Above the gray fog

Chapter 1588 History Repeats Itself

"Are all these red-colored weird things yours? Why are they different from other weird things?" Lin Shan asked.

"The red lantern uses my heart as the wick, bones as the frame, skin as the cloth, and blood as the dye. Naturally, it is different from other weird things." Zhao Xiaoan replied with a smile.

"Then, this scarf and this red umbrella are also..." Lin Shan took out the red umbrella, and the scarf was tied around his neck.

"The red umbrella is the same, with bones as the frame, skin as the cloth, and blood as the dye. As for the scarf, there is nothing special about the scarf. It was just knitted by me. In fact, this scarf was originally white, and then it turned red for some reason." Zhao Xiaoan kept smiling when talking about these things.

Lin Shan took a deep breath, "Let's talk about these previous memories later. What happened to the 'relics of the world' that you just mentioned starting to affect reality?"

Although Zhao Xiaoan explained with a smile, Lin Shan felt a faint pain in his heart, and his consciousness became a little drowsy.

Zhao Xiaoan put away her smile and her tone became serious, "I'll explain in detail later. First, clear all the creatures on this line." After that, her figure flashed and turned into a red beam of light, flying forward.

Lin Shan followed behind, and wherever the two passed, the creatures along the way were easily removed by telekinesis.

In a short time, the creatures within tens of thousands of light years on the path of the giant leg were cleared.

"At the speed of that leg, it would take about twenty years to get here, which is enough." Zhao Xiaoan glanced behind her, then waved and opened a door to an unknown space, "Come in."

Lin Shan followed Zhao Xiaoan into the door without hesitation.

Inside the door was Zhao Xiaoan's portable space that he had had a long time ago, but compared to before, the changes in the space were extremely huge.

Even with Lin Shan's perception, he could not explore to the end.

This can no longer be called a portable space, but a portable world.

The world is densely populated with various civilizations, including beasts and civilizations.

As if seeing something, Lin Shan asked curiously, "Is there a human race here?"

"Oh, you mean that one," Zhao Xiaoan replied lightly, "There were only a dozen people before, and I picked them up from outside."

"All the creatures in this world were picked up by me from outside," she continued to explain, her tone calm and natural, "They either encountered a disaster or could no longer survive outside. Coming here can be regarded as adding some vitality to this world." After that, she pushed open the door of the hut and walked in.

Lin Shan looked up at the small house in front of him. The hut was still the same, only the yard in front was slightly expanded, and a miniature garden was added.

The garden was full of various exotic flowers and plants, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Lin Shan's eyes stayed on a familiar figure, that was the little grass spirit that once followed Zhao Xiaoan, and now it has also become a god.

The little grass spirit buried its legs in the soil, and its upper body swayed gently, emitting a faint light, which was photosynthesis.

Lin Shan stepped over the threshold and entered this simple but warm little house.

The decoration in the house was a bit strange. All the furniture was placed in the inner position. The area near the door was blank and had no decoration.

Looking from the door, the first thing that caught my eye was a row of bookshelves against the wall. Various books and some quaint decorations were neatly placed on the bookshelves. On the right side of the bookshelf was a small wooden table with a modern table lamp on the table, but it emitted a faint spiritual fluctuation.

On the left side of the bookshelf was a simple wooden bed. There was no bedding on the bed, but some materials like ice fragments were placed on it.

There was a small vase at the head of the bed with a few fresh flowers in it.

Zhao Xiaoan sat next to the small table and motioned Lin Shan to sit on the other side.

"Why did you think of looking for me this time?" Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan.

"The outer gods are about to invade. I want to gather some strength for the final resistance." Lin Shan said.

Zhao Xiaoan stared at Lin Shan. At some point, her eyes were stained with the same brilliance as the red moon. "Is that the only way?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

Zhao Xiaoan turned around, and the disappointment in her eyes flashed away. "Before looking for me, did you go to find the fox first?"

The fox, undoubtedly refers to Tushan Jiuqi.

To this, Lin Shan could only nod and admit, "Yes."

"How is she?" Zhao Xiaoan asked.

"In the Chaos Station, it seems that she is imprisoned, but she said she stayed there voluntarily." Lin Shan said.

"She should be voluntary. She wants to seek a way out for some people from the Outer Gods." Zhao Xiaoan said thoughtfully.

"Tell me about what happened just now. What happened to the World Relic?" Lin Shan changed the subject.

Zhao Xiaoan seemed to have not heard Lin Shan's words, and stared at the empty ceiling in a daze. "I just didn't fight once, why do I seem to lose forever."

"What do you mean?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

Zhao Xiaoan suddenly returned to the question that Lin Shan had just mentioned. "The Gray Mist Universe only has a dozen years left to live. Considering the long river of time that has gone through eleven epochs, these last dozen years can be ignored. The life of the Gray Mist Universe is about to end, which makes the long river of time form a closed loop. The river water flowing to the end will merge with the river water at the beginning of the birth of the Gray Mist Universe. The past and the present are like flowing water, and there is no absolute separation between the new water and the old water."

"History itself is nothing and cannot be changed, but the power of history is real."

Zhao Xiaoan's eyes were deep and his tone was a little heavy, "This will trigger the phenomenon just now. The past history will reappear again and affect the present. Only creatures with profound attainments along the way of history can detect this abnormality. , and creatures that cannot see it can only passively bear its influence.”

She paused and continued, "Before the invasion of the alien gods, most of the creatures in the gray mist universe will be destroyed by the relics of past history."

Lin Shan's expression became more solemn. It's true that misfortunes never come singly. He thought, with a hint of worry in his eyes, "In other words, did that giant leg just appear in real history? So... those in history The battle of the Lord..."

Zhao Xiaoan nodded lightly, "That leg is a weapon of the Outer God. At its peak, the sky above the entire continent of China was filled with such giant legs. History repeats itself randomly. If it really repeats what it was like before the Lord, The entire Gray Mist Universe will be involved in the battle."

There was a hint of helplessness in her voice, "There are only a limited number of powerful people in the gray mist universe, and the remnants of history may appear anywhere. We cannot completely prevent them."

"The future is not fixed. There are still fifteen years left, so why will the river of time close early?" Lin Shan asked the question in his mind.

Zhao Xiaoan simply answered, "Although the future is not fixed, the existence time of the Gray Mist Universe has a limit. Because of the continuous wear and tear of the outer gods, the Gray Mist Universe has reached its limit. In other words, it is precisely because of the rapid Only when it reaches its limit can foreign gods be able to invade."

Lin Shan nodded heavily, and he recalled the monsters that appeared on himself and Changsheng. These monsters were also invisible and seemed to have some similarity with the remains of history.

He threw this question to Zhao Xiaoan, hoping that she could answer it.

Zhao Xiaoan frowned slightly and explained softly, "I should also have those monsters you mentioned. This is a more troublesome matter. It is not directly related to historical relics. The memories related to that aspect have been sealed by me. "

Lin Shan responded softly. He didn't ask any more questions. He understood the nature of that kind of thing. The more he knew, the closer the distance would be.

"What are your plans next?" Lin Shan looked at Zhao Xiaoan and asked.

Zhao Xiaoan shook his head slightly, his eyes looking slightly tired, "No, I originally planned to prevent the influence of historical decay as much as possible."

Lin Shan looked at her and said, "Since you have no plans, just come with me."

Zhao Xiaoan's red eyes stayed on Lin Shan for a while.

Finally, she nodded slightly, a soft light flashing in her eyes, "Okay."

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