Above the gray fog

Chapter 1590 Jin Tianzong

The next second, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

When they regained their footing, they saw a completely different world.

Lin Shan's perception quickly spread that there was a very unique civilization here.

Every corner of this civilization is filled with complex mechanical structures and sophisticated gears.

The towering buildings are completely spliced ​​together by gears of different sizes. Each gear is constantly turning and making a rhythmic clicking sound, as if the entire city is a huge mechanical clock.

Various strange-shaped steam cars shuttled through the streets and alleys, making the sound of hissing steam and the sound of metal collision.

The outer shell of every vehicle is filled with intricate gears and pipes.

In the center of the city stands a huge mechanical clock tower.

At the top of the clock tower is a huge clock, with the hour, minute and second hands running accurately driven by gears.

Below the bell tower is a square. The fountain in the center of the square is also composed of countless gears and pipes. The water jets ejected shine dazzlingly in the sun, forming beautiful arcs.

Behind the arc is a huge gear statue.

Although it is made up of gears, it can be clearly seen that the statue is none other than Jin Tianzong.

"Jin Tianzong...what are you doing?" Lin Shan said to himself in confusion, frowning.

On the streets, people live busy and orderly lives. Everyone wears various mechanical devices. There is something wrong with their movements, like controlled puppets.

People's clothes are also full of mechanical style, and the combination of metal and fabric is both practical and beautiful.

Lin Shan was certain that these people had no real life. Every plant, tree, and even a gust of wind here was formed by the transmission of various gears.

Everyone's trajectory has been designed, and they will go where and when, and every second will be accurate.

Compared to Lin Shan's doubts, Zhao Xiaoan watched with gusto, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and commented: "There is progress."

"Do you know what this is?" Lin Shan turned to look at Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan smiled and explained, "Jin Tianzong is using divine power to simulate civilization, including the progress and development speed of civilization, and even interpersonal relationships, everyone's emotions, life and death, all of which are simulated."

"What is the purpose?" Lin Shan asked, this was what he wanted to know most.

"Purpose? There should be no purpose." Zhao Xiaoan smiled slightly, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes, "For a craftsman, this is the pinnacle. Imagine if this civilization could continue to develop like the human race, with the emergence of technology, extraordinary and so on. , what do you think of a master being born in the end?”

Lin Shan took a closer look at the people here and said, "These are all dolls. They have no real 'existence'. How can they master extraordinary power?"

Zhao Xiaoan nodded and said softly, "Well, shaping existence is the goal he has been pursuing. As long as he achieves the most ancient achievements, he should be able to create the 'existence' of living beings, but now he is already very powerful, although he cannot develop extraordinary Civilization, but the development of technological civilization is not a problem. I remember that at its peak, Jin Tianzong had several sixth-level civilizations under his command. These civilizations could be manipulated at will like his fingers. You know, at that time, the only seventh-level civilization was the human race. He. This is back to my old job.

Zhao Xiaoan said with a look of regret, "Unfortunately, there is no longer enough time for him to worry about it."

"Let's go." Lin Shan interrupted her recollection, "Go and see that old friend. I hope he hasn't changed..."

Before Lin Shan finished speaking, a palm-sized moth flew over from somewhere, the gears on its wings turning clatteringly.

"Haha, who did I think was here? It turned out to be you, Lao Lin, Xiao An. Long time no see. Come in." The moth's mouth opened and closed slightly, making a Jin Tianzong sound.

Immediately afterwards, the moth's wings vibrated faster, and a strange sound wave visible to the naked eye gathered in the air, eventually turning into the shape of a door.

The door is open, and you can see a large workshop inside. The floor is filled with gears and parts of various sizes.

Jin Tianzong poked his head out from the door and said with a smile, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Come in quickly, Old Lin. I will let you open your eyes today and see my new invention."

Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan looked at each other.

"No change."

Lin Shan was in front and Zhao Xiaoan was behind. After the two passed through the door, the door that was stagnant in the air began to dissipate.

They came to a huge workshop.

The air in the workshop is filled with the strong smell of engine oil and the shimmer of metal. Various tools are hung on the surrounding walls, and gears and parts of various sizes are scattered on the floor.

Jin Tianzong was standing next to a nearly five-meter-tall machine, fiddling with something.

The machine was huge, and its overall structure showed a steampunk style. The thick metal shell was covered with intricate gears and pipes. Steam slowly emerged from every gap, forming a thin layer of mist.

There is a huge gear core in the center of the machine, surrounded by several small gears and piston devices that are constantly running and making a rhythmic clicking sound.

There is a circular instrument panel on the top of the machine, which is engraved with ancient runes and numbers. The hands are constantly beating on it, showing the passage of time.

"This machine is called the 'Hunyuan Stasis Instrument'." Jin Tianzong said proudly, and he patted the outer shell of the machine. "Now the time of the Gray Fog Universe has become chaotic, and the scene of history repeating itself has affected the present of the Gray Fog. If this continues, the Gray Fog will die out before the outer gods invade. I took out my previous research and tinkered with it for a while, and the 'No. 1 - Hunyuan Stasis Instrument' was finally born in my hands."

"What is the use of this 'Hunyuan Stasis Instrument'?" Lin Shan looked at the big guy behind Jin Tianzong. The technological structure of this thing reminded Lin Shan of the Giant God Peak. There are too many similarities between the two. "

"Good question." Jin Tianzong laughed and said, "The 'Hunyuan Stasis Instrument' can be placed anywhere. As long as enough energy is injected to make the 10 million times evaporation night developed by me boil, and then converted through the conversion module, the space-time standpoint provided by the instrument can stabilize the surrounding space-time. The area that a machine is expected to affect is about 310,000 light years in diameter. "

"Can you understand? At least for now, this is a machine that can save the world. "

Without waiting for Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan to continue asking questions, Jin Tianzong continued, "I plan to sell its technology to Yuanting in exchange for a special material I need. Anyway, I can't achieve mass production, as long as I can stabilize the current gray fog universe. "

"You came at the right time to help me collect experimental data. "

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