Above the gray fog

Chapter 498 Black Bear Man

‘Moon in the Mirror’

‘Song of the Forest’

The two domains are activated at the same time.

‘Moon in the Mirror’ is a pure spiritual domain, while ‘Song of the Forest’ is a mixed domain with more complex characteristics.

But if ‘Song of the Forest’ and ‘Ice Flame’ are combined, all the characteristics contained in ‘Song of the Forest’ will be qualitatively improved, from a relatively mediocre mixed domain to a pentagonal domain.

Of course, the consumption of spirituality is also intense.

The thousand-meter-high tree man has been tightly entangled by the branches rooted in the void. The white flames carried by the branches make the tall tree man twist continuously, and dark marks appear on the tree man’s skin.

However, the tree man is obviously not a vegetarian. Every time it twists, the branches will be torn off, and then turn into dots of light and disappear.

The visual deception of ‘Moon in the Mirror’, coupled with the blocking of spiritual power by ‘Song of the Forest’, makes Lin Shan’s existence completely disappear.

The sickle sword in his hand swung out a huge sword light, which broke through the air, and the terrifying might attacked the leading gray elf.

Although these gray elves were blind and could not see where the attack came from, they still had an instinctive sense of danger.

When the dark sword was about to cut the leading gray elf, a dazzling electric light fell from the sky. The sword seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and was purified in an instant.

"This lightning has a purification property... The sickle sword's attack comes with a curse, which is just restrained..."

If Lin Shan remembered correctly, the leading gray elf who summoned lightning was the one who summoned the coffin before. He mastered the power of curse and purification at the same time. This sequence is really strange.

Feeling the spirituality flowing out of his body like a tide, Lin Shan knew that he could not stalemate with them. The trump card of the battle armor could not be exposed now.

'Soul Separation' consumes the origin, and it is not worth using it.

"Run when it reaches the limit..." Lin Shan made a secret decision in his heart. Maybe the messenger was locked up by him for too long, or Baker lost too quickly. The current time and the time predicted by the parchment are a bit inconsistent. In the prophecy, Godfrey will come as soon as he rescues Baker.

This is the best case scenario. Reality is not that good, and there will always be changes.

Lin Shan controlled the ‘Song of the Forest’ to isolate the leading gray elf, teleported to the sky above the female gray elf, and chopped down with the wooden sword burning with fire in his hand.


The wooden sword hit the alloy dagger in the female gray elf’s hand, and the sawtooth of the dagger stuck the wooden sword tightly.

“I got you.” The female gray elf shouted coldly.

I saw that her other hand stretched down, and an identical alloy dagger appeared.

She slashed the dagger upwards, and the dazzling silver light broke through the air and slashed towards Lin Shan.

Lin Shan’s eyes condensed, and the wooden sword in his hand turned into streams of light and dissipated, thus releasing the enemy’s control.

The enemy could not see her with his eyes, but his perception of spirituality was not reduced at all. Through the spirituality of the wooden sword, he immediately captured Lin Shan’s position, and the alloy dagger pointed at Lin Shan obliquely.

The pink mist spread with the female gray elf as the center. Lin Shan only felt a moment of trance. The female gray elf had appeared behind him, with the alloy short knife against his heart.

An extremely concentrated spiritual beam was shot out, and a big hole appeared in "Lin Shan's" chest, but there was no blood.

"Fake." The female gray elf thought to herself that it was not good, and immediately pulled back. Suddenly, she felt a chill on her back, followed by a severe pain. A deep cut was cut on her back that could see the bone.

The female gray elf endured the severe pain without saying a word. The pink mist quickly gathered around her. Two short blades were across her chest, and her eyes swept around coldly.

Lin Shan stood in the air not far from her, thinking that it was troublesome. This person was not an easy bone to chew. He had to use a lot of spirituality to maintain two layers of domains to hold the other two, and he couldn't free his hands to attack with all his strength.

Lin Shan set his eyes on the huge tree man not far away, and then shook his head again. These two living bodies couldn't be chewed, let alone the fallen body.

Instead of fighting and consuming extra spirituality, it is better to use the advantage of sequence to trap them for a while, preferably until Godfrey comes.

"Why don't you run..."

"How... why do you have two domains?"

"You are... double body?"

After a short treatment, Baker's consciousness became clearer.

Seeing Lin Shan controlling three people alone, Baker opened his eyes wide.

He knew Lin Shan, but only knew basic information, and had no idea about Lin Shan's strength. Now he understood... why Lin Shan could mix with the princes and princesses of those big families.

"Can this be seen?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

"Well... every... cough cough... cough cough..." Baker uttered words intermittently.

"Don't talk for now."

Baker kept coughing up blood. Lin Shan was afraid that he would die suddenly. His spirituality had not yet recovered its basic operation and was in a state of spiritual shock. Excessive overdraft of spirituality would be like this, commonly known as the near-death state. In this case, a sequence 9 could kill him.

These three people are not simple. In fact, if they can become Sequence 7, they can't be simple. Even if they are a little weak, it's just that their sequence combination is weak.

He may win by using the "Soul Separation", which may be a miserable victory, but it is not necessary. The plan does not say that he can win.

"Let's retreat first..." Lin Shan said to himself.

The red light flashed, and it disappeared with Baker.

The Flash tribe.

Lin Shan sent Baker to the sky above the "Money and Love Agency", "I'll send you here. I still have to go out hunting to make money."

"Thank you. I will visit you in a few days to say thank you."

"No, I just happened to be passing by." Lin Shan waved his hand.

After putting on a full show, Lin Shan remained entrenched in the gray fog for the next two days.

Two days later, Lin Shan returned to the Semitic tribe again, and Qi Zhuo left early and returned late as usual.

During this period, Lin Shan visited Yanhui City and made a friend who was a neighbor of Sequence 7.

Lin Shanzheng and his black bear neighbor play the unique Semitic "Flash Chess". The gameplay is to imprint spirituality into the void. The flags have their own identities. The player wins through operations, which is similar to chess.

It is said that this method of playing was originally used to exercise Semitic citizens' spiritual control. It is indeed difficult for novices to transform many spiritual chess pieces and maintain the shape of the chess pieces and the words on them.

"Brother Mumu, you have a visitor." The black bear on the opposite side spoke human words. It shook its body and transformed into a rugged man.

"Brother Mumu, we'll wait until there's time for the endgame. You deal with things first." The rough man waved his hand to scatter the chessboard.

"But...I'm just one step away..."

"No but, Brother Mumu, your business is the most important." The rough man said righteously,

"Okay, let me take the last step when I have time."

"No rush, no rush, go ahead and do your work. I took on a mission yesterday and I guess I won't be back for a while."

"Brother Xiong, have a good trip." Lin Shan stood up and said goodbye.

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