Above the gray fog

Chapter 497 Watching the Battle, Rescue

Lin Shan dragged the huge tree cage and buried it deep under the fine sand.

After leveling the surrounding environment, he continued to rush to the next battle.

Lin Shan hovered on a beach 3 million kilometers away from the Shan tribe.

The parchment showed that Baker was beaten here.

The beach was very large, and there was an endless sea in front. The sea in the gray fog world was actually a vast inland lake.

However, it was not an exaggeration to say that this huge area was the sea.

Lin Shan patrolled the sea and found that there were several sequence 8 evil fallen in the central area of ​​the ocean.

This kind of evil should be wild. Now there are no organizations of the two tribes of plant and fall in the central area of ​​the human circle, and the restrictions on the promotion of each tribe to sequence 7 have been basically lifted.

However, there is no need to worry about the targeting of the two tribes of plant and fall. The crisis within the human circle has always existed. If you choose to be promoted, whether you fail or succeed, you must be prepared to be involved in the struggle.

The organizations of the two tribes of plant and fall were not cleared, but transferred.

After the Federation invasion war, the Ten Thousand Races suffered heavy casualties, their characteristics disappeared, and the Fallen Race and the Plant Race were born in large numbers. At first, there was a large-scale chaos, and the two tribes of Plant and Fallen attacked the Ten Thousand Races crazily.

After that, the Ten Thousand Races reached peace and began to unite, and the threat of the two tribes of Plant and Fallen began to decline.

The high-order people of the two tribes of Plant and Fallen each occupied a piece of territory on the border of the Human Circle, recruited wise tribesmen, and planned something.

In this regard, the hegemonic forces in the Human Circle did not care.

After the alliance invasion, the Ten Thousand Races were the weakest, and it was also the strongest period for the two tribes of Plant and Fallen. However, these two tribes have a characteristic, that is, they have no organization. Although they are numerous, it is obviously impossible for an unorganized attack to defeat the Ten Thousand Races, even if the Ten Thousand Races are extremely weak.

Therefore, the high-order people and gods of the two tribes of Plant and Fallen chose to temporarily accumulate strength and gather tribesmen.

As the high-order people of the two tribes of Plant and Fallen began to encircle the land and gather tribesmen, the Human Circle soon returned to peace after a brief period of chaos.

How the overlords viewed the two tribes accumulating power was not something Lin Shan could know.

Lin Shan casually cleared all four deep-water evils below. Under normal circumstances, he would be too lazy to take action when he encountered a sequence 8 evil.

But now that he was in the Shan tribe and needed money, he had to change his behavior. It was also their bad luck to meet Lin Shan.

In addition to the four sequence 8 evils, there was also a dark area in the center of the seabed. It was a strange area. Judging from the range, it should also be a sequence 8 strange.

Lin Shan was not interested in this. There was no money to be made from the strange, so he just pretended not to see it.

After taking out all the cores, Lin Shan flew to a high altitude and lurked.

After a while, Lin Shan flew down again.

Looking at the huge deformed corpse floating on the sea, there was also a thick blood color.

"It's too obvious. I can't let the scene be affected by me..." Lin Shan said to himself.

The next second, the white flames ignited the sea, and the sea water was evaporated in large areas. The giant corpse turned into ashes and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Until everything was restored to normal, Lin Shan nodded with satisfaction, and teleported to an altitude of 10,000 meters, which was the maximum range he could monitor.

I don't know how long it took.

A young man with a cat's tail stepped onto the beach.

He dived into the sea, and when he reappeared, he held a strange fish several meters long in his hand.

The cat youth dragged the big fish to the beach, muttering, "Such a large sea, how come there is not even a sequence 8 fish?"

This young man was the cat youth holding a pillow in the office.

"Forget it, sequence 9 can also satisfy my craving." The young man drooled and took out a special giant grill from the storage device.

Lin Shan descended and watched quietly from above. If nothing unexpected happened, Baker would be beaten soon.

"Gray elves... Why did the gray elves attack Baker?" Lin Shan thought in his heart, guessing that there must be an unknown grudge.

Sure enough, just when Baker was about to start, several streams of light shot down from the sky and landed accurately around Baker.

Three gray elves, two men and one woman, all Sequence 7.

This battle was quite big, Lin Shan stepped back.

The battle range of Sequence 7 was too large, and he might be affected by the fighting. Now was not the time for him to appear, and if he was discovered at this time, his efforts would be in vain.

At least he could save Baker when Baker was half dead.

The battle below was about to break out. Lin Shan was too far away, and the speed of the few people was too fast. He could not see clearly without mental power to capture them. He could only see a series of residual images moving back and forth from a distance.

Flames, lightning, and a pink illusion power were spreading.

The collision of abilities.

The beach below was shattered, and the sea water raised huge waves thousands of meters high.

Baker still had some strength. He fought one against three, and he did not fall into a disadvantage in a short time.

Under the continuous battle of the four people, the surrounding plains were flooded and the earth kept cracking.

The terrifying power caused the surrounding creatures to die or escape.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's eyes fixed, and he teleported to distance himself from the battlefield.

Where Lin Shan was before, the purple spiritual torrent passed, and the space was shattered, and black cracks spread rapidly.

Baker held a broken sword and swung it wildly.

Among the three gray elves, one tree man was responsible for defense and used his physical body to attack, while the other two were responsible for full-scale attack. It was obvious that this was not the first time for the three to cooperate.

Baker's attack was very sharp. When the broken sword was swung, the space around him was like a sawtooth, and it could not heal for a long time.

Moreover, every time he was attacked, a transparent barrier would unfold beside him. This was the defense sequence.

Attack + speed + defense, Baker's sequence was very reasonable. These three main characteristics even had recovery characteristics. The wounds on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Baker was strong, two fists could not beat four hands at the same level.

Every time he used his ability, whether attacking, defending, or recovering, it consumed his spirituality. He was getting weaker and weaker.

Gradually, his own spirituality was exhausted, and the speed of spiritual consumption began to exceed the speed of spiritual recovery.

The strength of all abilities began to decline.

The three gray elves seized the opportunity to attack crazily. Baker was beaten so miserably that he had no spare energy to fight back.

At this time, he had no choice but to escape.

He also made the right choice, escape.

The three gray elves naturally would not do as he wished.

The leading gray elf pointed at the sky, and a huge coffin fell from the sky, locking the weak Baker inside.

This was the power of the curse. Baker was getting weaker and weaker, and was not far from death.

Lin Shan saw that the time had come, and he did it without hesitation.

The dark sword light split the huge coffin with one sword, and Baker, who was already rotten, slowly fell from the air. Lin Shan held the sickle sword and swung out a circular sword light again to force back the gray elf who wanted to finish him off.

Teleporting to catch the dying Baker, Lin Shan asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

In fact, he was really afraid that Baker would not be able to hold on and die.

"You... are?" Baker opened his eyes weakly, and when he saw Lin Shan, gratitude flashed in his eyes, "Thank... thank you."

"Don't talk first." Lin Shan shook his head, released the healing technique in the mountain and sea magic, and wrapped Baker in the healing water ball.

Lin Shan was considering whether to fight or run now.

Godfrey, who came to rescue Baker, hadn't arrived yet. Would it be ineffective to just run away like this?

Just as Lin Shan was hesitating, a huge coffin appeared above his head.

The road behind him was also blocked by a thousand-meter-high tree man.

Without any conversation or questions, they chose to attack Lin Shan directly.

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