Above The Sky

Chapter 336 Do You Want To Be A Patrol Knight? (33)

"It's a spy in the land of flames, who stole the keys of the indigenous holy land!"

"It's a spy from the land of flames, secretly disrupting the circulation of the source material inside the labyrinth!"

"It's the spies of the flying flames, who created the plague, the turmoil, and inspired the natives to wage war against us!"

"There is no doubt that it was the spies of the Flying Flames who created all this pain. They created the big storm and destroyed the home we worked so hard to build! It is they who spread the plague and made all our settlements in the entire South Ridge terrified. !"

"People of the Empire - I'm not alarming, but I have actual evidence!"

Even if he already knew what the Viscount was going to do, Ian couldn't help but feel stupefied and admired by the other party's decision - it's not that the boy is not smart enough, but he didn't think of such a practice, he mainly has a more serious and responsible personality, and he couldn't think of taking the blame for the first time. In this regard.

As for the flames...

Oh, Fei Yandi should really thank Viscount Grant. According to this method, its strength has soared more than ten times.

But it does work.

With the big wave of the Viscount, the escort team dragged out a few gagged agents from the prison car on the side, obviously the agents who looked like in the flames, as well as a large number of firearms in the flames, all Harrison Hong Kong people All boiled.

"I just said that the big storm is not right! We have been building Harrison Port for so many years, and when we are booming, how can there be a natural disaster suddenly - there is no such thing in the first 20 years!"

"Sure enough, it's a bastard in the land of flames, he's x, look at these firearms, how sophisticated, our good boys are useless!"

"Yeah, I just said that the natives have been fighting with us for so many years, and we have never seen them use the plague method... Sure enough, it's all the fault of Fei Yandi!"

On the spot, many people suddenly realized that they had fully understood the reason for everything, and their pain and anxiety had a real source, a target that could be defeated and killed.

It's not like a natural disaster, even if it is painful, if you want to condemn, there is no way to say it, and you can only consider yourself an unlucky target.

Encountering natural disasters will only lead to a decline in cohesion, making everyone feel that they are not blessed, or that the soil and water in their hometown are not good.

However, if the enemy is destroying...

Then it will be the same as the enemy.


When everyone's indignant condemnation turned into a tidal wave, the Viscount used his water sword to behead these flaming prisoners, making the entire square silent for a while.

Then, there was a tsunami of cheers.

"Viscount, we love you!"

"It should be killed like this, it should be killed like this!"

"Bah! The blood of a bunch of bastards has stained our square!"

——Having lost the great shaman and completely gave up fighting the natives of Port Harrison, even with the support of Flying Flames, he has completely lost confidence.

Without the Marsh Crocodile Dragon and the Sequoia natives with a giant eel, it is no longer an obstacle to Nanling.

Therefore, they have no reason to continue to cooperate with Flying Flameland.

Blood splattered. These captives who were confessed by the natives have already explained everything they can. Their only value is to become Viscount Grant in this grand 'sacrifice' to unite people's hearts.

"It seems that what the natives often say is correct."

Looking at the port residents who were frenzied with blood and even cheered loudly, Ian nodded slightly and said in his heart: "The empire is a bigger tribe. It's just that the sacrifice method is more sophisticated and the productivity is more developed, so that you can make yourself People are fed and clothed, and they don’t really need to sacrifice their lives.”

If it is to develop to a higher level of civilization, the 'sacrificial sacrifice' that is needed, the means for the people to unite the people's hearts and cohesion, is not just head, human life and blood.

It's entertainment, idols and games; it's programming, narrative and correctness.

No one thought there was anything wrong with that, and neither did Ian—even if the Viscount lied, the Spies of Blaze were damned.

Since death is not as valuable as death.

He didn't find it savage or bloody, nor did he find it funny.

Ian just thinks that if the conditions are met, he has a better way to achieve the same goal without lying.

"—and all this."

At this moment, the Viscount's impassioned voice continued to sound: "The greatest contributor to exposing this conspiracy is the member of the escort who heroically blocked the conspiracy of the Flying Flames fourteen years ago, and the heir of one of them!"

"It was fourteen years ago that our escort heroes stopped the conspiracy of Flying Flames, so our homeland survived!"

"It was the Ellen family exploration team, and our genius, appraiser Ian, who prevented such a conspiracy of the Flaming Special Forces, and our homeland was once again preserved - and forever ended the great storm. A man-made natural disaster!"

Eyes are gathering.

Will is condensed.

Everyone is looking at themselves, watching themselves.

- When he came out.

Ian raised his eyes, he knew that he should go up according to the script.

So he went up, walked towards Viscount Grant's side step by step, and faced everyone present with a smile.

Isengard and Master Gosse are not suitable for this occasion. They are outsiders and cannot get gratitude from the heart, but Ian can.

Ian stepped forward, came to the center of the square, and stood beside Viscount Grant.

"It's the best possible ending - an honorable name, a grateful future, and you'll be the son of a hero, and the hero of this generation."

The Viscount whispered to Ian, he put his hand on Ian's shoulder to show his closeness to the young white people, and now he raised his voice: "Thanks to Ian's contribution to our Port Harrison, I decided to put it Promoted to a knight—probably the youngest knight in Nanling!"

"He has this strength and this credit, let's applaud him!"


There was another burst of cheers. Obviously, even if some people felt dissatisfied, no one dared to jump out and spoil the mood when the lord and the citizens were so interested.

Ian smiled and looked around the crowd in the square, he didn't see much malice.

This is indeed his hometown, and he is indeed recognized as a genius, a good boy, and a good man.

And not long after, when the cheers of the crowd gradually subsided, Viscount Grant also smiled and whispered to Ian: "Ian, according to your ability, even if it is not now, I will make you a knight in a few years. ."

"But now, do you have an idea to choose a good path?"

Ian tilted his head slightly, he was a little curious and didn't know what Viscount Grant was talking about.

And what the Viscount said next shocked him in a real sense.


The Viscount said calmly, "Have you ever thought about becoming a patrol knight?"

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