Above The Sky

Chapter 337 Living Cause: Life Is Too Hard (13)

Patrol Knight...

Until the end of the Viscount's speech, the remains of the escort were buried in the cemetery by Yoon En and the Viscount.

Until the young man returned to his home after a long absence, lay on the bed, and looked at the little fish that he had raised by the windowsill, and was still dying, struggling to survive.

The word was still flashing in his mind.

The patrol knights, to put it bluntly, are an independent armed force directly under the emperor. They have many and complex responsibilities. They have to pass on the emperor's secret orders, execute court punishments, and arrest sentenced nobles and ministers. Eucalyptus (commonly known as the Empire's Book of Hate), in the general sense of the right of criminal investigation and interrogation, formal knights can also have the right to arrest and sentence on the spot, its duties hinder the monitoring of the movements of nobles in various places, eliminate corruption and anti-nobles and ministers, and secretly arrest spies with traitors and more.

It can be seen that even the most common right of a patrol knight is a privilege among privileges for ordinary knights.

This organization was not first organized by the late emperor Yin Nai Jia II, but it was carried forward in his hands and became a quick knife to control nobles and ministers.

Even now, in the most severe curses spoken by nobles everywhere, "Let the patrol knights come to seal up your family's ancestral grave! ’ is still a very commonly used term, which shows the power of the patrol knights and the domineering of the past.

After the death of Yin Naijia II, the Knights of the Patrol were disbanded for a short time, and were declared to be an evil persecution and spy organization. There were even the Knights of the Patrol who secretly kidnapped the bloodlines of the descendants of nobles from all over the world for biological alchemy. Experiment' this sensational legend.

No one can tell whether it is true or not, but Yin En feels that it should be done by the Academy of Gnosis, and it should have nothing to do with the Knights of the Patrol.

In fact, because of the first knight, the elites of the patrolling knights are also responsible for the safety of the emperor when he travels, but this is actually only the responsibility of Hilliard, and other emperors will form their own royal relatives. The guards and the Knights are in charge.

In theory, the Patrol Knights have actually been disbanded once.

But as Earth Keeper Axel gradually settled down on the chair under him, the Knights of Patrol quickly regrouped.

And this time, it has become a genuine special force organization, directly under the emperor and only responsible to the emperor.

Compared with the period of Yin Nai Jia II, the actual power of the patrol knights under Axel is even greater - no matter whether the internal corruption is serious or not, they all represent the face of the emperor, and the ordinary small nobles are in the face. When inspecting knights, it is full of fear.

And here is the problem.

"Did Viscount Grant also know the identity of my Hilliard disciple?"

Lying on the bed, Yin En frowned: "Although it feels a bit nonsense, why did he recommend me to be a patrol knight?"

Although according to the Viscount's words, he could only introduce himself to the Marquis of Nanling, but whether or not the matter can be accomplished depends on his own efforts.

But for aristocrats, being able to recommend this matter means that 100% of them have a 70% certainty.

Take care of yourself? Want to cultivate your own cronies in the Knights of the Patrol? It's not to say it's impossible, this is actually the idea that a normal great noble should have - but if Viscount Grant has this strength, then he shouldn't be just a second energy level trapped in Nanling!


Yin En sat up and thoughtfully said to himself: "This fellow Viscount, although I don't know the exact time, has indeed become the third energy level within six years."

"Is it possible that until now, I still underestimate the Viscount?"

That's not.

Yin En thought about it and thought that it might be the dual relationship between the 'big labyrinth' and 'Nanling Pingding'.

The appearance of the South China Sea Labyrinth will definitely attract a lot of investment and adventurers, and the natives will naturally surrender completely after losing their main fighting strength and spiritual support.

In this way, Harrison Harbor and the entire southern part of Nanling have really become the back garden of the Viscount.

Whether it is to obtain potion materials or political status, Viscount Grant will receive a huge boost in the next few years... and when he becomes the third energy level, he will be able to compete with the governor of Nanling Province, Marquis Barton. Sit on an equal footing.

Even now, the viscount who has opened the big labyrinth, pacified the natives, and expelled the other three-nation fleets, if he wants to rely on his father and father's relationship, he recommends himself to the patrol knights as an apprentice...

"It's not impossible - it's me who's in trouble anyway, he just needs to mention it."

After figuring this out, Yin En nodded instead: "It's a classic power trick. If I don't succeed, it won't take him a lot of effort. If I succeed, it's his credit. I have to say thank you."

As for being an improper patrol knight...

Nonsense, for sure!

His senior brother, Wiggs, can be a knight, so why can't he be himself?

What's more, it's just an apprentice. From this line, you can observe the current situation of the empire from the inside.

Whether it is to inquire about news or to collect information for the future, it is definitely the most convenient and quick way.

Not to mention, he who recommended him from the line of Viscount Grant can naturally avoid many kinds of eyes, commonly known as black under the lights.

The award of knighthood is no longer important after Viscount Grant announced it in public. Yin En's name has been registered, and it only needs to be sent to Nauman City, and then Nauman City will send it to the imperial capital for confirmation and stamping, and it will become a fact.

Now, Yoon En only needs to wait for the Viscount to prepare his deserved 'Knight's Armor', 'Knight's Sword', etc., and then he can set off.

The line of patrolling knights also needs to go to Nauman City and report to Marquis Barton.

Because the Marquis of Badun was the personal guard that Axel brought out of the Eastern Territory Cavalry, and then became a patrol knight who was unable to kill the emperor. Finally, after being seriously injured in a guard battle, he was killed by Axel. Feeling the deep credit, he let him step down and serve as the governor of Nanling.

In fact, this is a bit overstepping. A third-level powerhouse without much background is only a marquis. No matter how hard he works, he is not qualified to be the governor of the province.

But because this province is Nanling, it is not a big problem.

The Marquis of Barton is obviously not someone who cares about enjoyment, and is also a typical military noble. The mountain people and various indigenous people of Nanling can't turn the sky in his hands. The most difficult to deal with the big redwood forest indigenous and the Viscount Grant help him to block. , life is actually quite pleasant.

With this relationship, Viscount Grant recommended Yoon En to the other party.

"In a sense, this will probably be my first trip since becoming a knight."

Getting up from the bed, Yin En looked at the little fish by the window.

He stared at this little fish that he used to predict the future, starved for four days, but never died, and sighed: "You are too alive."

"Theoretically, I can live for two or three days at most, but it ended up being four days - which greatly affected my detection accuracy, although from the results, there would be no difference."

After pouring a little of the fish food prepared earlier, Yin En shook his head slightly: "I'll let you go tomorrow, after all, I have Frost Butterfly now."

Reason for living: life is too hard.

After feeding the fish, Yin En turned his attention to the top of his head.

There, a primitive goblin was still flapping its wings gently.

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