Above the gray fog

Chapter 611: Nine Tribulations of Human Nature

Lin Shan took the wooden box given by Tushan Ranqi back to the human race, and thought about it and felt something was wrong.

This thing was too hot to hold.

It was a super-standard sequence, and it was the top sequence among super-standards. How could it be given to others casually? If there were no twists and turns in it, he would not believe it.

No matter how much Lin Shan thought about it, he could not understand what Tushan Ranqi meant.

What did it mean that only he could carry it? Could it be that this sequence would recognize the master?

He knew that Tushan Ranqi had some special feelings for him, and guessed that it was probably the sequelae of losing divinity last time.

However, feelings are feelings. As long as she is not a fool, she knows what the super-standard sequence means, and it is impossible to give this thing to others.

Racial civilization comes first, what does personal emotion count for.

Lin Shan took out the "yellow paper" from the storage space. This is a treasure brought out from the Youxiong clan in the old ruins.

It was originally a diary in the former residence of the Yellow Emperor. Even the master went to the ruins to obtain it on purpose, and later it carried Bai Ze's authority and became a carrier.

Although the ‘yellow paper’ has no attack effect, its identification ability is not lower than that of parchment, and it can be regarded as a low-end version of parchment. The most important thing is... ‘yellow paper’ is free, and it can be identified by consuming spirituality.

As Lin Shan injected spirituality, a faint white light emanated from the yellow paper.

[The seal box containing the sequence ‘Yi Bow’, the characteristic of ‘Yi Bow’ is ‘shooting the sun’, which is the ‘divine bow’ of the ancient god Dayi. The complete ‘Yi Bow’ can shoot down a star with one arrow. This is the half of the ‘Yi Bow’ divided by the rules. The power has dropped countless times, but it still exceeds the ordinary sequence and is an ultra-standard sequence. ]

Lin Shan looked at the introduction on the ‘yellow paper’, and his mood fluctuated.

His first reaction to hearing ‘Yi Bow’ was Dayi, and he didn’t expect that it was really the divine bow in Dayi’s hand.

This feeling of close contact with mythology is very wonderful and uneasy.

The complete version of ‘Yi Bow’ is definitely not inferior to authority. Can authority blow up a star in one go?

The more valuable the ‘Yi bow’ is, the more uneasy he feels. It’s like an ordinary family. Suddenly one day a rich man puts 100 million yuan in his hand and tells him that the 100 million is for him and he can spend it as he likes. What will be the first reaction of that person?

Most likely not joy.

Suspicion, uneasiness, fear...

However, he doesn’t need to be suspicious because he has parchment.

Lin Shan; [What does Tushan Ranqi mean? Can I carry the ‘Yi bow’? ]

Parchment: [10 years of life. ]

Lin Shan: [Yes. ]

Parchment: [I don’t know what she means, but you’d better not carry the ‘Yi bow’ sequence. If you carry the ‘Yi bow’, the cause and effect of two creatures carrying the ‘Yi bow’ will be closely linked together, which is the best choice for overcoming the nine tribulations. If the two people’s fit reaches a certain level, they can even make the ‘Yi bow’ reunite and become a super characteristic beyond ordinary authority. Its power is comparable to that of a sequence 3 god, but the rules are fair, and the powerful force that cannot be controlled needs to pay a price. ]

Lin Shan: [What is the Nine Tribulations?]

Parchment: [1 year.]

Lin Shan glanced at the handwriting on the parchment and decided to look it up himself.

He had heard the word "Nine Tribulations" many times. It was not a secret. There must be records on the spiritual network.

He typed the word "Nine Tribulations" on the light screen in front of him, and immediately a series of introductions to this word popped up.

The information in the spiritual network was intercepted from books, and all the answers came from the classics.

Lin Shan roughly browsed the concept of "Nine Tribulations".

The full name of "Nine Tribulations" is "Nine Tribulations of Human Nature". If you want to become a god, you must go through these nine tribulations in human nature as an ordinary person.

Only after going through the Nine Tribulations can you have the prerequisite for becoming a god.

The first tribulation: emotional tribulation.

The second tribulation: poverty tribulation.

The third tribulation: obsession tribulation.

The fourth tribulation: greed tribulation

The fifth tribulation: failure tribulation.

The sixth tribulation: separation tribulation.

The seventh tribulation: disease tribulation.

The eighth tribulation: aging tribulation.

The ninth tribulation: life and death tribulation.

The book "The Humanity of God" has such a record.

[If a mortal spirit wants to become a god, it must go through all the tribulations of human nature, so that the human nature in the body can be sublimated, and only on this basis can it control the divine nature after being deified. ]

[If you don't go through the "Nine Tribulations of Human Nature", even if you become a god, the human nature and divinity in the body cannot be balanced. The deified divinity will suppress the human nature in an instant. At that time, the gods will completely lose their humanity. The gods who have lost their humanity are equivalent to the law enforcers of the rules. They will completely lose their own thoughts and do the work of the gods. ]

[The poverty, obsession, greed, failure, separation, illness, and aging in the "Nine Tribulations" are all easy to go through. The only difficult ones are emotions and life and death. If you are not careful, you will fail. ]

[Other tribulations only require sealing the spirituality and memory to go through the motions. It is not difficult. After years of exploration by the Ten Thousand Races, there is a systematic way to go through them. These tribulations can be interfered with artificially. What is needed is to experience the most desperate feeling in human nature, and you can completely follow the script. ]

[Emotional tribulation and life and death tribulation cannot be interfered with artificially. One does not know when it starts. Once it starts, if it is forcibly interfered with, it will be a failure. Some people will never get through the "emotional tribulation" in their lifetime, while some people have already gotten through it when they were teenagers. The same is true for the "life and death tribulation". Some people go through the life and death tribulation every day, while some people grow up in a comfortable environment and never come into contact with life and death in their lifetime.]

[No one knows how to judge emotions and life and death. After reaching Sequence 5, the soul will give the answer.]

This is recorded in "Humanity - Emotional Tribulation".

[Among the 'Nine Tribulations', emotions are the most difficult, because creatures who are obsessed with strength will not care about emotions. When they need to go through the 'Emotional Tribulation'... they will find that they can no longer truly fall in love with other creatures. In theory, extraordinary beings above Sequence 7 will not have complete humanity, and naturally will no longer have complete love. In the 'Nine Tribulations', love mixed with divinity is not considered love.]

[The best way to deal with it is... to completely give up divinity first, and in the process of giving up divinity, develop love for other creatures. At this time, love is the purest in human nature and is the nourishment needed for the sublimation of the soul, but... this time is not considered to be going through the emotional tribulation, because the soul that has given up divinity is not complete, and it needs to take back divinity to complete the next step. ]

[After the divinity returns, the original love will no longer be pure, but its pure foundation is still there. You can find another way to make up for the defects, let the other party owe you, owe you karma, and it is best to fall in love with you. At this time, even if you don’t like the other party, you can use the karma of fate to deceive yourself and complete the "cutting off the love" to overcome the love tribulation. ]

[To overcome the love tribulation, you don’t have to kill the other party. You need extremely strong emotions as a support to sublimate the soul. "Cut off the love" is the simplest method. ]

Lin Shan read the text in the spiritual network and felt his palms cold.

In all this, is the parchment plotting Tushan Ranqi, or is Tushan Ranqi plotting him...

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