Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

The woman who had just sparred with Ling Chen snapped out of her trance from witnessing Nanrong Wanqing’s beauty and hurriedly stretched out her arms to block Liang Zhaohui from approaching. Following that, she fished out an identification card from her pocket and raised it in front of the crowd.

“Police! Identify yourselves.”

Ling Chen swallowed his saliva in astonishment. He would never have expected the woman to be a cop. Eyeing the identification card that she held above her, he etched the name into his heart—Xia Mutong, a name that tended towards the oriental side.

“We are the security team from Hongyu Multinational, and this lady here is our Chairwoman, Nanrong Wanqing. Miss Su is our Chairwoman’s sister, and we’re here to bring her back. Moreover, we already reported the case to the police. You can go check if you don’t believe my words.”

“She’s that Nanrong Wanqing.”

Xia Mutong cursed inwardly. No wonder she had such uncommon appearance and refined temperament. So, she’s the untouchable flower that dwells at the summit of our city. Her attitude instantly grew more respectful.

Coming back to her senses, she immediately made a call back to headquarters. After receiving confirmation on their identities, only then was she willing to step aside.

However, looking at the Su Lin that was being carried away, her eyes were somewhat sad and melancholy with regret.

After leaving the bar, Nanrong Wanqing stopped Ling Chen from entering the car.

“Chairwoman, do you have any other instructions for me.”

“Come over here.”

Ling Chen could not guess the intention of the other party and obediently walked towards her as per her command.

Just as he reached her side, Nanrong Wanqing suddenly raised her hand and threw a fierce slap at Ling Chen’s face.

Noticing that the situation was going downhill for him, Ling Chen immediately took a step back and reached out to grab Nanrong Wanqing’s white and delicate wrist.

Initially he had raised his eyebrows and his rage had started to mount, but the moment his hand grasped her soft wrist, he felt as though a spell entranced him. The blazing fury inside him suddenly fizzed out, as though it never existed in the first place and he felt as though he had been electrified. For a moment, he was stunned speechless.

Feeling the strange gaze that Ling Chen directed towards her, Nanrong Wanqing blushed and flusteredly retracted her hand.

“Umm…this is… Chairwoman, what are you trying to do?” Ling Chen asked slightly awkwardly.

“Hmph. You should know very well what I’m trying to do”

“Chairwoman, if you have anything you want to say to me, just tell me directly. I can’t figure out your intentions.”

“Ling Chen, I didn’t misjudge you, but my grandfather did. People like you cannot be trusted at all. Don’t ever appear in front of me again.”

With that, Nanrong Wanqing decisively pushed her wheelchair away, with a bodyguard helping her into the Rolls Royce.



Zhong Wei cut him off and coldly said, “You can go home first. There’s no need for you to follow us anymore. Tomorrow, you can come to the company and hand in your resignation letter.”

“Captain Zhong, what exactly did I do wrong?”

Ling Chen simply could not understand why Nanrong Wanqing held such a huge grudge against him. He already brought Su Lin back, so reason dictates that she should not be treating him this way.

“Are you taking me for a fool? Go look at your reflection in the mirror and ask yourself that.”

As he watched the entourage speed away, Ling Chen returned to his car alone. He then examined himself in the rear-view mirror. Very quickly, he noticed the lipstick mark on his neck.

At that instant, realisation dawned upon him.

Previously, when Su Lin had resisted against him, her clothes became dishevelled in the process, and she even left a lipstick mark on his neck. If anyone else were in Nanrong Wanqing’s position, their imagination would run wild as well. Nanrong Wanqing must have come to the conclusion that he had taken advantage of Su Lin while she was drunk.

As he finally understood why Nanrong Wanqing treated him that way, Ling Chen could only smile bitterly.

Fuck, I’m being accused! He was uncertain when the lipstick mark had been left on his neck as well.

