Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 12: Pulling the Tree

This village is indeed as the old village chief said, with a very small population. There are only a few dozen people in such a large village, and it looks quite poor.

And most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Xiao Jie was wandering around the village, looking for people who might exist. When he came to the mountain behind the village, he saw a middle-aged man with a broken hand, looking at the trees all over the mountain with a sad face.

Although there was no mission mark above his head, Xiao Jie felt that there was definitely something going on here.

"Uncle, I'm looking for a job. Is there anything I can do for you?"

The man looked at Xiao Jie warily, and his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw his attire.

Wang Daniu (woodcutter): "Are you a returnee? I've heard of you, and you came just in time. I'm a woodcutter in the village. I was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake a few days ago. Although I saved my life, my hand was disabled. Now, the village is in urgent need of firewood, but I can't do this job anymore. If you are willing, just help me chop some firewood.

Although the work is a bit tiring, I will definitely not let you work in vain. I will give you ten coppers for each bundle of firewood. How about it? Do you want to do it? "

A dialog box pops up in front of you——

[System prompt: Wang Daniu has issued an errand to you [cutting firewood]. Do you want to accept it? 】

Cutting wood? It doesn't sound difficult.

If you cut one bundle, you will be given ten cents. If you cut a hundred bundles, it will be worth one thousand cents, which is enough to buy equipment in the initial stage.

Xiao Jie decisively chose to accept it.

"Well, let me lend you this first."

System prompt: Obtain the temporary occupation [Woodcutter].

System prompt: Obtain a temporary item [Rusty Hatchet].

【Rusty hatchet (one-handed knife)

Attack: 12 cuts.

Weapon special effect: wood cutting. (Causes 50% enhanced damage to tree monsters)

Item introduction: A rusty hatchet, a knife used for chopping wood rather than killing people. As a weapon, it is very crude, but it is better than empty-handed. 】

I even got a weapon as a gift, which is pretty good.

Wang Daniu (woodcutter): “Come on, young man, I’ll tell you how to chop wood.

Have you seen those trees on the hillside of the back mountain? You can chop firewood there. Remember not to go too far, otherwise you will easily encounter danger.

In addition, you need to chop dead branches. Fresh branches cannot be burned. Don’t chop down trees that are too thick. Cutting firewood is not logging. It doesn’t matter whether the wood is burnt or thick. If you have cut fifty branches, tie them into a bundle with nearby mountain vines. , if the number of missing roots and strips is not enough, I will deduct your wages. How about it? Have you learned it? "

System prompt: You have learned [Chopping Firewood (Getting Started)], and your skill book has been updated.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel happy. According to what the black trench coat said, life skills can also be brought into reality. He can be regarded as learning a new skill, although this skill is probably of little use in reality.

"Uncle, you have learned how to do it, just go and rest, and leave the rest to me."

After Wang Daniu left, Xiao Jie chopped firewood on the hillside.

This job is not difficult. First, you must identify whether the trees are dead. You cannot cut down the green ones. Just look for the dead trees that have turned yellow.

I don’t know if it’s because of the barren land, but there are dead trees all over the mountains and plains, but there are only a few green trees.

Then he slashes the branches of the dead tree with his knife and that's it. The gameplay of collecting resources by lifting trees is similar to many survival games, and Xiao Jie is completely familiar with it.

The work progress constantly appears in the lower right corner.

Click! Failed to chop wood.

Click! Failed to chop wood.

Click! Successfully chop wood, dry wood +1.

Click! Failed to chop wood.

Click! A huge failure in chopping wood, the durability of the hatchet is -1.

Click! Successfully chop wood, dry wood +1.

There seems to be no pattern to these prompts. They appear completely randomly. Sometimes a stick of firewood can be chopped down with just one stroke, but sometimes several attempts in a row fail.

Occasionally, there will even be a reminder of -1 durability.

Fortunately, this hatchet has a durability of 50 points, so it won't be a big deal for a while.

After working for more than ten minutes, Xiao Jie saved a bundle of dry firewood, cut a piece of mountain vine and tied it up. In this case, he got ten cents.

Haha, is this job very easy? 1,000 copper coins are just around the corner.

After working for more than an hour, Xiao Jie has chopped five bundles of dry firewood. Although the process is a bit tedious, he is full of motivation when he thinks that he can buy equipment and learn skills when he has money.

We don’t want to be like Gao Muyuan, let’s not think about immortal magic and magical powers for now. Let’s work on our internal skills and mental skills first, develop some internal strength to experience the feeling of a martial arts master, and then learn some Qinggong or something, and feel how to fly on the roof, walk on the wall, and walk on the snow. Traceless happiness.

Learn some swordsmanship and swordsmanship or something...

Bundle the dry firewood in the bag again and continue to pull the tree.

However, this time he only cut a few wood sticks, and Xiao Jie found that his character's wood chopping speed had slowed down.

Xiao Jie hurriedly checked his status. He didn't know when his stamina bar was empty.

Xiao Jie was a little strange. His physical strength would continue to recover. As long as he wasn't exercising strenuously, he wouldn't be able to empty his bar.

He sat on the stone and rested for a while, watching his physical strength slowly recover. The recovery speed was obviously much slower, and his physical strength only stopped increasing after half of it was recovered.

There is also a grimace icon on the head.

