Above The Sky

The 447Th Chapter Gods Above The Earth (23)

"Hello, new member, my name is Ian, you can call me a guide, a forerunner, or an alchemist, whatever."

Taking off his helmet, the white-haired boy smiled and nodded to the mountain people with slightly open eyes. The young mountain people blinked and responded with a smirk: "My name is Pansha... the elder heir of the Afud Department, you know my grandfather. , I won't say more."

Ian turned his head and looked at the elf bachelor and the already restrained Purple Maple Knight: "Anfa, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

"The appearance of Zifeng is my fault. This is the disagreement within our Canaan Moor elves."

Anfa gave Ian a thank-you salute, Ian returned the salute, and then said, "What should I do next? Kill her, or...you take her back?"

"She is still valuable—and Zifeng is very smart, isn't she? She chose to leave at the beginning." An Fa hesitated, but insisted: "For the sake of her not taking action against you, can you spare her life? ."

Ian looked at the elf knight bound by Anfa with interest.

Of course, he knew that Zifeng had no interest in himself from the beginning, and she came here mainly to track down relevant clues about Anfa.

In other words, she has something to communicate with Anfa.

For this reason, she doesn't mind taking the blame for the magneto-optical knight. Anyway, it's a big deal for her to return to Canaan Moor and never come to Nanling again.

But the pot can't be big.

Therefore, after seeing that his strength far exceeded his expectations, Zifeng simply left without disturbing the muddy water.

It was a smart choice that saved her life.

Moreover, she also got her wish to see the Anfa she wanted to see-maybe the way is not right, but the result is the same.

"Look at you. You caught her."

Ian raised his head, he put on the helmet again, and said indifferently: "Thank you for your help, otherwise, Magneto Light alone can make me into a hard fight, two people... I can only flee all the way, and in front of others , revealing the power of the dragon's blood organs."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the scene of the previous battle.

Anfa and Pansha followed behind Ian, and the boy explained to them: "Magnetic light is indeed very powerful, but he underestimates the explosive power of my dragon-like organ."

"He should have wanted to use a special method to strengthen his strength and defeat me in one fell swoop, but I saw through the flaws, and in turn used the dragon-like organ to knock him down."

This was the official statement, and both of them listened silently.

As for the truth or not, they don't care.

Plus what Ian said was in line with the aftermath of the battle they'd seen before, there's nothing to question.

At this moment, Ian suddenly changed the subject.

"That's right, Anfa."

The young man turned his head and asked softly, "Worship the Dragon Cult... Is there really a god?"

Immediately, An Fa and Pan Sha both raised their heads and looked at Ian, one was stunned and the other was confused.

Her mind moved slightly, and the red inscription wrapped around the purple maple knight's head flickered, blocking her hearing, and then slowly said: "Why suddenly ask... this question?"

"Because the magneto-optical mentioned a related topic just now." Ian threw the pot on the dead man without hesitation: "I beg for divine power... After saying this, his power suddenly became stronger, but it also showed a flaw. Gave me a chance to kill in one hit."

"I think, there are so many sects in this world, isn't it normal to have gods? In this case, do we worship the Dragon Cult?"

There was genuine doubt in Ian's tone, and it was obvious that Magneto's words puzzled him.

An Fa was silent for a while, and frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

"Do you know the worm's nest?" The elf suddenly talked about another topic, and Ian, who almost became the master of the star-seeker swarm, smiled and took it: "I heard... It is said that in the Moorish forests of Canaan The zerg is a hive life."

"As far as I know, a powerful eusocial group of creatures."

"Well." Anfa's brows stretched out, and he explained: "That's it. Some individuals with independent intelligence in the zerg will call the female worm in their lair 'God'."

"And the crystal dragons in the sea of ​​meditation will also call their dragon king the 'primitive god'."

"Besides that, like the khans of the Cangtian Royal Court, among some demi-human tribes, they are also gods who walk in the world... Feiyandi also has a similar tradition, and the kings of Feiyan all claim to be gods. Descendants, whose blood contains divinity."

"The empire is no exception. Your emperor always claims to be the sun or the double moon, and he is the spokesperson of the light of the sky."

