Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 13 Absolute Survival Game

Xiao Jie looked at the fat black man in front of him in surprise. He had seen this fat man before when he came to look at the equipment in the morning. He was blacksmithing in the room. At that time, he thought he was an NPC. He could not tell that he was a player at all.

The key is that this product has a very popular name, which perfectly blends into the local style of painting.

He glanced at the name on the other person's head, and then looked at the name on his own head.

Wang Kai (Blacksmith Apprentice) Level: Level 1.

Hidden Moon Suifeng (Woodcutter) Level: Level 1.

"Are you really a player?"

"Yeah, why did it scare you? Hahahahaha." The fat black man laughed.

"I'm really a little scared, but since everyone is a player, can you do me a favor? I just started playing and I don't have much money. You see..."

"No, this is a small business. Repairing equipment also has costs. If you are short of money, otherwise, I will just sell you some game coins. We are professional in withdrawing money."

Xiao Jie was a little surprised, he met a colleague.

But wait a minute, there are people selling gold in this kind of death game? It really surprised him.

Although he had planned to make money by moving bricks in this game before, since he knew the truth of the game, he only had the thought of "gaining power" in his mind, but he never expected that someone would withdraw money in this kind of game.

Xiao Jie asked tentatively: "What price?"

Wang Kai said: "One to ten, how about it? It's very cheap."

Xiao Jie said one to ten? That is indeed not expensive, one thousand copper coins is only one hundred yuan. Although such a price is already very low in other games, in a game like "Old Earth", it is definitely a bargain.

"Then give me a thousand yuan to test the water first. If it's 1 to 10, it'll be a hundred yuan?"

Wang Kai looked at Xiao Jie speechlessly, "What good things do you want? Copper coins are 1, RMB is 10. If you want 1,000 copper coins, that's 10,000 yuan."

Xiao Jie was a veteran, but he was still frightened.

Wen is the lowest currency in this game, equivalent to copper coins in World of Warcraft.

One thousand Wen is equal to one tael of silver, and ten taels of silver is equal to one tael of gold.

If you calculate it like this, one tael of silver costs 10,000 yuan, and one tael of gold costs 100,000 yuan. This is even more expensive than gold in reality, and gold in reality is only one tael more than 30,000 yuan.

Liu Qiang said before that the game coins in this game are very valuable, and there is definitely a future in moving bricks. Now it seems that this is really true.

"How about it? Let me know if you want to buy it. Our business is very busy."

"Forget it, the price is a bit outrageous. Here is fifty cents. Please help me repair the knife."

Xiao Jie still has tens of thousands of dollars in his card, and if he spends it, he can get a few thousand coins, but Xiao Jie is not ready to put all his money into it. Considering that he will devote himself wholeheartedly to "Old Land" in the next period of time, he will not There may be any financial gain. These tens of thousands of dollars are his living expenses for the past two years, so he cannot squander it casually.

Of course, the main reason is that this game is obviously not a mindless monster-mongering game. You can't just invest a little money in the early stage to buy equipment and then go sideways in the game.

Since I don’t plan to leave the village, there is little point in spending money to buy equipment, and game designers usually design a self-consistent game economic ecology for the game, which often involves various hidden details. It’s not true. You can't tell it by playing and exploring.

Players need certain things to do certain things, and then come into contact with the real gameplay of the game, such as the gameplay of chopping firewood, which is probably the case.

With these years of game experience, Xiao Jie had a vague feeling that there must be follow-up development behind this wood-cutting job, and it would never be as simple as it seems on the surface.

If you spend money to buy gold and do everything with money, you will probably miss out on some gains that you should have gained, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

And Wang Kai can't run away anyway. If he really needs to spend money to buy gold someday, he can just look for him.

Seeing Wang Kai pick up the hammer and start repairing the knife, Xiao Jie took advantage of the waiting time to chat with him and get some useful information.

"How long have you been playing this game?"


"Three years."

"Three years?"

Xiao Jie didn't believe it. If it were three years, wouldn't it mean that he had been playing the game since it was launched? That's an old player too. How could it be possible that he's only at level one? You can't practice trumpets in this game.

"But you're only at level one?"

