with prayers for your own spirituality to achieve Different uses of spiritual instruments.”

Now let me demonstrate to you the basic spiritual engine principle.

"Since there is no physical object, I will demonstrate it for you on the blackboard, so there is no need to wire it, just draw a flat spiritual instrument."

As he spoke, he used his fingers to draw a circle out of thin air on the blackboard. Inside the circle was a five-pointed star pattern and other irregular lines. "Lingyi, the drawing should be more beautiful. You can arrange the shape at will. This is not the point." ”

Then I saw him putting the ruler in his other hand on the spiritual instrument on the blackboard. A strange thing happened. The ruler actually stayed on the blackboard without falling off.

"Do you know the reason for this step? Because the middle point is independent and has no connection with the outer pentagram. I prayed for this point to make it adsorbable, so that the ruler can be adsorbed on it."

After completing this step, he took out a white card from his pocket, "This card is made of a tree with weak spirituality. It can be attached to spirituality, and both sides are attached to an activated card. 'Whirlpool spirit text', the spirit has no entity, so don't be afraid that the spirit text will be damaged. In fact, nothing can touch it. "

"One more thing you have to remember is that the whirlpool spiritual text is divided into strengths and weaknesses, and it also has a duration. Therefore, all spiritual machines need regular maintenance and repair. The strength and maintenance time of the 'whirlpool spiritual text' It has nothing to do with the size of the spirit text, only the strength of the person who activates it. If the spirit text is activated by Sequence 8, its strength and duration will be ten times that of Sequence 9. However, there are currently seven Sequence 8s in our human race! , only one of them carries the 'Gathering Spirit' characteristic."

Then I saw him gently caressing the white card, and then a circular 'whirlpool pattern' appeared on the top of his palm. The pattern was emitting a faint blue light, and strangely, it was still spinning slowly. , pulling the ownerless spirits around to maintain operation.

"Look carefully, this is the whirlpool spirit text that has not yet been put into the spiritual ritual. Now I want to integrate it into the spiritual ritual I drew."

I saw the whirlpool pattern rising slowly, then sinking into a line on the outermost edge of the spiritual instrument, and suddenly turned into a blue dot, which fit on the spiritual silk thread, "This spiritual instrument only has two parts. The outer pattern, the point on the inside where the ruler is attached, and the point on the spiritual text can fall on any position of the pentagram, because the entire pentagram is one. "

Then he picked up another spiritual text and threw it into the center point.

"Bang, bang!" Yuan Shu knocked on the blackboard, "This next step is the most important, so pay attention carefully."

I saw that outside the five-pointed star, it changed from all blue to half purple and half blue. Suddenly, the teaching ruler on it began to rotate automatically! It just spins very slowly.

"At this time, I have disconnected the spirit of the pentagram from the point in the middle. This spiritual instrument is running automatically without any external force. Do you know what principle makes the ruler in the middle rotate? "

Without waiting for the students below to answer, he continued, "Yes, it is the repulsion with different characteristics. My sequence contains the two characteristics of 'illusion' and 'puppet'. I use spiritual prayer to make the entire spiritual instrument have different characteristics on the left and right." characteristics, so that there will be repulsion in the middle.”

"Are some students still wondering why the repulsive force was generated but the spiritual instrument was not destroyed? It's because of balance! This is what we must learn in wiring. For example, the five-pointed star I drew is the most basic The balanced pattern allows the repulsive force it generates to circle around the outer circle instead of colliding and exploding.”

"So here is another thing to add. You can design the spiritual instrument pattern yourself, but you must keep the repulsion balance. An advanced spiritual instrument master can use an extremely complex pattern to increase the repulsion force several times. Dozens of Such patterns can be used as the power source of our car engines or the power source of large machines.”

"Of course, whether it is a car or some large machines, they will not use the natural absorption of the 'Uzumaki Reiwen' to replenish spirituality. The amount is too weak and will lead to insufficient power. Generally, such machines will be equipped with spiritual batteries. Replenish spirituality directly from the spiritual pile, and then limit the spiritual output of the battery to control its power.”

"As for how to control the startup and shutdown of the spiritual instrument as well as the output power later, it is an advanced teaching. You can just treat it as a 'pseudo-perpetual motion machine' for now, and there is no need to install a switch."

"Ahem." Yuan Shu seemed to have said that his mouth was dry. He coughed lightly and said, "Finally, I want to mention one more thing. The 'whirlpool spirit text' itself is a spiritual pattern with the characteristic of 'gathering spirits'. It represents the energy in 'spiritual technology', not power. We just used the tricky method of 'spirituality with different characteristics will generate repulsion' to convert it into power."

At this moment, the get out of class bell just rang.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Okay, get out of class is over." Yuan Shu, who had never looked back, finally turned his head around and looked at the sleeping people below. He frowned slightly and threw a piece of chalk straight at Wang Ling, who was sleeping soundly below. , "Wang Ling!"

Wang Ling was startled, sat up suddenly, opened his hazy sleepy eyes, and saw the teacher on the stage with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Wang Ling, do you understand?"

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