Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 43 It's time to kill monsters

After Ye Luo left, Xiao Jie and I looked at each other in silence.

At this moment, both of us began to consider the feasibility of different professions in our hearts.

Xiao Jie was very concerned about Ye Luo's words.

Ye Luo was right. Survival is the most important thing. Only when you are alive can you have unlimited possibilities. Once you die, forget about anything.

But his goal is not just to stay alive.

If he is really afraid of death, he will not play this game. While ensuring his own safety, he will try his best to obtain the real extraordinary power.

So it is very important to plan your own development path as soon as possible.

Some things will never be possible once you miss them.

At present, the extraordinary power of this game is mainly based on the four systems of gods, immortals, monsters, and ghosts. In addition, there are also internal skills, yin and yang spells, mechanical beast training, professional skills, etc., but compared with the extraordinary power of gods, immortals, monsters, and ghosts, it is obviously weaker.

What I want to pursue is naturally the top power.

Gods rely on faith, so I won't consider this. My faith is only 7. Xiao Jie can probably guess why it is so low. Living in the new society and growing up under the red flag, Xiao Jie naturally has no feelings for gods and ghosts, and always thinks they are deceiving.

Even now that he has come into contact with such a magical game, Xiao Jie has not changed much.

He is also not very interested in ghosts, and feels that they are not good things.

Then there are only two choices: immortals and monsters.

Of course, the best is to become an immortal, which sounds very high-end, but if you can't become an immortal, learning some magic is also acceptable.

The choice of career route is nothing more than advancement or double transfer.

It is definitely impossible to take the route of three scattered jobs.

Xiao Jie has played games for so many years and knows one thing very well, that is, you must never go against the game designer.

If we want to play, we have to play the professions with strong versions.

Combining the skills, equipment and information he currently has, Xiao Jie quickly planned several routes.

Route 1: Swordsman - Taoist - Sword Master.

First, go to the city to learn sword at level 9, and then upgrade to level 10. At level 10, you will be a swordsman. At levels 10-19, you will find a way to trigger an adventure and gain spell abilities. At level 20, you will be a Taoist priest, and at level 30, you will be a double swordsman.

The reason why I want to learn swordsmanship is that I feel that swordsmanship is the best match for immortals. The profession of swordsman also sounds quite powerful. It is said that riding the wind to travel around the world, flying the sword through the wilderness, becoming a swordsman, wearing white clothes like snow, and flying the sword like a rainbow, just thinking about it makes me feel handsome.

Route 2: Ranger/Swordsman - Taoist - ? ? ? ? .

Just level up according to the current situation, successfully upgrade to level 10, get a ranger or swordsman profession at level 10, find a way to trigger an adventure and gain spell abilities at levels 10-19, and at level 20, you will be a part-time Taoist priest, and at level 30, you will combine swordsmanship and Taoist arts to get a double transfer.

This route is similar to route 1. The advantage is that you don't need to suppress your level to learn sword, and there are fewer risks in the early stage. The disadvantage is that it is hard to say whether you can unlock the dual-transfer profession at level 30, but Xiao Jie thinks that there is not much difference between swords and swords. There is no reason why sword + Taoism can be dual-transferred, but knife + Taoism cannot be transferred. There must be similar professions. As long as you study more, you can always dig it out.

Route 3: Taoist——? ? ? ——? ? ?

This route is very dangerous. You have to stack up your spirituality before level 10. Xiao Jie thinks that you have to stack it up to 30 at least, and it is safer to stack it up to 40 to trigger the adventure. His current spirituality is 12, which means that you have to add 28 spirituality points, and almost all the attribute points of level 5 have to be invested.

In this way, the basic attributes added in the early stage will be very small, and it will be very difficult to fight monsters.

Of course, once you successfully trigger the adventure and learn the spell, you will take off immediately, which is also the fastest way to become stronger.

As for what route you will advance to in the later stage, it depends on your own chance, but the advancement of the magic system will definitely become stronger and stronger, and it will never be bad.

This route has equally huge risks and opportunities. If you are not careful, you will fall over, so you must be very careful.

Route 4: Tamer - Shaman/Taoist - Warlock.

