Above The Sky

Chapter 448 The Journey Again (33)

A faint ray of moonlight passed through the gap left in the vault of the main hall, and shone on a silver mirror engraved with many inscriptions, which looked extremely mysterious.

The moonlight refracted out, fell into the other mirror, and then was transmitted, reflected in a deep spring.

The mirrors are intertwined with each other, like a river flowing with brilliance, and this thin ray of moonlight actually becomes more and more shining and more sparkling when it is reflected again and again.

The inscription shone, making the moonlight like water, and at this moment, countless mirrors were intertwined, like the gathering of countless rivers, and finally turned into a sea of ​​moonlight at the top of the dome.

'Sea of ​​Mirrors'.

A serious and heavy-faced man was lying on a reclining chair, with long white-blond hair hanging from the back of the chair, holding a long sword in his arms, the hilt of the sword was flowing with the crystal brilliance of blue moonlight.

On the other hand, he was wearing a moon-white woolen coat, and at the hem of the coat hung a bone needle pendant with an inscription. They swayed gently with the wind and rippled in the air.

The bone needles trembled slightly, and the man opened his eyes. His eyes were dull at first, but they quickly lit up with a dark blue aura.

The light was as bright as the sun and the moon and as deep as the ocean.

"Did something happen to Nanling?"

He turned his head and looked towards the south with some doubts: "Solas left me silently. Maybe it was an accident. He just likes to take chestnuts out of fire and achieve success from danger. This is his dream."

"But Chris is different. He stands in the light and has always been safe. What made him leave too?"


He closed his eyes, and the man sensed his psionic energy: "He did use his dream, but he still lost and was defeated head-on."


Feeling this, the man sighed softly: "It seems that this is his limit... The power of his dreams cannot make him take a few more steps."

"You still haven't heeded my advice?"

——There are many people in this world that we cannot control, and there are many things that we cannot understand.

——Chris, we have to learn to be humble, too safe, and no different from rashness.

Recalling the content of the chat with Chris that year, he was silent for a while, stood up, and came to the balcony outside the main hall.

He looked at the sky above the phantom moon, which was a little bigger than the moon he usually saw, and silently meditated something, as if he was praying for this deceased 'companion'.

Then he turned around and was sitting in his reclining chair.

Men believe that the companions they find definitely have their talents and potentials that are different from ordinary people.

As long as you can overcome the difficulty in your heart, you will definitely be able to Nirvana, regain your life, and achieve achievements that are completely different from your past.

He called this power a 'dream' - only those who are willing to change themselves for the sake of their dreams can use the power of 'dream' to be reborn and completely transformed.

But if it doesn't work...if my partner doesn't break through the established thinking and the established limit.

That can only mean one thing.

The man sighed with great regret: "Chris."

【——It seems that your dream is nothing more than that——】

He lay back in his reclining chair and meditated in the light of the sea of ​​mirrors.

Another day dawn.

The junction of the Nanling Mountains and the Western Plains, the golden field.

A team of cavalry galloped across the open plain, and the bright sun shone on the earth, causing the water-filled battle ruins on the side of the stone forest to steam with wisps of steam.


The leading soldier raised his arm, and the dark reflective armor made an arc in the air: "This is it. Get off the horse and check."

The soldiers dismounted one after another, without any voice of communication, these well-trained soldiers silently conducted a detailed investigation of the entire combat area.

After summarizing the results, a soldier with a sergeant's logo on his chest came to report to the leading soldier: "Report the squadron commander, the body of the regiment commander was not found!"

"Former Captain."

The black armored soldier emphasized: "Chris was dismissed by the general because he left the city without authorization. Remember this. What else?"

"Report to the squadron commander, the ruins of the battlefield are full of corrosion and explosion traces of alchemy potions, and the details of the battle cannot be analyzed at all!"

The soldier shook for a moment, and then reported loudly: "A large number of remnants of the thunder attribute essentia were found in the air, but there are residual signs of 'sudden shrinkage'. According to the analysis, the former regiment commander is very likely to use all his strength. When attacking, he was attacked one after another after the weak spot was broken, and he died on the spot with a large backlog of essentia!"

"In addition, there are also traces of some earth sublimators trying to destroy the site. They are not deep, but they have been treated superficially, and they do not really intend to completely destroy the site."

"Okay, it seems that there is a tacit understanding. You guys did a pretty good job. The one you didn't show to the general was recorded like this, saying that the scene had been destroyed by several earth-type monsters, and you couldn't see anything clearly. "

The squadron leader nodded in appreciation and said, "If you have any other ideas, just say it."

"Report to the squadron commander, the people who fought with the former commander are really rich!"

The sergeant reported with a spirited look: "He used more than twenty bottles of basic alchemy potions and seven bottles of elite alchemy potions, and even one bottle was at least an elite superior! The total value is more than 1,900 thalers, enough to buy A city defense inscription has crystallized, and it is uncertain whether there are more expensive items like alchemy bombs."

"Captain, if the former captain really lost, he would have been beaten to death by money!"

"Fool, that's the price it sold to you." The squadron leader scolded mercilessly: "Bana, I remember your brother is an alchemist. Come and tell this fool, how much do these potions cost?"

