Above the gray fog

Chapter 205 Military Industry

Lin Shan took a deep look and remembered this picture in his mind.

"Lin Shan?"

"...It's okay, I thought of something." Lin Shan replied, and then asked, "Do you know there is an invisible wall of air deep in the Purple Soul Flower Forest?"

"It's about 3,000 kilometers east of the clan in the direction of Purple Soul Flower Forest." Zhao Xiaoan said casually, "I've been there many times. Purple Soul Flower Forest is the safest area nearby. I lived there for a while, no matter what There was nothing unusual during the day or night.”

"I know, but I've never been there. Do you have any new discoveries?" Jin Tianzong asked.

Due to the expansion of the clan land, part of the clan land is now located in the Purple Soul Flower Forest. The human race has not developed this part of the flower forest, and has always had a laissez-faire attitude. But sooner or later, the human race will develop it here. By then, , we must face the mystery hidden in the Purple Soul Flower Forest.

"I also encountered a wall in that grid space." Lin Shan said lightly.

"you mean?"

"Same wall?"

Everyone looked surprised.

Lin Shan shook his head and said slowly, "I don't know. I can't confirm whether that space really exists now. If that space does exist, I feel it should be related to the wall in the Purple Soul Flower Forest. It may even be the same wall." Wall, I’ll go there again when I have time.”

"Be careful. That flower forest is too peaceful, which also reflects the specialness of that flower forest. Moreover, it is the place where we first traveled through." Si Zhennan, who had been silent for a long time, warned.

After gaining strength, he began to study the Purple Soul Flower, but got a result that he couldn't believe. This result made him depressed for a long time. It was not until the elf bugs sent to him some time ago that he could concentrate on it. Go study something else.

He didn't tell anyone about this because he couldn't be sure. It would be better to wait until he had preliminary evidence before telling everyone, lest it turned out to be a mistake.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and said, "If nothing happens, I will go back first and you can continue playing."

What just happened completely shattered his little interest.

Seemingly thinking of something, he looked at Qian Ning again and said thoughtfully, "The red umbrella in your hand is not simple. Watch it carefully and don't lose it."

"I always carry it with me." Qian Ning said nonchalantly. No matter what he did every day, he carried the red umbrella behind his back to relieve the pain of lovesickness. How could he lose the red umbrella?

After saying goodbye to everyone, Lin Shan walked straight towards his home, walking under the neon lights, and everyone in the crowd turned a blind eye to him.

After returning home, Lin Shan naturally would not rest. He continued to follow the plan and learn scientific and technological spiritual instruments. Every ritual pattern was full of rigor. If a line was drawn incorrectly or off-center, the effect would be changed. This is still the most basic. If it is attached to a machine or weapon, the spiritual pattern will further change its shape to adapt to the machine or weapon it is attached to.

This is a very rigorous subject. It is the basis of human power and energy, but it is only the basis. If you want to create weapons or various machines such as cars, there are too many things needed. Spiritual Instruments It just opens up a possibility. If you want to create technological creations based on the foundation, you still need specialized talents and mountains of drawings.

Although the energy on earth cannot be used, industrial designs and theories can be copied to the gray fog world and only need to be re-integrated. This is the main reason why gray fog spiritual technology can develop so fast.

With the support of earth's technology, the gray fog world only needs to lay a solid foundation, replace the earth's electric drive or other energy drive with repulsion drive, replace the dense wires, circuits or pipes with complex ritual patterns, and then make slight changes. Or just copy the outline frame.

And due to the diversity of extraordinary properties, spiritual technology can do many things that earth technology cannot.

Lin Shan only wants to learn spiritual instruments and nothing else. Mastering spiritual instruments can prepare the battlefield in advance, which may be used in the future. Moreover, he is still a teacher at Pioneer University, so the subject of rapid advancement of the extraordinary is still in his hands. If you want to complete this subject, you cannot do without ritual.

He already had an idea in his mind, which was to use the weapon charging ritual in reverse to allow the spirituality gathered in the core of Sequence 8 to escape, and then use the spiritual storage materials to create a closed meditation room. The Sequence 9 could absorb higher energy in the meditation room. With quality spirituality, the speed of tempering spiritual organs will be greatly increased.

As for whether it is worth it, time will prove it. After all, Sequence 8 cores are extremely rare strategic materials. Just one can drive ten or more anti-aircraft guns, which can be used to gather souls... How much It's a bit overkill, but in the long run, it is definitely more important to improve the overall strength of Sequence 9 in the family.

It shouldn't be a problem for one core to be used by hundreds of extraordinary people to practice at the same time. Extraordinary people also have their own affairs, and it is impossible to meditate all the time. What's more, this kind of meditation that absorbs high-quality spirituality will damage the spiritual organs, further limiting the use of extraordinary people. Meditation room time.

"Let's build one first and see the effect. It's impossible to popularize it. The needed core... the human race can't come up with it now. There's a long way to go." Lin Shan said to himself.

Although the human race has developed rapidly, so far, it is still a new race that does not even have the ability to protect itself in this gray fog world.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Lin Shan put down the books in his hands.

In his sight, a white spiritual thread is emitting gleaming white light.

This is someone contacting him. The other end of this spiritual thread is at... Wu Wang.

Needless to say, he also knew what Wu Wang wanted to talk to him about. It must be related to escorting the first batch of supplies.

A pitch-black door opened next to him, and Lin Shan stepped in.

"Clang, clang, clang... boom, boom, boom."

At the other end, when Lin Shan stepped out, the roar of machinery immediately came into his ears.

"Come here, come and appreciate the largest military factory of the human race at present." The noisy roar of the machine was mixed with Wu Wang's voice.

Lin Shan turned around, Wu Wang was behind him, and there were several people in blue uniforms beside him.

They were on a higher platform, and below was a neat production line, and workers in blue uniforms were busy on the assembly line.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Can't I talk to you if there is nothing?" Wu Wang smiled.

Lin Shan looked at him quietly without speaking.

"Okay, it's like this. We are preparing the first batch of goods that the Grass Spirits want, but there are too many goods to fit in the 'bamboo basket'. For things like anti-aircraft guns, we can only disassemble them for transportation and then assemble them when we get there."

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