Xiao Jie thinks this route is the safest. He is both a shepherd and a dog feeder. He will also arrange to feed pigs later. In this way, there is a high probability that the tamer profession will be spawned at level 10. With a baby, it will be much safer to upgrade in the early stage.

This game does not restrict what weapons players can use. You can use bows and arrows + beast pets, and use knives for close combat. It can be said that it can be far and near, with meat shields and output.

Upgrading to fight monsters is absolutely powerful, and you can guarantee your own safety to the greatest extent in the early stage.

At levels 10-19, find a way to trigger an adventure and gain spell abilities. At level 20, you can work part-time as a shaman or Taoist priest, and at level 30, you can double-transfer to a warlock.

Although the name of the Warlock sounds a bit unpleasant, it should be on the same level as the Immortal Master, and it is definitely not weak.

As for other professions, Xiao Jie did not consider them much. There may be more powerful professions, but the one that suits you is the best. The difficulty of this game is so high that sometimes you have to learn to adapt to the market and not force yourself.

After repeatedly calculating the pros and cons of these four career lines in his mind, Xiao Jie suddenly sighed.

The first one he excluded was Route 3, the pure magic upgrade route, which was also the route he most yearned for.

The reason is that it is too dangerous. If you don't increase the basic attributes before level 10, you will be very fragile. If you encounter a powerful monster in the wild, you will probably die.

Xiao Jie is not the kind of person who relies on luck. It is not his style to pin his hopes on not encountering strong enemies in the wild, or to hope that he can escape smoothly every time he encounters a strong enemy.

He is not the hero of a YY novel. Doing so is definitely a suicidal act.

The next one to be excluded is the swordsman.

It is safer to go to the state capital to learn swordsmanship, but there will be dangers on the way to the state capital. Learning swordsmanship also costs money, and it is definitely not cheap.

If I want to go this route, there are too many uncertain factors, too many resources are consumed, and the difference between the swordsman and the swordsman is not much, just a little bit more handsome, there is no need to take this risk for this value.

Then the remaining is the swordsman-Taoist-Unknown dual-transfer profession.

Tamer-Shaman/Taoist-Witcher these two routes.

Neither of these two lines requires any special operation. Just keep playing according to the current situation. Anyway, you need to use both your swordsmanship and dog training. When you learn dog training, you can take your dog and sword to fight monsters and level up. When you reach level 10, you will most likely be able to spawn both the animal trainer and the swordsman professions. In other words, these two lines do not conflict before level 10.

You can first see which of these two sets of skills is more useful, and then make a decision when you reach level 10.

Besides, your current plan may not be able to proceed completely according to the plan. Maybe if you are lucky, you will trigger some other adventures and unlock a hidden profession that you have never heard of. It is not impossible.

Xiao Jie has made up his mind, and I want to become an immortal over there seems to have made a decision.

"Brother Suifeng, what career path do you plan to take?"

"Swordsman or animal tamer, what about you?"

"I want to cultivate immortality."

Xiao Jie was a little speechless, "The problem is that there is no immortal in the professions that Ye Luo mentioned. The various advancements of Taoist priests can barely be counted as one."

"No, there must be, there must be! Only by becoming an immortal can I revive my brother. This game has such a high degree of freedom, it may not be impossible to cultivate immortality." I want to become an immortal said firmly.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but sigh in his heart after hearing this, thinking that you are completely ignoring reality.

If there is really a resurrection spell, how come no one has ever seen it after more than three years of opening the server?

Once this thing appears, it will definitely be known to everyone. People with this spell can sell resurrection quotas. I guess someone is willing to pay this price for how much money and equipment.

And since this game will die, although I don't know if this is intentional by the designer, but Xiao Jie has a feeling that the designer probably doesn't want anyone to escape the death penalty of the game.

Besides, even if you are a god, it is not so easy to come back to life.

However, looking at the determined expression of I Yu Cheng Xian, he did not say anything.

"In that case, let's go and kill monsters and level up. You can't become a god just by thinking about it."

I Yu Cheng Xian nodded, "You are right, Brother Sui Feng, let's go and kill monsters and level up together."

The two looked outside the village together. After experiencing the crisis that night, they were finally going to step out of the safe zone of the village again.

Perhaps they will encounter unknown risks, but for their respective goals, both of them have made up their minds.

It's time to fight.

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