Above the gray fog

Chapter 185 Little Guy

"Envy, why don't I have a chance?" Wu Wangqian said.

"You are not alone." Jin Tianzong said seriously.

Wu Wang glared at him and said, "You are not a human being!"

Jin Tianzong: "..."

"What is this space? Is it a strange thing?" Lin Shan asked.

"Keep it secret." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, and then made a gesture of silence, "Keep your voice down, and don't touch the things here."

"Isn't this your home? Is there anyone else?" Wu Wang asked in a low voice.

"It's a bit unstable here. I'm fine when I'm alone. If there are many people, the space will be unstable. Especially... don't make noise." Zhao Xiaoan explained in a low voice.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded and said softly: "What about the grass spirit tribe?"

"That's the green one on the ground." Zhao Xiaoan pointed to the green unknown creature on the ground.

I saw a green anthropomorphic creature lying upside down in the shallow grass on the ground.

The reason why it is in anthropomorphic form is because the creature is less than one meter tall, has hands and feet, and has the same shape as a 'human'.

Its whole body was made of grass. This creature reminded Lin Shan of a movie he had seen on Earth. The famous character in it seemed to be a little tree man called Gerhard.

The two are somewhat similar.

The whole thing is like a series of blue straw ropes tightly tied together to form a human shape.

"Are those legs dangling around?" Wang Cheng looked curious.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Qian Ning nodded lightly.

"What is that thing that keeps shaking between the legs?" Jinyin asked doubtfully. After saying this, he seemed to have some realization and his eyes immediately widened.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yin's expression still became extremely strange. He wanted to scream but found that he could not make any sound. His body floated inexplicably, separated from the ship, and fell straight to the ground.


There was a loud noise, and a huge pit with a depth of one meter was smashed into the ground. The light and shadow barrier next to it became illusory because of the huge sound, and the light and shadow were intertwined, twisted and rotated.

Wu Wang wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead and looked at Zhao Xiaoan aside with a horrified expression.

He originally wanted to ask, "Why doesn't this creature wear pants?" Fortunately, someone tested the water first, otherwise... he might be the one lying in the pit now.

Lin Shan looked at the big pit below and asked, "Isn't it forbidden to make noise?"

"It's okay." Zhao Xiaoan grinned, "I can make it, others can't."

Wu Wang: "..."

"Are these the Grass Fairies? Can they absorb nutrients from the soil?" Jin Tianzong asked. He frowned and pondered for a long time. He only knew that the Grass Fairies could perform photosynthesis, and all of them pretended to be extraordinary, but he had never heard of it. But they can absorb nutrients from the earth.

"No." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head and said calmly: "It was disobedient and was stuffed in by me."

Jin Tianzong: "..."

"Go down and take a look." Lin Shan said.

When everyone came to the ground, Zhao Xiaoan walked closer, but she didn't see any movement. The grass spirit tribe member who had been planted in the soil was pulled out. With a "pop" sound, a head appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The little grass spirit closed its eyes tightly, and the grass above its head was messy. It seemed to feel that it was being pulled out, and it slowly opened its eyes.

There are no whites in the cyan eye sockets, the edges of the pupils are slightly lighter, and the middle is deep black.

The two eyes are not too big, but compared with its head, they can be considered huge.

"Is this a Grass Elf tribe member? He's such a small one."

"This little thing is quite cute."

"Is that real grass growing on your head?"

"This one seems to be still Sequence 9. What is its ability?"

"What are the organs in the body? Are there any internal organs..."

Everyone was talking about it, and the little grass spirit narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw a group of human beings sizing it up and making comments, his whole body started to tremble uncontrollably. For a moment, he just felt that he had no hope for life and that he was hopeless.

"It's trembling. Is it scared?" Wu Wang gently touched the thin grass standing on top of the grass spirit's head with his hand.

The piece of grass that was touched immediately curled up, and its whole body trembled even more.

"It can control its own 'hair'." Jin Tianzong's eyes lit up and he said, "Doesn't it mean that every piece of grass on the body can become their weapon."

Lin Shan suddenly sketched a picture in his mind. A Grass Elf tribesman had more than ten spiritual firearms hanging on his body. These firearms fired at the same time. Each one was a mobile bunker.

"No wonder they are so obsessed with spiritual weapons...it turns out there is such an operation." Lin Shan said to himself, then looked at Lin Nuonuo aside and said, "Communicate with it and try to find out its purpose. "

"Yes." Lin Nuonuo raised his sleeves and gave a slight salute, came to the little grass elf, and asked in the language of the grass elf tribe, "Can you understand me?"

She first had to confirm whether this little thing was from the grass elf tribe. She had seen the portrait of the grass elf tribe. This one seemed to be different from the one in the portrait, and its appearance was a bit too small.

A normal adult Grass Elf tribe member can grow up to one and a half meters tall, but this one is less than one meter... Could it be a child of the Grass Elf tribe? Lin Nuonuo thought to himself.

"I am... a member of the Grass Elf tribe, and I came here to pay homage to my superior clan!" When the little Grass Elf saw someone who could speak the language of the Grass Elf tribe, a strong desire for survival suddenly burst out in his eyes, and he hurriedly replied.

"It's from the Cao Jing clan. It said it came to pay homage to its superior clan." Lin Nuonuo translated the little Cao Jing's words to everyone.

"Ask if it came alone." Qian Ning frowned and asked.

Everyone knows the literal meaning of "paying respect to the upper tribe". They seem to regard the human race as some kind of upper tribe. However, it is impossible for everyone to believe it just because of its one-sided statement.

It is not ruled out that this is a reason it made up in order to survive.

"Are you alone in the human tribe's land?" Lin Nuonuo asked according to Qian Ning's meaning.

The little grass spirit answered carefully:

"My tribe and I were on the way to the upper tribe's land. Suddenly, I felt the ground shaking. Then, the land within a hundred meters floated up and floated in the air. I happened to be on the floating land at that time, and my tribe had already avoided it far away, so we dispersed."

"The floating land hit a long-bodied and winged evil creature, flattened it, and the floating island was also smashed into pieces."

"When I came to my senses, I found myself floating in front of the upper tribe." As it said, it pointed at Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan saw the little creature pointing at her, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at it, frightening the little grass spirit and immediately retracting her hand.

When Lin Nuonuo translated the little grass spirit's words to everyone, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan lowered her head and touched her chin to think. After a moment, she recalled, "At that time, there was an evil creature blocking my way, so I used my ability to smash it to death. As for how many creatures there were on the ground, I didn't care. I only saw this creature falling from the sky at that time, and I brought it back because it looked cute."

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