Above the gray fog

Chapter 186 The Broken Barrier

"Ask it how many people they have come and what their strength is." Lin Shan looked at Lin Nuonuo and said.

Lin Nuonuo translated Lin Shan's words to Xiao Cao Jing.

"Sixty-nine of us came, led by a Red Moon Commander. The clan leader asked us to pay homage to our superior clan with sincerity, hoping that our superior clan could help us defeat our powerful enemy." Xiao Cao Jing replied.

"Ask them how they found the human clan land."

"There is a great sage in our clan who guides us. It guides the direction of the clan's land." As if it thought of something, its pitch-black pupils suddenly shrank and it hurriedly waved its hands. "We definitely did not follow the messenger of the superior clan."

"What are the strengths of Hongyue Si and the Great Sage?" Lin Nuonuo continued to ask according to Lin Shan's meaning.

"No one knows the strength of the Great Sage. Only by reaching Sequence 8 can one become the Red Moon Division." Xiao Cao Jing replied.

Everyone, including Lin Shan, was stunned when they heard what Lin Nuonuo translated.

Red Moon Division is Sequence 8... The Great Sage is on Red Moon Division, is it Sequence 7?

None of the great sages in the clan know their strength, which is a bit intriguing. Is it because the Grass Elf clan is deliberately hiding it or for other reasons.

Others may not be clear about it, but Lin Shan, who has similar abilities, knows very well that he can find human tribes within a range of 20,000 kilometers. This ability exceeds him by many times and will definitely not be lower than that of Sequence 7. .

With such a big boss here, what else should the Grass Elf Clan fear from the Twilight Clan? The Twilight Clan doesn’t even have Sequence 7.

What are the unknown factors in this?

... With this person existing, is it good or bad for the human race to participate in it?

It is also possible that this great sage was fabricated by the Grass Elves just to put pressure on the human race. They could only track the human race's special team, or use other means to find the human race.

Just one sentence of information makes them think a lot.

After a moment, everyone looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.

Lin Shan observed the changes in Xiao Cao Jing's face. After looking at it for a while, he realized that...he couldn't understand it. There were several brown lines on Xiao Cao Jing's green face, and his face was particularly dull. He could only tell from the slight trembling of his face. Feel it physically as if you are afraid.

"Ask it if you can find the main force."

After a moment, Lin Nuonuo shook his head and said, "It said it couldn't be found."

Qian Ning circled around the little grass spirit and said, "It probably really doesn't know. Let's send the hunting team from the tribe to search outside the barrier. If it is true as the little grass spirit said, these people are here." "Giving gifts," even if they find the node of the clan, they don't dare to destroy it. "

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, no one would argue about this kind of thing.

"What to do with this little grass spirit? Do you want to take it out?"

"Don't!" Wu Wang quickly stopped him, "Don't let them know the situation in the clan."

"You should continue to keep it. If you find a large army and confirm that it is okay, then put it back, or give it to me... Si Zhennan must be very interested." Jin Tianzong said with a smile.

"Take it." Zhao Xiaoan said impatiently. She couldn't keep it all the time. What's the use of keeping it for a while? If the human race really established diplomatic relations with the grass elf tribe later, it would be inappropriate for her to keep this little grass elf. She might as well Study it for Si Zhennan.

As soon as Zhao Xiaoan finished speaking, the little grass spirit rolled his eyes and fainted. Then, his body floated up and flew in the direction of Jin Tianzong for no reason.

"What should we do if we find him?" Wang Cheng asked aloud.

"What else can we do? They must not be allowed to enter the human race. Aren't they here to 'give gifts' and 'worship'? Then we should keep a higher profile and drive them back after accepting the gifts." Jinyin said with narrowed eyes. , the face full of flesh made him squint his eyes, and he couldn't find where his eyes were.

"Coming back without accepting gifts will show the strength of the human race." Qian Ning said sternly. He had always disliked Jin Yin's profit-seeking attitude. In fact, the two families had a grudge, and it would be difficult for both sides no matter what they did. into the other person's eyes.

"What's there to argue about?" Wu Wang smiled and said, "It's better to let the 'little people' of the human race keep the gifts for themselves. Even if this matter is raised in the future, we will say that the person has been dealt with. Apologize and say that our discipline is lax. As long as we don’t mention the whereabouts of the gifts, they don’t dare to ask.”

"Excellent, a great idea, worthy of Pioneer Wu." Jin Yin said flatteringly.

Qian Ning looked at Jin Yin coldly and said to himself: "Flattery!" In his opinion, this method can only be said to be very dark, but not very brilliant.

"Send us back." After this happened, Lin Shan looked at Zhao Xiaoan. He couldn't break this space, or he didn't dare to break it. The distorted light and shadow represented the unknown, and the unknown often represented danger.

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoan nodded slightly, and everyone suddenly felt as if their bodies had lost weight. They followed her and floated to the ship. Purple light flashed, and the ship under their feet began to tremble. Circles of purple halo swayed from the bottom of the ship.

A huge vortex of light and shadow appeared below the ship. Immediately afterwards, the eyes moved, and a sense of dizziness filled the brain. When the dizziness disappeared, everyone appeared high in the sky above Yongchang City.

Below is a huge urban area with numerous buildings and wide roads, making walking on it feel like walking on a smooth river.

"Senior Lin, please leave your contact information so that we can contact you in the future." Wang Cheng said.

"I want it too." Zhao Xiaoan raised his voice.

Lin Shan glanced at her, and wisps of dark white flames appeared in front of him.

"If it's important, put out the flames."

"Okay." Everyone took a flame and nodded in response.

"Come to my house again?" Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan.

"Didn't you just come out..." Wu Wang said speechlessly.

"Ah..." With a scream, Wu Wang fell straight to the ground, and after a long time, a loud noise was heard.

Lin Shan did not answer her, but looked down and asked, "Your ability is to control gravity?"

"No." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head and said slowly: "Sequence 8-Floating, the characteristic is floating and controlling, can only reduce weight, the corresponding ability to my ability is Chen Liyun's ability, Sequence 8-Falling, the characteristic is to increase weight, these two spiritual plants were originally entangled and grew together, and we brought the other one back together."

"I didn't expect that ten years later, the other spiritual plant also became the main medicine."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slightly, this completely opposite but extremely similar ability was also the first time he saw it.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, everyone prepared to go back to their homes. With a flash of purple light, Zhao Xiaoan disappeared from the spot and returned to the previous space again.

Carrying a "home" with you, this ability made Lin Shan a little envious. Apart from anything else, just the ability to avoid danger in the gray fog has greatly increased.

A week later.

Lin Shan went to school for two more days. After many studies, he has now fully confirmed the feasibility of the method. Next, he just needs to find someone who is proficient in spiritual rituals to cooperate with him in studying rituals to improve spiritual quality.

Another three days later.

It was clearly daytime, but the deafening thunder resounded through the world. Lin Shan, who was walking on the street, was startled.

"Where did the thunder come from... Is it going to rain?"

"No..." Lin Shan looked into the distance, and a crystal blue pendant appeared out of thin air. The pendant kept trembling in the air, and a picture was displayed on it.

The next second, a blue light flashed, and Lin Shan disappeared from the spot.

"Someone broke the barrier of the clan land!"

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