[Hunger: Your satiety is too low, the upper limit of physical strength is reduced by 50%, and the recovery speed of physical strength is reduced by 75%. 】

Damn it, what the hell is this?

Xiao Jie hurriedly researched it and found out that this game also has a satiety design. The full value is 100 points. If it is less than 30 points, it will trigger the [Hunger] debuff effect. If it is higher than 80, it will trigger the [Satiety] gain effect.

Xiao Jie didn't eat anything when he left the village to fight monsters yesterday, and he spent a long time chopping firewood today, which decisively triggered the hunger effect.

This... Xiao Jie didn't expect this game to be so detailed and require food, and he didn't know that Wang Daniu didn't care about the food.

When he walked down the hillside, Wang Daniu was sitting on a wooden pile to rest, with a sad expression on his face.

Xiao Jie chose to hand over the chopped firewood and received 50 coins. Then he asked, "Uncle, this is the firewood I chopped. Do you have anything to eat here? Get me some. I'm hungry. Wait for me to eat." Continue cutting when you are full.”

Wang Daniu (woodcutter): "You, a young man, don't have to do much work, but you have a lot of problems. I'm not a charity here, so where can I get free food? Go to the village tavern, where they sell steamed buns and sesame cakes."

When Xiao Jie came to the tavern, there was indeed a variety of food to eat.

Steamed buns (fullness +10), 5 coins each.

Shaobing (satisfaction +20), 10 pieces each.

Dried wild boar meat (satisfaction level +50), 25 coins a piece.

Secret roasted chicken (satisfaction +50, additional bonus: contentment), 50 coins each.

Laobaigan (fullness +5, additional effect: dizzy.) 15 Wen per pot.

Dukang wine (fullness +5, additional benefit: hearty), 40 Wen per bottle...

Xiao Jie didn't want to think about it anymore. He only bought six of the cheapest steamed buns and ate his satiety level to 90 in one go. Looking at his wallet that had shrunk by more than half in an instant made him feel a little sad.

It wasn't that he felt sorry for the copper coins, but he suddenly realized that he had not included the food loss when calculating the income from cutting firewood.

The more you work, the faster you get hungry. Originally, the income of 10 cents for a bundle of dry firewood was not high. Now that you take away the money for food, it is not easy to save up to 1,000 cents.

However, Xiao Jie soon discovered that eating was not the only place to spend money.

Xiao Jie returned to the mountain and continued to chop wood. While chopping, Xiao Jie observed the rate of decrease in satiety. Fortunately, the decrease was not too fast, and with the buff of [satisfaction], the recovery rate of stamina was very fast. You can cut and chop without any thought, and the efficiency of tree tree lifting actually improved for a while.

I feel hungry so quickly today probably because I went out to fight monsters yesterday and didn't eat.

Under normal circumstances, this 90 degree of satiety is enough to last for several hours.

However, after only working for more than half an hour, another red prompt suddenly appeared in the lower right corner.

[System prompt: The durability of your hatchet is too low and cannot be used. 】

Xiao Jie clicked on the backpack column and took a look. Sure enough, the durability had become 1/50.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. He might have to pay for the repair of the knife himself.

I was really afraid of what would happen. When I found Wang Daniu and told him that the hatchet was broken, the other party really didn't look good.

Wang Daniu (woodcutter): "Young man, of course you have to repair this hatchet yourself. This hatchet was obviously in good condition when I handed it to you, but you broke it by chopping it indiscriminately. You can't blame me. You see, my hands are useless. I hired you to cut firewood just for an emergency. The village paid me ten cents for a bundle of firewood, but I gave it all to you. If you still want me to spend money to repair the knife, Don’t I want to lose money? There is no such thing as this in the world.”

What Wang Daniu said was pitiful, Xiao Jie really had no idea.

Fortunately, these two bundles of firewood were sold for another 20 cents. Counting the original ones in his bag, the total was 66 cents, which should be enough.

He went straight to the blacksmith shop, but the bearded blacksmith was not there. Only the fat black apprentice was forging the embryo of an iron sword.

Xiao Jie thought to himself that it wasn't a big job anyway, he could do it as an apprentice, and it might be cheaper.

"Hello, can you help me repair the hatchet?"

Wang Kai (blacksmith apprentice): "No problem, let me take a look. Well, I'll fix it for you for fifty copper coins."

Fifty copper coins! Xiao Jie was speechless for a moment. He had earned a total of 70 copper coins this morning. He spent 30 copper coins to buy six steamed buns. If he spent another 50 copper coins to repair his knife, would he still have to lose money in love? Fortunately, I had the 26 coins that the bandit revealed earlier, otherwise I wouldn't be able to repair the knife. Are you kidding me?

This game isn't that dark.

Xiao Jie did not agree, but started to think about it. Since this game is designed to allow players to work and make money, it stands to reason that it cannot deny players a way to survive, right?

No matter what, it can't be a negative return.

And he didn't forget the high degree of freedom in this game. Maybe the repair fee can be negotiated.

"Brother, can you make it cheaper? It's not easy for me as a returnee to make a living."

Wang Kai (blacksmith apprentice): "You are a returnee, so I am not a returnee? I am cheap enough. If you go to the NPC to repair it, you will never get 50 coins."

Xiao Jie was slightly startled by the other party's words, and then he suddenly reacted.

"Huh? You are a player too!"

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