Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio


Hearing the wailing of the police siren that followed closely behind him, Ling Chen was stunned. The cop driving the traffic police car was quite adept, actually managing to chase him into such a narrow lane.

At that moment, the Buick came to a grating halt, before starting reversing backwards, gaining tremendous speed as it did so.

Let’s see who’s more courageous!

Ling Chen furrowed his brows and he did not slow down his Audi, ploughing right into the Buick ahead of him.


Following a loud bang, there was a violent collision with the Buick’s rear, instantly distorting the shape of both vehicles.

Ling Chen clutched his head, feeling slightly dizzy from the impact, he pushed away from the airbag that had been deployed in response to the collision. He then tried to open the door, intending to go over to the Buick to drag out its driver. However, he found out quickly that due to the intense collision, the car door had been distorted out of shape, and it was impossible even to open it.

What kind of lousy car is this?

He viciously cursed inwardly and smashed his fist against the car window. The window that already had fine cracks running through it immediately shattered into pieces.

However, before he could climb through the window, he noticed the driver of the Buick already squirming through his window. Taking advantage of the superior height of his car, the other party leapt up and steadied himself on the adjacent walls of the alleyway. Climbing up swiftly, he disappeared from Ling Chen’s vision in a blink of an eye.

Ling Chen was afraid that he would lose the Buick’s driver again and hurriedly squeezed through the car window. He raised his hand and grabbed on to a stone ledge protruding out of the wall, intending to flip over the wall and give chase.

“Nobody moves! Get your hand off the wall! ”

Ling Chen swept a glance towards the origin of the voice and froze instantly. What he saw was Xia Mutong aiming a gun straight at him, directing a cold gaze towards him, that seemed more frigid than the contents of a sub-zero refrigerator.

Staring blankly into the dark void of the gun muzzle, Ling Chen was panicking inwardly, not sparing a thought to chase after the Buick’s driver.

“It’s you?”

At that moment, a gleam of recognition also flashed through Xia Mutong’s eyed.

“Officer Xia, the driver of the Buick is escaping! Why aren’t you chasing after him?”

“Since he can escape from me, he can be considered quite lucky. If you have the ability, then try escaping as well.”

Ling Chen felt rather helpless at squandering the opportunity to catch the driver.

Screw it, at the very most I’ll have a record for driving over the speed limit and be fined a few hundred dollars. It’s just a pity that the driver got away…

Now that he had watched the driver of the Buick in action, he was even more convinced that the background of the other party was not simple at all. If the other party were not a contract killer, then he would at least be a mercenary and a seasoned one at that.

From what he could recall, the top ten mercenaries in the world all belonged to a single organization and would seldom choose to act out on their own. Moreover, these mercenaries would never provoke him like just now, preferring to act in a more low-key fashion. With those points in mind, he could eliminate the possibility of the other party being a mercenary.

Given so, then there was a high likelihood of the other party being a contract killer.

A killer’s modus operandi would be to be as systematic as possible, preparing to the best of his ability, before finding an opportunity to strike from the dark.

Furthermore, before carrying out an operation, a contract killer would conduct extensive research on his target. With the other party exhibiting all of these traits, he can safely conclude that the Buick driver was a contract killer.

“Could it be that guy?”

Ling Chen scrunched his face as a name suddenly popped into his mind.

He knew of every single member on the list of the top ten assassins in the world. Although he had not come into contact with all of them personally, he at least knew about the way they operated.

He had no choice in being privy to this information as the career he had in the past required him to be knowledgeable about them.

What he could not understand was that who could have such a huge enmity with Nanrong Wanqing that they would even resort to hiring a pinnacle assassin to get rid of her.

While he was deep in contemplation, the reinforcements that Xia Mutong signalled for had arrived at the scene. Leaving a few colleagues behind at the crime scene, Xia Mutong directly apprehended Ling Chen and halled him back to the police station.

As he sat in the back of the police car, Ling Chen stared at the reflection of Xia Murong in the rear-view mirror, his eyes gleaming.

The lights at the bar last night were too dim for him to make out her face and his attention had been fixated on her twin towering peaks instead. Now that he was sitting in the car with better lighting, he had the opportunity to observe her in closer detail, and he discovered that the lass’ appearance was quite decent.

