Above the gray fog

Chapter 1589 Even if I fail, what's the harm?

Who to see next...

Lin Shan sat cross-legged in the void and thought.

Zhao Xiaoan, dressed in a red dress, stood not far from Lin Shan.

I saw Lin Shan sitting there thinking hard.

Zhao Xiaoan reminded, "If your goal is to fight against the foreign gods, there is one person you must gather together."

"Who?" Lin Shan immediately looked at Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan gently spit out a name, "Zhou Changsheng."

"Zhou Changsheng..." Lin Shan read the name, "It's him again."

"I just met him not long ago. He was with Icarus and took Wu Wang away. He seemed to be doing something important."

"I found that he can be related to many things. Is there anything special about him?" Lin Shan asked.

"His ability can be of great help. He can move around at will in the gray mist universe without having to pay the price like you. Since he is with Icarus... I probably know what he is going to do." Zhao Xiaoan Ruoyou Thoughtful reply.

"What are they going to do?" Lin Shan slightly asked helplessly.

Zhao Xiaoan casually told a piece of news that could be regarded as a secret, "They should want to awaken the Divine Court. There is also a device called the 'Creator' in the Divine Court. They only need to absorb a little of the origin of the gray mist universe, and then sacrifice a person." The most ancient god can create an identical gray fog universe in time and space that does not exist. At that time, the gray fog universe here can be given directly to the outer gods, allowing the remaining old creatures in the gray fog universe to enter the new world. Cosmic survival is a piece of cake."

"Creator Device? Sacrifice to the most ancient god?" Lin Shan was a little dizzy. Although he didn't know what the Creator Device was, what was the concept of sacrificing the most ancient god? If the Gray Mist Universe still has the Ancient God, there is no need to sacrifice at all. With the Ancient God's methods, how can we extend the Gray Mist Universe for another eleven eras?

"Well, this device was dug out of the abyss a long time ago. It is an ancient relic of an ancient civilization buried at the bottom of the abyss. The so-called sacrifice to an ancient god does not matter if it is not really the oldest. You can use a fake oldest , They must have this idea, although I am not optimistic about it, but they can do it if they want to. "

Lin Shan thought thoughtfully, "Compared to their unreliable ideas...isn't my idea a bit weird?"

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoan nodded in agreement, "Any creature that has gone through a war with foreign gods will not have thoughts like yours, so in this last era, everyone simply doesn't want to resist and just run for their lives."

"But." Zhao Xiaoan changed the topic, "Actually, there are many people like you who are shouting for resistance. Most of them are gods who cannot escape after the gray fog is destroyed. You can try to gather them, and maybe you can form a small group of fighters. force."

"Besides, it is indeed impossible to resist the foreign gods by myself, but at this time, shouting to the outside to ask some low-level gods to come and fight with me is no different from a fool. At present, we should use the limited time to gather some acquaintances. If we have the strength Weak, we will look for real opportunities later." Lin Shan looked at Zhao Xiaoan, "That's what I think. Do you have any other opinions?"

Zhao Xiaoan shook his head slowly, "Listen to you, just follow your ideas, I will help you."

"Thank you." Lin Shan glanced at Zhao Xiaoan, thanked him softly, and then said, "As far as I know, there are five pioneers left."

"Wu Wang, you, me, Jin Tianzong, and Yan Ruxin."

"Four pioneers died in the disaster, and two pioneers are missing."

"I think we should find Jin Tianzong and Yan Ruxin first, and then make further plans."

As if he thought of something, Lin Shan asked with a glimmer of hope, "Is it true that the pioneers who died in the calamity will not be able to live again?"

Zhao Xiaoan also had some regrets, "At present, unless Zuigu personally copies their existence from history, we can't rely on us to revive them. They are dead in the true sense."

"Because I didn't respond to the disaster, their sacrifices would be in vain." Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan, "Do you want to know why I didn't respond to the disaster?"

Lin Shan looked at her, "Why?"

"In the eleventh era, the human race is still short of the last eleven tribulations, and the number of pioneers of the human race is exactly eleven." Zhao Xiaoan said softly, "After I answer the tribulation, it will be your turn. Think about it carefully, I don't want to do that."

Lin Shan took a deep breath, "You don't want to leave the choice to me?"

Zhao Xiaoan smiled and said, "I don't know. I just think that the person who made this plan was a fool. Without this plan, there would even be eighty-one pioneers in the last era of the human race. Our Tianxia human race, maybe at this time He already rules the gray mist universe, so using his accumulated strength to sacrifice, isn’t this a stupid decision?”

"So, who made this plan?" Lin Shan asked.

Zhao Xiaoan smiled and said, "You don't want to know."

She continued, "I just added the word 'at present'. There will be a chance for them to live again in the future."

"Actually, I have long thought about resurrecting all those who were in danger of the disaster. Those who were in danger of the disaster have already completed their transcendence. Even if the Gray Mist Universe is destroyed, they can continue to exist. The last trace of their existence is now They are preserved in the fate of the human race. If the disaster is successful, their 'existence' will become the fuel to help the human race transcend, and there is no possibility of recovery. If the human race is destroyed, their essence can return to the sea of ​​essence. When the time comes, I will still have a way to help them get back on their feet.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaoan looked at the endless void with some melancholy, "Whether it is Wu Wang and his group, or Lu Ri, or you, your goal is to save the world or save all the existing tribes in the past, and my goal is only to save Tianxia. Once all the people who are destined to be calamities are revived, as long as there is enough time, the Tianxia human race can still flourish in the void."

Lin Shan showed a look of realization.

Everyone has his own path and his own method, but whether it is Wu Wang and his group's method, Zhao Xiaoan's method, or Lu Ri's method, it does not conflict with his path...

This suddenly gave him a feeling.

My path is not alone.

"I understand." Lin Shan suddenly felt that the mountain pressing on him was shared by a part, "Let's see who can succeed in the end."

Zhao Xiaoan smiled, "I believe you, you will succeed."

"In fact, I am the one who is least likely to succeed, right?" Lin Shan replied.

"The seedlings of miracles often grow in the impossible, and any glimmer of hope cannot give birth to miracles." Zhao Xiaoan said seriously, "At least that's what I think, and I really believe that even if I fail, it doesn't matter."


"Take us to find Jin Tianzong." Lin Shan took out the magic box.

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