Above the gray fog

Chapter 183: Shaping an Image

Today's restaurant.

Jin Yin walked in front with a smile, and said to everyone with a smile, "Let's go to the private room on the fourth floor. It's quiet there, and you can eat and chat at the same time."

"Please take care of my bicycle." Qian Ning said to the staff of the restaurant in the corner.

"Okay, okay." The staff nodded repeatedly, not daring to neglect them. These people are the guests of the restaurant's big boss Jin Yin. Although he didn't know them, he knew in his heart that these people must be the big bosses of the human race.

Otherwise, they would not be qualified to let their big boss spend time with them.

The fourth floor of the hotel.

Seven people sat around a table and ate casually. There were more than ten bottles of wine in front of Lin Shan. Compared with the wine seventy years ago, it was more delicious and mellow.

"Old Lin, don't just drink, eat some food!"

Wu Wang picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely, "This is bird meat. The taste is no worse than that of Old Jin. Even Sequence 8 can benefit from it."

Jin Yin, who was sitting next to him, saw that Jin Tianzong looked unhappy, and immediately stopped the action of reaching out to pick up the bird meat, retracted his hand, and looked embarrassed.

"Have you eaten Old Jin's meat?" Lin Shan looked at Wu Wang and asked curiously.

"No, no, it's just a metaphor." Wu Wang said vaguely.

Jin Tianzong rolled his eyes at Wu Wang, then looked at Lin Shan and asked, "What do you think of the war between the Grass Spirits and the Twilight Clan? Do you think we can really intervene? In the court meeting, you are the member who has been abstaining from voting, right?"

When the others saw Jin Tianzong asking about this, they all pricked up their ears. They also wanted to hear Lin Shan's opinion.

Lin Shan picked up the empty wine glass, and Wang Cheng beside him immediately understood and filled it for him. After he drank the wine in the glass, a crystal blue light flashed in his eyes, and the phantom of the diamond-shaped pendant appeared in his pupils.

"I don't have any opinion... Fortune and misfortune are interdependent. This is an opportunity... It can make the human race rise completely, but it is also a disaster. If you are not careful, the human race will fall into the flames of war."

"From the results of the court meeting, intervening in the war is what people want. After so many years of development, the human race needs this stage to show its strength."

"The current situation... The two tribes don't know the strength of the human race, and the human race doesn't know the strength of the two tribes. I think we should investigate it first."

Wu Wang puffed his lips and said in a vague voice, "Except for the small group before, none of us has entered the grass elf tribe. Without the specific coordinates, even the sequence eight can't break in, and even if we know the coordinates, we can't force it. If we say anything, they will find out immediately. "

Jin Yin spoke up and expressed his opinion:

"In fact, this situation is the best and most beneficial to the human race. Whether it is the Grass Spirit or the Twilight, they know nothing about the strength of the human race. They can only guess from the weapons we provide. We can give them the illusion that the human race is a strong race."

"If the human race is strong, they dare not have any thoughts on the human race before the war between the two races ends. It is normal for the racial war to last for decades. If we can use these decades to borrow the resources of the two races to develop, the remaining race will not be a concern."

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded. In fact, he also thought that he should seize this opportunity.

Not to mention anything else, it is difficult for the Grass Spirit to find the human race's tribe, let alone find out the strength of the human race.

Qian Ning originally wanted to confront Jin Yin, but seeing that Lin Shan nodded, he could only swallow his words and eat a few bites of bird meat.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back. He turned his eyes and found that Jin Tianzong was looking at him coldly. He seemed to have thought of something. He was so scared that his hands trembled and his chopsticks were not firmly held. The piece of meat was about to fall on the table, but it was firmly held by another pair of chopsticks.

"Old Jin, don't scare me. This is bird meat. You are not a bird. Although your sequence is all related to birds, you are a human. You can't oppose us eating bird meat because of the sequence." Wu Wang put the piece of meat into his mouth and said vaguely.

"Hehe." Jin Tianzong sneered, "You put my feathers in the pot last time, and I haven't settled the score with you yet."

"You can't say that. Last time, it was agreed that I would sponsor your research project and you would pluck three feathers for me. What I do is my business." Hearing Jin Tianzong's words, Wu Wang immediately retorted.

Qian Ning, Jin Yin and Wang Cheng stopped their movements and pricked up their ears. Although they all felt that Wu Xianfeng was a little out of tune, they didn't expect him to do such an outrageous thing.

They were still very happy to know about these gossips that only existed among pioneers.

Jin Tianzong stared at Wu Wang straight, which made Wu Wang feel uneasy. He dared not continue talking. Others did not know, but he knew very well that Jin Tianzong, a black-bellied old man, was extremely vengeful.

"Eat, why are you all standing there?" Lin Shan said lightly when he saw the silence in the field.

"And..." Lin Shan turned his head to look at Zhao Xiaoan and said softly, "There is no need... Use spirituality to fix the dishes..."

While others were chatting, Zhao Xiaoan kept putting dishes into Lin Shan's bowl desperately. In just a few minutes, the dishes in Lin Shan's bowl almost touched his nose.

Zhao Xiaoan grinned and said, "Eat more. You haven't eaten for 70 years. You are so thin."

Hearing this, Wu Wang almost spit out the food in his mouth... It's a good 70 years of not eating... You are so thin.

Others also looked at their noses and pretended not to hear what Zhao Xiaoan said.

Anyone who dared to complain about her at this time would be dead.

Who knew that Zhao Xiaoan's next words would make everyone turn their heads to look at her with surprise on their faces.

"I think I've seen the Grass Elf tribe you mentioned, and even captured one. It's now locked in my yard. I'm a little unsure if it's the Grass Elf tribe. I originally wanted to capture it and keep it as a pet. I heard you keep saying Speaking of grass spirits, I feel that I may have captured one of their species. After all... it is a moving and intelligent 'grass'."

Wu Wang's eyes widened and he asked, "Where did you catch him?"

"Just outside the barrier of the clan, I passed by where it was hiding. I saw that it was just fake and harmless, so I didn't think too much and brought it back." Zhao Xiaoan replied.

At this time, Qian Ning, who had been silent all this time, frowned, "It's a bit troublesome. The human race and the grass elf race are 20,000 kilometers apart. The pseudo-supernatural ones definitely don't have the strength to walk so far in the gray mist... They may still have a large army. Wandering around the outer reaches of the human race, the one you saw... was either a stray or a spy."

"They are looking for death," Zhao Xiaoan said coldly, "I will kill them all."

For a moment, the soup on the table and the wine in the wine glass all shook violently, and then slowly hung in the air.

"Xian Xian Zhao, don't be anxious. We can ask them clearly their purpose of coming before making plans. Being friendly can make money." Jin Yin saw that Zhao Xiaoan was spiritually unstable and quickly advised.

"They are obviously following the human team here. Maybe... they want to find out our strength." Lin Shan said calmly, "This is an opportunity to create our image as a strong clan."

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