Forget it. The damage has already been done. That witch Su Lin is antagonistic towards me and will definitely not stand up on my behalf. He was not a tactless person. Since the other party detested him so much, why should he degrade himself and insist on staying on in the company? However, he found it a pity that he had to give up on the generous salary as initially, he wanted to use this money to pay for Tang Shiyun’s college fees.

Coincidentally, on the street right opposite where his car was parked, a white Buick slowly pulled up to the roadside and stopped.

“The intel that you have given me was not accurate. There is one bodyguard whose identity is still unclear. That person isn’t simple at all, and I suspect that he comes from the same line of work as me. You better investigate properly. The operation is tomorrow, so I need the updated intel by tonight.”

As day broke the following morning, Ling Chen was leaning back against a wall, his arms folded akimbo. A blade of grass stuck out from the corner of his mouth and he lackadaisically looked towards the centre of an empty lot, where Nanrong Hao was demonstrating a fist routine.

After he finished a set, Nanrong Hao wiped off the sweat drenching his forehead and hurried towards Ling Chen.

“Bro Chen, how was it? Did I improve significantly?”

“Passable, but you still have put in more effort to reach an acceptable standard. After all, your foundation is simply too shallow.” Ling Chen laughed.

Ling Chen glanced at his watch and noticed that it was almost eight o’clock; it was about time for him to go to the company to hand in his resignation letter.

Nanrong Hao noticed the gloomy expression on Ling Chen’s face and could not resist asking, “Bro Chen, are you alright? Has the company been treating you well? Just tell me any grievances you have and I’ll sort them out for you.”

“Hmph, do you really have that capability?”

“Well, other than my sister and my cousin, no one in the company would dare to disobey me.”

“Then you might as well have not said anything, punk.”

“Uhh… Bro Chen, don’t tell me the one causing you problems is my sister? Then you best count your blessings, I can’t help you with that.”

“You punk, where’s the spirit of brotherhood?”

As they were conversing, the two quickly arrived at the parking lot.

Ling Chen was about to get onto his car, but his gaze was suddenly drawn to a Buick. Squinting at the familiar license plate number, he immediately furrowed his eyebrows.

It was actually the car that had escaped the previous time.

At that moment, the driver of the Buick gently stepped on the gas pedal, and the car rolled forward with a loud rumble, before coming to a stop. It seemed as though the driver was issuing a challenge to Ling Chen.

“Lil Hao. ”

“Yes, Bro Chen?”

“Let me have your car. You can drive my car back to the company.”


Nanrong Hao did not question any further and directly tossed his car keys to Ling Chen.

After getting in the car, Ling Chen started the ignition and stepped down on the gas pedal. At the same time, the Buick shot forward.

The two cars raced onto the highway. It was already eight o’clock, peak working hours with heavy traffic and overcrowded lanes. However, Ling Chen’s Audi A8 and the Buick had started a mad chase, their speed reaching over 100 kilometres an hour in the blink of an eye.



“The two cars in front of me, please pull over to one side. I need to check your identification.”

Ling Chen swept a glance at his rearview mirror and discovered a traffic police car swiftly advancing upon him. He did not even think twice, immediately stepping down hard on the accelerator, sticking closely to the rear of the Buick.

After continuing the chase for several miles, the two cars had left a chaotic mess behind them and had raced past numerous traffic lights. The number of police cars on their tails had also increased exponentially. Suddenly, Ling Chen realised that the highway, which was two hundred metres ahead, was utterly congested and there was no way of passing.

“Hehe, let’s see where you can run to now!”

Just as he finished that thought, the Buick pulled a sudden manoeuvre, making an ear-piercing screeching sound as it swiftly dashed into an alley connected to the roadside.

At the sight of this, Ling Chen also followed suit, violently pulling his hand brake and the Audi swerved dangerously. Just as the front of the car was in line with the entrance of the alley, he nimbly coordinated his steering, completed a gear change, floored the accelerator and released the hand brake in one deft movement.

The alley was rather narrow and was only barely one car length wide, so one could only imagine the incredible precision required to navigate into the alley.

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