Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 44 Hunting

Xiao Jie stood at the gate of the village, looking at the desolate forest outside the village, the hills and forests in the distance, and the path that led to nowhere, feeling excited and worried at the same time.

It’s finally time to go out to the village again to kill monsters and level up.

Different from the last time when he rescued me, this time he was ready for a long battle and wanted to fuck him properly.

Xiao Jie spent a lot of money on this expedition.

Looking at the balance of copper coins in his backpack, Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel a heartache in his heart. He had spent all his money for this adventure.

The backpack is filled with supplies.

Steamed buns × 20 = 100 Wen.

Rough feathered arrows × 20 = 100 Wen. The 20 arrows given by the hunter are just fine for hunting, but obviously not enough for killing monsters and upgrading.

Torches×2=100. This thing can be used for lighting after dark, or in caves and tombs. It is an indispensable consumable for exploring dungeons. One stick can burn for an hour.

Gold sore medicine (small amount) × 80 = 400. Low-level medicines used to increase blood, essential for fighting monsters.

Daliwan×4=200. Medicines used to quickly restore physical strength, because physical strength can be restored automatically by rest (just not that fast), so it is not particularly important compared to golden sore medicine, but it is best to bring a few just in case.

In addition, he also bought two pieces of equipment for himself, a leather armor costing 300 coins and an iron-embedded shield costing 150 coins.

[Inlaid iron shield (medium shield)

Defense +30 (when blocking is successful)

Durability 200/200.

Item introduction: A shield inlaid with iron sheets has stronger defense and higher durability than ordinary wooden shields. 】

[Leather armor (breastplate)

Body defense +10.

Item introduction: Protective gear made of leather. Although its defense power is limited, it can still protect the wearer to a certain extent. It is the most commonly used basic armor by irregular soldiers such as militiamen, bandits, and bandits. 】

The properties of the leather armor are a bit poor, but at least there is no need to run naked.

Xiao Jie spent all the more than 1,400 yuan he had painstakingly saved in one go.

I wanted to become an immortal and walked to Xiao Jie's side. He was more prepared and equipped. He was wearing an iron-lined leather armor suit, a snake-spine long bow, a stainless steel sword, a shield, and a battle axe. He was armed to the teeth.

"Brother Feng, I'm ready."

"Yeah." Xiao Jie responded, but was in no hurry to set off.

"Since the two of us are going to team up to level up together, I must explain some things in advance. I don't need to say more about the dangers of this game. You also know very well that even if we want to fight monsters and level up, we must put safety first. First priority.

You have too little gaming experience, so you must listen to my instructions! As long as you follow my instructions, I will definitely take you off, but I will say some ugly things first. If you mess around and disobey instructions when you get outside, and you end up in danger, I will not guarantee that I will not sell you out. , do you understand? "

Xiao Jie said it very seriously. In the past, when he was the president, he often gave serious warnings to the studio members and yelled at them when playing in a group.

But in the end it's just playing games, and no matter how serious it is, it's just a formality.

But this time, the seriousness in his tone was unprecedented, because this time, he really wanted to take people out to fight.

I Want to Become a Immortal also sensed Xiao Jie's seriousness, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, Brother Feng, I know what is good and what is good, and I will never make it difficult for you."

"Well, that's good. Let's wander around the village first, and then slowly go deep into the dangerous areas of the map. Every time before entering the next area, we must observe from a position with good visibility to make sure there are no too powerful monsters or large groups. monster appears.

If you encounter danger, I will tell you to run. Don’t hesitate and run to the village immediately.

Okay, no more nonsense, let’s go! "

The two finally stepped out of the village gate.

It was just after noon, when the sun was at its strongest. The sunlight was shining in the woods, adding a peaceful atmosphere to the originally gloomy painting style.

Since the militiamen clean up regularly, there are no monster activities around the village.

If you want to defeat monsters, you must go deep. Different monsters have different refresh areas.

Because he wanted to hunt, Xiao Jie chose a sparse woodland in the northeast.

Because it is sparse, the field of view is relatively good, and it is not easy to be spotted by monsters.

When the two of them entered the woods, they held weapons in their hands and were extremely alert.

After walking not far, a deer appeared in the sight of the two of them, gnawing on the grass leisurely.

Xiao Jie used beast recognition to take a look.

[Wild deer (beast), level 3, HP 40.

Taming difficulty: Hard.

Skills: Antler Crash LV2, Wilderness Gallop LV1. 】

It is very difficult to kill this thing in close combat, because it will run away as soon as it gets close to the opponent, and with the skill of Wilderness Gallop, it is impossible to catch up with two legs.

But now that I have a bow and arrow, I can finally take it down.

The two of them approached slowly. Because their archery level was too low and their hit rate was limited, they prepared to get closer before taking action. Unexpectedly, before they could get closer, the deer suddenly raised its head, twitched its nose twice quickly, then turned around and ran away. .

"Qian, what's going on?" I wanted to become an immortal and said speechlessly.

Xiao Jie looked at the direction of the surrounding leaves and weeds and said solemnly: "It's the direction of the wind!"

He couldn't believe that this game even took the wind direction into account, but it seemed like that was the case.

“We are upwind, and the prey will smell us, so we flank them from the right and approach from the leeward position.

The two made a big circle and soon saw the deer again, but this time, they were at a disadvantage.

The two of them pressed the sneak button at the same time, and they squatted down at the same time, approaching slowly so as to avoid making any noise until they moved to a place more than twenty or thirty meters away.

Draw the bow together!

"Let go!" Xiao Jie said in a weak voice.


Two arrows flew out one after another.

The deer was shot one after another, one in the waist and abdomen, and one in the neck.


twenty one!


twenty three!

Because the hunting bow has enhanced damage and a bow weapon skill bonus, the damage is still considerable.

The deer whined and fell down.

Kill a deer - experience +3!

Xiao Jie said in his heart that this experience was really lacking, but he was still paying off.

The two of them ran over and recovered the arrows from the deer carcass. They cost five cents each, so it was better to reuse them as much as possible.

Xiao Jie picked up the corpse and obtained 1 deer meat and 1 antlers. Unfortunately, the beast monster could not drop any money.


The two carefully searched the woods for prey, and quickly killed 4 deer, 3 sheep, and 4 rabbits.

The two took turns picking it up, and soon they both had some loot in their bags.

I killed a lot of prey, but my experience points didn't increase much.

A deer only has 5 experience points, a sheep has 3 experience points, and a rabbit has only 1 experience point, and then it has to be divided between two people, which is really pitiful.

The good thing is that this thing has no attack power, and it will run away when it sees people, so there is no danger at all.

I wanted to become an immortal and complained, "This experience is too little. It will take years and years to upgrade. Brother Feng, let's go farther."

Xiao Jie had no objection this time. Although safety came first and it was acceptable to slow down the leveling process, it was too slow.

After all, deer, sheep, and rabbits should not even be considered monsters, but can only be regarded as prey. It is not realistic to use them for leveling.

It's more like hunting than fighting monsters.

"Okay, let's move on, but we must follow my previous requirements to ensure safety before taking action, and to investigate first before taking action."

The two first found a slightly higher mound, climbed up and observed the surroundings.

On the slope of a hill to the west, you can vaguely see a few black spots, which are the Lost Soul Bandits. Xiao Jie observed the distribution of these bandits, and they were far apart.

Okay, let's take action on them.

Xiao Jie still has some psychological shadow about this kind of monster. Han Luo died in the hands of this thing.

But at that time, the two of them had nothing, and they could knock someone to death with a wooden stick. Now that they have all the equipment and skills, they are still afraid of him!

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