Even if the elf dressed as a bachelor holds a long bow, it still does not damage his elegance. Anfa explained to Ian the definition of 'god' on the continent of Terra for Ian on the hills of the golden plain, and answered the boy's question as detailed as possible. Like a teacher in a classroom.

"all in all."

In the end, Anfa concluded: "The kings of the fifth energy level, in those remote and primitive areas, are enough to be worshipped as 'gods'. If you have to say this, then worshiping the Dragon Cult used to be a 'God's."

There's quite a bit of information in this sentence, and Ian nods and listens carefully.

The elf also paid attention to Ian's expression and said slowly: "But only the four orthodox sects can truly confer divine power... Except for the four orthodox sects, there is no other force that can fully grasp this power."

Anfa turned his head to the side and looked at the white-haired boy who was listening quietly. He reminded him: "Of course, it's just that we don't know, it doesn't mean that we don't know it -- it's important to know, different civilizations, different cultures and regions, The definitions of God and power are different."

"For example, in the capital of knowledge, imparting knowledge itself is no different from imparting divine power. It is equally sacred and cannot be blasphemed. Similarly, in some areas, the true form of higher blood can be regarded as the inheritance of divine power."

"But if the magneto-optical knight is really given some kind of power that takes effect immediately, some kind of magic, it means that he is a member of a mysterious sect-revering false gods and praying for evil powers."

Anfa emphasized: "In the eyes of the four orthodox religions, their existence is a more 'evil' cult than our Dragon Cult."

"If that's the case, you kill him, even a great achievement."

After all, in the final analysis, the existence of ancient dragons itself has nothing to do with evil and goodness, because ancient dragons have never needed the belief and reverence of humans, and their power is also derived from blood, or from studying their knowledge.

That's the difference.

"So..." Ian nodded slowly. Although he didn't get a clear answer, Anfa's answer did answer a lot of doubts for him, and even revealed some of the deeper secrets of Terra Continent for him.

God... or rather, pseudo-god, actually exists.

The teenager still remembers that Teacher Hilliard once said to himself before his death.

The existence of the silver chip will attract all kinds of powerful enemies for him.

——The king of the earth, the gods of the world, the generals of an army, the rulers of this world.

There are indeed many kings, and the generals have also seen them, and this divine envoy...


He whispered in his heart: "No wonder these guys are secretly connected, are they members of a sect?"

"I just don't know what kind of sect this is, and who their leader and 'God' are."

Ian wasn't worried that if he killed Night Snake and Magneto Light, what this mysterious sect could do to him.

In the final analysis, the other party is a hidden sect hidden in the darkness, and needs dormant forces, even the Dragon Worship Cult can't compare.

After all, if the Dragon Worship Cult wants to recruit people, there are really many people who will go there—the blood of the ancient dragon, which can affect nature and shake the world, is more straightforward than what an ethereal god wants to come.

As for the Four Orthodox Churches... Ian thought of the special features of Bishop White Mist who can use a variety of psychic powers, as well as the clergy of the Spiritual Artifact Church who can upload their own memories.

They are simply with God, why should they be given any divine power.

At this moment, they also came to the place where Ian and Magneto had fought before.

Next to the stone forest, traces of various battles are everywhere - magnetic sand cutting, storm swept, acid erosion, poisonous transpiration... The plain stone trees with almost armor-like bark are also black under the scorching flames The smoke, not to mention the frost and water on the ground, even made the wind blowing from afar with a chill to the bone.

And in the very center of the battle arena, a coke figure that had turned into coke and could not see the slightest detail at all, lay on the ground without a sound.

"I'm sorry, you two."

Ian turned his head and said with an embarrassed expression: "Maybe I need to ask the two of you to help me deal with the traces of the battle scene - I will pay for it, just use the alchemy potion as a reward!"

"We should have helped each other." Anfa answered in a serious manner as always, while Pansha opened his eyes wide, watching these battle traces mostly catalyzed by alchemy potions.

He swallowed, patted his chest cheerfully and assured: "Guaranteed to have no traces - but what about this corpse?"

"It doesn't need to be without a trace, it's okay to leave a trace."

Ian thought for a while, then nodded and said, "If the corpse is collected, I will throw it into the Nine Spinning Abyss."

"Presumably the monsters there will solve all problems."

The night in the golden fields is still long.

And in the distant imperial capital, a figure opened his eyes.

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