Above the gray fog

Chapter 187 Breaking

At the border of the tribe.

A dark door opened.

Lin Shan walked out of the door and looked up at the sky.

The blue sky is filled with dense cracks, each stretching hundreds of meters long.

There is constant golden mist to repair the cracks, as if there is a giant hammer hitting the outside world. With the loud roar, the cracks continue to expand, and the gray mist in the cracks continues to penetrate into the clan.

Lin Shan teleported and disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was outside the barrier. The scene outside made his pupils shrink sharply.

One, two, three,...nine! A total of nine evil creatures of different shapes were outside the barrier.

Among them, a 100-meter giant beast with a single horn and a toad-like appearance was constantly hitting the space nodes outside the tribe's territory. Each collision carried photoelectricity and illuminated the gray fog.

Its companions, on the other hand, were not anxious at all and had no intention of helping.

"Where did there come from so many Sequence 8 Evil Fallen..." Lin Shan had a solemn look on his face. These Evil Fallen in front of him gave him a very strong feeling. If he pulled one out, he could hit three Wu Wangs or even more... ....

"Even if Sequence 8 is intelligent, it shouldn't be too high... What does it mean to form a group to attack the human clan's territory." Lin Shan murmured to himself. If any of these evil deeds enter the clan's territory, they will bring heavy disastrous consequences to the human race. Loss, "Must be stopped!"

Suddenly, the temperature within a few hundred meters suddenly dropped, and snowflakes began to float in the air.

The one-horned villain who was hitting the barrier in front stopped for a moment, and his body was covered with frost.

"Squeak——!" A harsh chirping sound poured into his ears, and Lin Shan suddenly felt that the space was filled with sticky resistance.

Dozens of giant 100-meter guns descended from the sky and penetrated the space, arriving in the blink of an eye.

Lin Shan's eyes shimmered with crystal blue light, and dozens of phantoms appeared in his sight where Evil Fall was.

"Boom!" After the loud noise.

The location where the evil degenerates were was filled with dust and smoke.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, without exception, all the evil degenerates were covered with colorful paint, and the blood of various colors stained the ground with a foul stench. The spears struck accurately and quickly, blocking all their escape routes.

However, this injury will have no other benefits except bringing them anger, and the wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Why did you attack our clan's barrier?" Lin Shan asked calmly.

It is definitely not normal for so many Sequence 8 Evil Fallen to attack the human race. Not to mention how they found the human race, just gathering together is abnormal. Sequence 8 is also a leader-like existence among the Evil Fallen, so how can they gather easily.

It was impossible to get them to answer. Language was a big obstacle. Lin Shan asked just to try to delay time and wait for other Sequence 8s in the clan to come over.

He didn't think he could beat a pair of nines, or a nine-headed level five or above evil depravity.

However, the nine-headed evil bird in the distance did not give him any chance. One of the strange birds had three heads and a wingspan of a hundred meters. It turned into a flaming arrow and rushed towards Lin Shan.

A few hundred meters away, in an instant, there was a burning sensation in the air.

Lin Shan stretched out his right hand and moved slightly to the side. The several-meter-long beak of the strange bird hit Lin Shan's palm accurately. He used his small body like an ant to lightly block the impact of the three strange birds. Jin Tianzong, who was belatedly arriving below, widened his eyes.

The blazing flames did not cause any harm to Lin Shan. There was only a "click-click" sound, and wisps of forest-white flames poured out from Lin Shan's palm, covering the three giant birds in an instant.

The next second.

A huge ice sculpture a hundred meters long crashed to the ground.

Lin Shan's face turned a little pale. He was not a fallen body, so he could fight against the evil fallen. He relied on his huge spiritual support, and his spirituality attached to the gauze to block the impact for him. Correspondingly...this method cannot fight for a long time. The evil fall only requires a small amount of physical energy, but he consumes a huge amount of spiritual energy.

However, you would be a fool to choose a protracted fight in this situation.

Glancing at Jin Tianzong, who was still in a daze, Lin Shan turned into a blue light and flew into the air. This space was blocked by countless blocks. Although teleportation was still possible, the distance was limited. Lin Shan felt that he could teleport at this moment. Ten meters is pretty good, but not as fast as he flies.

There is no evil in Lin Shan's speed field that can catch up with him. Even if Sha Shali is still alive, it is still not as good as him now. This is the flight characteristics of Blood Wings after their control ability has been upgraded. It can be regarded as the top speed of Sequence 8. In addition, the strange body sequence is slightly stronger than the ordinary sequence, and there is a high probability that no creature in sequence 8 can catch up with him based on speed.

Seeing Jin Tianzong below, Lin Shan decided to leave the battlefield first and then look for opportunities to avoid being passive after being focused on the fire. Since speed has an advantage, he should make full use of it.

Even if Jin Tianzong is caught in a fallen body, he will not be easily killed instantly.

Moreover, there is a drawback to the Evil Boar attack. Their huge size sometimes affects the battle. It is still difficult to fight a human who is less than two meters tall with a body size of 100 meters, unless it is against the wild boar Evil that we encountered that day. Like the fallen, it has the special ability of long-range attacks.

Jin Tianzong saw that Lin Shan had defeated a powerful enemy in just a few seconds. He was about to lament Lin Shan's abnormality, but found that he had turned into a blue light and disappeared into the depths of the gray mist.

The remaining eight evil birds stared at him eagerly, or rather nine. Although the three strange birds were frozen in the ice, their consciousness was still awake. When the ice was melted by it, they could break out of the ice. .

"Why haven't they come yet..." Jin Tianzong looked helpless. This was something he had never seen before with so many villains joining forces.

"Chirp." A huge bird cry.

Smoke and dust rose from the place where Jin Tianzong was, and the trees and plants around him were broken one by one. A giant beast with golden wings appeared.

Except for the wings of the golden-winged beast, the other parts seemed to be skinned, with bloody fascia exposed. At the heart, the huge heart beat from time to time, and the blood in the whole body was flowing in a terrifying way.

Seeing such a conspicuous target like Jin Tianzong, the other evil fells immediately rushed forward.

Without the slightest hesitation, the golden-winged beast flapped its wings and ran towards the depths of the gray fog, without any intention of fighting.

Seeing the golden-winged beast running away, the evil fallen who were still chasing immediately stopped, came to the frozen three-headed monster bird below, broke the ice, and rescued the three-headed monster bird.




The evil fells roared at each other a few times, as if communicating.

Finally, they turned and crashed into the barrier node.


The crack that had been completely repaired was completely broken this time, and a hole appeared in the air. When looking in from the outside, you will find that the opposite side of the hole is the scenery of the clan land.

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