Her hair was in a short bob that only reached her shoulders, with a perfectly oval-shaped face. Her skin was tanned a healthy shade of brown. An enticing mole was right underneath tender and plump lips, which seemed to resemble fresh cherries.

Alas, a shame. What a shame!

Ling Chen sighed inwardly.

Her outer appearance met all the criteria he was looking for in a perfect woman, but sadly her inner qualities were far too lacking in contrast to her ideal countenance.

As Xia Mutong looked at the rear-view mirror, she sensed Ling Chen’s lustful gaze, and her gaze instantly grew stormy.

“If you stare at me one more time, you best believe that I’ll dig out your eyeballs!”

“Officer Xia, I believe that you’re the one at fault here. With an appearance as beautiful as yours, how can you expect people to not stare at you? That’s not reasonable at all! I think you should stop being so petty and learn about the virtue of sharing.”

“Shut up! If you say one more word, you better believe that I’ll rip out your tongue as well?”

Ling Chen pursed his lips. This lass’ temper was simply too atrocious, worse than that of a female tigress. It could even rival Su Lin’s fiery temper or worse yet, surpass hers.

At the police station, once investigations had concluded, Ling Chen found out that he was in deeper trouble than he thought.

Driving over the speed limit was a two thousand dollar fine, with the revocation of his driver’s license, and adding on the fine for speeding past the numerous red traffic lights, he had to pay a total of five thousand dollars. Moreover, due to the severity of his offences, he had to be detained for seven days.

His pockets only had a few hundred dollars in cash, far from enough to pay off the fine. After struggling with himself, he decided to give Zhong Wei a call. After all, he was caught because he was carrying out his duties, so the company should take responsibility for him. Moreover, he had to warn Zhong Wei regarding news about the killer.

“Hello? Captain Zhong, it’s me, I’m being detained at the police station now. Could you… Hello? Hello?”

Staring blankly at his phone and hearing the long beep, Ling Chen felt a wave of vexation sweeping over him. That bastard actually hung up on me!

Right at that moment, Xia Mutong strolled over to him.

“Follow me.”


“Stop asking so many useless questions!”

Watching as Xia Mutong turned to leave, Ling Chen hurriedly tried to catch up with her, patiently explaining, “Officer Xia, you also know that I’m part of Hongyu Multinational’s security detail. Just now, I was giving chase to a suspicious person. I suspect that he harbours malicious intentions towards Young Miss Nanrong, thus I…”

“I don’t want to listen to your bullshit excuses. I already made a call to your company, and your Captain Zhong had already denied this matter having existed. He said this was a private matter of yours and had no implications with the company.”

Ling Chen was speechless. He could only blame himself for being too lacking in his social skills, to not even have one person who believed him and landing him in such dire straits.

“Release me, release me!!”

After passing an interrogation room, Ling Chen perked up his ears, seeming to hear an almost inaudible plea for help.

“What’s that brat doing here?”

Curiosity overcame him, and he pushed open the door to the interrogation room. The sight that greeted him instantly resulted in his gaze freezing over.

Inside the interrogation room, two policemen were pushing down a struggling Jiang Hao onto his seat, with another policeman holding a large bottle of water. He was forcefully shoving it into Jiang Hao’s mouth and pouring the contents down his throat.

Jiang Hao struggled desperately, with water leaking through his nostrils, looking to be exceedingly miserable and ragged.


Watching as a raging Ling Chen stormed into the interrogation room, hope reignited in Jiang Hao’s eyes.

“Bro Chen, save me!”

One of the policemen coldly stared at Ling Chen. “Brat, this is none of your business. Get out now.” As he was saying that, he stretched out his hand, as though he wanted to push Ling Chen out.


Ling Chen curled his lips into a smirk and continued to stand there casually. However, his body was like an ancient oak, immovable despite the policeman pushing him. The policeman was taken aback and immediately exerted all his strength to force Ling Chen back. Right at that moment, Ling Chen twisted his shoulders. All the might that the policeman mustered suddenly seemed to have lost its target, and the policeman lurched forward, crashing on the ground with a loud thud. His two front teeth also came loose from the impact.

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