"Report to the squadron commander." On the other side, the soldier called Bana said with a smirk: "Not counting labor costs, it doesn't add up to more than 150 talers! If the processing starts from raw materials instead of substrates , it's even cheaper!"

"Well said, let's go back and have a few bottles."

The squadron leader glanced at the battle scene, and shook his head slightly: "Hmph, more than a hundred talers is also a lot of money, but compared to a second-level, it's as cheap as we usually drink lipstick and plum juice. "

"It's so sad, the former head of the regiment... why bother, the general is not kind to you."

Looking at the friendship of more than ten years, he sighed with emotion, and then raised his hand and ordered: "Level up here."

Next, he patted the sergeant's head: "Silly bastard, he is an alchemist, how can it be calculated at the market price? Do you want to inherit my position in the future? Ah?"

"Say, what are we going to do next?"

"Father..." The sergeant was bewildered by the beating, and just as he opened his mouth, he was frightened by the eyes of the soldier in black armor and shrank his neck: "Squadron commander...I'm thinking...this, how should I write a report to the outside world? Did you say it was done by Feiyan, or did you say it was done by the Dragon Cult?"

This is indeed a problem, the squadron leader also frowned, he thought for a while, and then said: "It can't be the Dragon Cult. Attacked the leader of the Imperial Marquis Knights, killed him, and thrown his corpse into the wilderness, it is recorded like this It would be too arrogant, what if the above really issued an order of annihilation? It will not be us who will go to the battlefield at that time."

——The most important thing is that the Dragon Cult is not an outsider, even if it is to play and beat them, isn't it still yourself who has worked hard?

The captain of the squadron, who knew more about the inside story, sighed in his heart. He was about to continue speaking, but found that his son had taken the lead.

"But the excuse of flying flames is too much." The sergeant frowned and thought, and he also seemed quite distressed: "If we still use flying flames, we will be called incompetent!"

"Be considerate of what you think." The black-armored soldier glanced at his son and didn't say much, because it was the truth: "The leaders of the second-level knights were all killed in flames, and the generals will be condemned by the above. , we can't lose the general's face..."

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and said, "That's it, we won't make a report for the time being, and go back and report to the general first. Anyway, the general didn't say that we should get the answer right away, so we just delayed it."

"The former head of the regiment... just disappeared for a while, and when everyone almost forgot, or when the time is right, then make up a report."

"I see……"

The sergeant looked stunned, obviously he had learned something, and he was still a little emotional, looking at the sky in the north of the golden field: "But it's still incredible, in the face of alchemy, the second energy level is also..."

Snapped! Another slap on the back of the head, the black armored soldier stared fiercely at the sergeant: "Silly brat, you don't really want to know the truth, do you? Forget your guesses!"

"Okay..." The sergeant nodded blankly: "I forgot..."

While cleaning up the mess, other soldiers who leveled the scene also began to boo: "Captain, don't keep fighting!"

"Yeah, doesn't it make you more and more stupid if you play too much?"

"Captain, I recognize you as your godfather, so you can treat me as your son? I will never make you angry!"

"Go to work! Wash the ground early, let's go back to the city early!" The black armored sergeant roared, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, Chris is dead, and I'll make up for it layer by layer, I'm not sure. You can also be a captain."

"If it's true, I'll go back and invite you to eat fish ball noodles!"

Ian didn't know what happened in the camp yesterday, but he could guess a thing or two.

At this moment, the white-haired boy rode a camel beast and slowly walked on the scorching earth in the field.

The sun passed through the layers of white clouds and fell on the endless golden plain, and the end of the sky was hazy.

Even with the eyes of a young man, he could only barely see clearly. There was a slender cloud pillar reaching tens of thousands of meters above the sky, standing in the blue-white sky, stirring the spiral clouds in the distance.

There is the 'Earth Hurricane Cloud Pillar' of the 'Bart Rift Valley'. The turbulent gale from the depths of the earth has pushed the water vapor from the ground up to the top of the sky for hundreds of years, creating a cloud-like mountain. Uplifted vast wonders.

Ian stared at the distant cloudscape, and suddenly felt a slight chill in his chest. As soon as his mind moved, the breathing hole of the air-wrapped armor opened, and the frost butterfly flew out of it with a refreshing look, following the cool air surrounding the boy. flight.

"Look, Frost Butterfly."

Ian chuckled, he watched Frost Butterfly's more and more flexible and wiser movements, then raised his head and motioned for the other party to look into the distance with him: "Our journey has crossed a small hurdle, the distance from the world The truth goes even further.”

"And now, we move on."

Frost Butterfly looked into the distance with her 'big goblin' a little ignorantly, while the camel beast made a soft moo and walked across the field with gentle steps.

There were still a few grass-feathered gulls foraging in the grass beside them. They were looking for small insects under the grass roots. They were startled by the steps of the camel beast, and they fluttered their wings in the wide field.

Clouds, shadows and birdsong, they move forward.

Ian, who is alone again, continues his journey.

------off topic-----

The new book "Starting Operation Batman" with the name of an old friend occupied has been released! The plot is smooth, the plot is lively, and it is worth watching!

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