Above the gray fog

Chapter 610 The Child of God

"Ahem." Outside the door, Tushan Furu coughed lightly, "Why did you call me over?"

"Come and sit." Tu Shan Ranqi said calmly.

"How should I put it...I can be considered your brother, but you are too cold." Tushan Furu walked towards the opposite side of Tushan Ranqi and sat down unceremoniously.

There isn't much of a superior-subordinate relationship between the gods, everyone is a relative.

To put it bluntly, we are a family.

When one person becomes a god, the entire family will also benefit from the honor and ascend.

"Is this your first time seeing me?" Tushan Ranqi glanced at Tushan Furu and asked, then he swept the table and all the leftovers left by Lin Shan on the table disappeared.

Tushan Furu froze when he picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Ranqi, do you need to treat them so differently?"

"Don't call me Ranqi, our relationship is not that good." Tushan Ranqi stared at Tushan Furu... this man who was a cousin to her.

"Do you still care about the past?" Tushan Furu smiled bitterly, "There are only so many people with the surname of the Fox Clan. How could we deliberately exclude you? It was all because of your Aunt Qingying, who chose you... ..."

"I know." Tushan Ranqi interrupted Tushan Furu, "I didn't call you here just to talk about this. There are some things you need to do."

"What's the matter? Is it related to the male creature just now?" Tushan Furu asked with a smile.

Tushan Ranqi said coldly: "Didn't you see everything?"

"I see, you gave him the 'Yi Bow'." Tushan Furu spread his hands, "History always has an amazing form. Your aunt... did the same thing back then."

"My aunt, isn't she your biological mother? You keep saying that I can't let go. What about you... My aunt has come to you many times, and what's your attitude?" Tushan Ranqi's eyes flashed with sadness, and she looked at Tushan Fu Ru... seems to have seen the history that will be played out countless years later.

"Okay, I understand you a little bit. There are some things that you can't let go of easily even if you know you can't do anything about them." Tushan Furu waved his hand, "Let's get down to business."

Tushan Ranqi looked at the chubby tombstone again and said calmly:

"The council has a mission, to go to the border to investigate the truth behind the disappearance of the bees, and... to destroy the bees and bring back the evidence."

"The truth may not be found, but... the bee clan must not continue to exist. This threat, the council must be established."

Tushan Furu nodded, "At this time, the morale of all races is low, and the head of rebellion must not be opened. As the first seed of rebellion, the Bee Race will definitely be protected by Zhuhuo. They know that we We will definitely not allow traitors to exist. If we protect the Bee Clan and then spread rumors that the Bee Clan is doing well, we may not rule out that some fools will actually believe it.”

"There is no fool. At least for now, not only will you not suffer any losses by joining the Chasing Fire, you will also receive a steady stream of assistance, and you will even be protected by the Chasing Fire. Compared with being frightened in the corridor, this choice is more beneficial to you. For some races, it is the best choice." Tushan Ranqi said sarcastically, "In fact, the human circle we have been guarding has never been a whole."

"That plan..." Tushan Furu looked a little heavy, "More and more people agree."

"This is normal. Since the outcome has been determined, no one wants to stick to it. From the day the balance is broken, the human circle is destined to disappear. This is also the plan of the Dawn Federation. It was blocked by angels for the first time, so the human circle is still Now, we didn’t block it the second time, so...the circle is about to enter the countdown to the end.”

"Hey." Tushan Furu sighed, "Fortunately, the warp engine technology has made a breakthrough, and the ancient ruins have been a big help. It is expected that the 'Ark' will be operational in another 130 years."

Tushan Ranqi said softly, "130 years... is also the countdown to the life span of the human circle."

"At this time, we only need to be careful of the plan of 'Chasing Fire'. All races have no gods now, and 'Chasing Fire' has Jada. They definitely want to disintegrate us as much as possible without destroying the corridor of gods..." ."

Tushan Ranqi said slowly:

"If the plan of 'Chasing Fire' succeeds and we break through the divine corridor in advance, we must stick to the original plan. At that time, the gods will come back to protect us. We don't have to fight to the end with them. Let other races stand in front and help us. Buying decades, as long as 'Chasing Fire' is not stupid, he will not bite the hardest bones first."

The worry in Tushan Furu's eyes was even worse, and a flash of violent scarlet flashed from time to time, but he suppressed it very well, "Did other members of the council also decide this way?"

"This is a plan that everyone agrees on," Tushan Ranqi said.

"Okay, I understand. If nothing happens, I will leave first." Tushan Furu stood up and said, "I will cut off the religious ties with other tribes as soon as possible, and the firepower on the front line will be restrained as much as possible to avoid problems in the future."

"Wait a minute." Tushan Ranqi called to Tushan Furu, "There's no rush for you. There's still a long time. The space-based weapons surrounding the 3 nodes are about to be completed. By then, the entire section will be covered with space-based weapons. We can Use the minimum consumption to create maximum firepower coverage. There is no need to save firepower. Now collect characteristics as much as possible. The main reason for calling you here is for the mission I just mentioned..."

"The bee clan's mission? Does it have anything to do with me?" Tushan Furu was a little confused.

"Well, I took it for you, and you will complete this task." Tushan Ranqi nodded seriously.

"Huh?" Tushan Furu thought he heard wrongly. How could he still do such an operation?

"What do you mean you picked it up for me?"


"Aren't you kidding?"



"He's going to the border."

Tushan Furu: "..."

After being silent for a long time, Tushan Furu said, "It's really a difficult task. If something happens to him... your path will be almost cut off, right?"


Tushan Furu raised his brows and looked at his wayward cousin, whom the whole family had trained with all the strength, and resentment arose in his heart, "Why should he be allowed to go? At such a critical time, he should not be protected. Do a good job and let him get promoted smoothly.”

"It was before and it is now. Do you know your own identity? If there are any mistakes in your path, how much will the Fox clan lose? Do you know this?"

"I know."


"He is not a caged bird or a canary. I locked him up and protected him, and he was no longer him at that time. Since he is no longer him, do you think... my path will still be on him at that time? "

"I know, I don't understand this, but I hope you can control it yourself." Tushan Furu sighed softly, "You can find a demigod who can better protect his safety."

"The demigod is not as good as you. He went out for his own business. If there is some big opportunity... I don't worry about the others. I'm sorry to bother you." Tushan Ranqi waved his hand, indicating that he could leave. .

"He got a great opportunity, which is not a good thing for you. He died on the road, which directly cut off your path... Tushan Ranqi, you are really good, you don't do anything that is beneficial to yourself. "Tushan Furu waved his sleeves and left, seeming really angry.

"Isn't it good for me to have you protect him? So... don't let him die."

Tushan Furu's body stiffened, then continued to walk away.

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