"Yeah, that's because I've never been out of this village, and I've never fought monsters, so naturally I can't level up."


"The purpose of my game is that as long as I don't leave the village, I won't die, and as long as I don't fight monsters, I won't be in danger. So since I entered this game, I have never stepped out of the village."


Xiao Jie looked at Wang Kai, who was wielding a blacksmith's hammer, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You haven't left the village in three years? Then what have you been doing in the past three years?"

"Farming, chopping down trees, fishing, mining, whatever can make money, I do it, but the most profitable thing is blacksmithing. After all, it is a processing industry, and there is a commodity premium. It took me two years to mine. Save enough money to learn blacksmithing from a master, but the money is definitely worth it.

Now, in addition to mining every day, I also forge iron. I sell the weapons I make to shops in the village. An iron sword costs 100 coins, and a spear costs 90 coins. After excluding the cost, I can earn at least 10,000 coins a month. Now in the game The ratio of coins to RMB is one to ten. I can earn tens of thousands this month. This is much faster than making money in real life. It is a high-paying career. "

Wang Kai's tone was quite complacent.

Xiao Jie was dumbfounded after hearing this. There is such a person in my life? Playing this kind of game where you can gain supreme power is not about killing monsters and upgrading to gain power.

"You know the secret of this game, right?" he asked tentatively.

"You mean the skills in the game can be brought into reality? Haha, of course I know."

"Then how did you..."

"Because I am afraid of death and because I am self-aware. Do you know how many players have appeared in this village? According to my observation, there have been at least one or two hundred players in this village in the past three years, but Now there are only three or five players in the entire village including you and me. The rest are probably dead in some corner outside. Many people left the village for the first time and never came back. Alas , but it’s all their own choice, no one can blame them.”

Of course Xiao Jie knew that according to Officer Li, the one-year mortality rate was 78%, which meant that eight out of ten players would not survive a year.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel chills in his heart as he imagined that the wilderness outside the village was full of corpses and remains of dead players.

But Wang Kai continued, "Of course, not everyone died. There are also some who are doing well. I only know a few. My achievements cannot be compared with those masters who have made a name for themselves outside, but in any case, Better than those players who die outside, you can make money and there is no risk at all.

Little brother, listen to my advice, don’t always think about power, magic, cultivating immortals and becoming gods, etc. The premise is that you can live and enjoy it. Instead of working hard to survive, it is better to forge iron and move bricks in the village, ten days a month Tens of thousands of dollars is worse than risking your life outside. "

Xiao Jie couldn't help but admire him after hearing this. It's easy to say that people are self-aware, but there are only a few people who can do it.

Being able to stay away from the village for three years, this fat black man's self-control is definitely considered to be the top level of a strong man. It is also rare to be able to stabilize his heart without coveting power.

But he still couldn't help but say, "But if you are so rich, you can definitely buy a set of top-notch novice equipment. Fight the weakest monsters first, gradually become stronger, and then challenge stronger monsters. This won't Is it just as safe? You can still gain strength, just a little slower.”

Wang Kai suddenly laughed, "Haha, all the people who died outside probably think so. This game is different from ordinary games. Nothing is absolutely safe. Do you think that weak monsters are not in danger? This There are no monsters in the game that are not dangerous. Even a few wild dogs can threaten the existence of the master.

One mistake and it might be sent.

Moreover, in this game, special elite units often appear among low-level monsters, and experts will inevitably fail.

If I really want to be safe, the only safe way is not to leave the village. As long as I don't take risks, I won't die.

By the way, if you can get along with me, I happen to be short of a mining supplier. If you help me mine, I will give you a little premium to buy it. I guarantee that your monthly income will be more than 30,000, and after three years, your monthly income will be more than 100,000. . "

Xiao Jie shook his head. If Han Luo hadn't died, maybe he could have chosen to do this, but now he had to become stronger. Only by becoming stronger could he have a chance to take revenge.

Moreover, deep down in his heart, his desire for extraordinary power made it impossible for him to be willing to hide in the village and move bricks.

"No, I have my plan."

"Oh, then I won't force you. Here, this is your hatchet. It has been repaired."

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