Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 45: Fighting the Bandits Again

"This thing looks a bit fierce."

I wanted to become an immortal and hid behind the bushes, looking at the lost soul bandit in front of me, and said with some worry.

It was a strong man wearing studded leather armor. The broken armor could not hide his powerful figure. He had a strong back and a big knife on his shoulder. There seemed to be blood stains on the rusty blade, and he looked murderous.

He picked up the strategy book beside him and looked at the monster introductions on it.

[Lost Soul Bandit: A humanoid monster that randomly has a combat skill and drops various whiteboard weapons and equipment. If you are lucky, you can also get a basic skill book. However, the combat power is relatively strong. Don't touch it when you are alone in the early stage. I challenged him one on one at the beginning. One, almost died. 】

"Don't worry, I've beaten this thing before. It's not a big problem for two people." Xiao Jie's tone was calm with a hint of sadness. Han Luo died here.

He shook away the annoyance in his heart and arranged his strategy.

"We only fight one at a time, don't attack too many monsters! If you lure more than two, just run away.

Shoot arrows first to reduce the bandit's health as much as possible, and then hit him at close range.

Once you enter a melee battle, you must be surrounded from both sides. The person facing the enemy in the front defends as much as possible, and the person attacking from behind is responsible for output. Once the bandit's body glows red, he immediately retreats and dodges.

I'll be responsible for picking up the monsters. Okay, I'll call 123 and let's shoot arrows together. "


As they spoke, the two of them drew their bows at the same time - and fired the arrows!


The hit rate of fixed-point shooting was still very accurate. The bandit hit two arrows in a row and rushed over with a howl.

"Keep cumming!"

Xiao Jie shouted and drew his bow again and shot an arrow, hitting the bandit in the chest, -9!

I wanted to become an immortal, but I was a little panicked. I didn't control the aim of the second arrow well, and the arrow flew over the bandit's head.

Seeing the bandits getting closer and closer, Xiao Jie stopped shooting. Although he could still shoot another arrow, it would be too late to change weapons.

"I'll pick up the monster!"

Xiao Jie quickly put on his shield and Yanling sword, and rushed forward to face the bandit.

And I, who wanted to become an immortal, also changed into a sword and shield, and walked around behind the bandit.

The bandit swung his machete and struck him on the head. Xiao Jie did not fight with the opponent, but raised his shield to block.

Blocking with a shield is much simpler than parrying with a knife. Just press the right button.

Bang! Bang!

The big knife in the bandit's hand kept slashing at Xiao Jie's shield.

Xiao Jie didn't fight back. Of course he had to perform a righteous backstab in a 2-on-1 situation.

I wanted to become an immortal and walked around behind the bandit, and stabbed the bandit who was brandishing a sword.



The damage of this stainless steel sword is still very powerful.

The bandit roared angrily, turned around and slashed with his sword. I was already prepared if I wanted to become an immortal, so I immediately raised my shield to block.

"Okay, that's it, now let me do the output!"

Xiao Jie looked at the bandit who had his back turned to him, and slashed him in half with one move.

Poof! -56!

With 300% weapon damage, this knife's damage exploded, instantly knocking out a quarter of the bandit's health.

After the chop, Xiao Jie immediately raised his shield. Such high damage would definitely attract the bandit's hatred back.

Sure enough, in the next second, the bandit's machete slashed at him.

Between the two of them, you hit me with a sword and I hit you with a sword. After two or three rounds, the bandit's health was at the bottom.

The bandit did not choose to escape. He roared and suddenly made a motion of dragging the knife to charge up.

"Back off!" Xiao Jie shouted.

The two of them retreated at the same time.

The bandit suddenly stepped forward, dragged the knife towards Xiao Jie, swung the knife at Xiao Jie, and slashed him down.

Combat skill - cleave!

Unfortunately, the two of them had already retreated a few meters away, and this knife completely killed Lonely.

Xiao Jie, however, took advantage of the bandit's combat skills and quickly approached him.

Combat skill - cut in two with a single blow!

brush! Wherever the sword passed, a line of blood appeared on the bandit's face. He screamed and fell to the ground dead.

Xiao Jie was relieved until he saw the bandit fall.

No matter how confident he was, he would still inevitably be on tenterhooks when fighting against this monster that left a psychological shadow on him.

Fortunately, the battle process went exactly as he had planned, and he defeated the enemy without even losing blood.

After looking at the drop, I saw 24 pennies and a pair of pants.

[Hessian trousers (leggings/low quality)

Leg defense +4.

Item description: Simple trousers made of linen, which can provide the wearer with some warmth and protection. 】

The drops of good garbage are still gray, but - they are of some use after all.

"Do you want these pants?" Xiao Jie asked habitually.

"Um, Brother Feng, you take it first."

Xiao Jie was just being polite. I want to become an immortal and have leather leggings. Naturally, I don’t like this garbage.

He put on his pants directly. In other games, it would be embarrassing to throw this kind of junk equipment into the store, but in this game where resources are scarce, it is still a good thing.

If you swipe a few more, you might be able to get them all together.

"Let's continue."

The ensuing battle was unusually repetitive.

The two of them resolutely adhered to the plan they had made before and specifically targeted lone bandits.

The bows and arrows consumed blood, and they stabbed each other in close combat. It took a full hour of effort, and the two of them succeeded in killing all the lone bandits on the hillside.

A total of twelve or three were killed, but the combat part didn't take much time. Most of the time was spent on scouting and avoiding monsters.

No way, Xiao Jie is still confident in 2 vs 1, but he is not so brave in 2 vs 2.

It's not that he can't beat them. In fact, after an hour of fighting, he is familiar with the fighting style of the bandits, and he is 80% to 90% sure that he can fight a bandit alone.

Although my operation is not as good as his, it is definitely not weak. With good equipment, I think I still have a 50% to 60% chance of winning a single fight against a bandit.

But even if there is only a 10% chance of failure, he will never take this risk.

Killing monsters and leveling up is a long-term job. If there is a 10% chance of failure once, what about 10 or 20 times? Sooner or later, it will fail.

Fortunately, these bandits are distributed in this hilly area with undulating terrain and many raised hills and slopes. As long as you find a high place to observe in advance, determine the distribution of the bandits, and plan the route, it is still relatively safe.

These bandits not only dropped three blank equipment, but also dropped more than 300 coins. The two of them each got 150 coins. This is much faster than cutting wood and herding sheep to make money. Unfortunately, no skill book was dropped.

It seems that I was really lucky that day. The first monster actually dropped a skill book.

Xiao Jie looked at the experience value and was only 100 points away from upgrading.

However, the bandits who were alone around had been killed. The remaining ones were in groups of three or two, or the refresh location was relatively close, which made it easy to add. On a hill in the distance, you can see a simple stronghold surrounded by a circle of wooden fences. There are several tents inside, and you can vaguely see the figures of several bandits.

That should be a bandit outpost. This kind of stronghold may have elite monsters refreshed, and you may be able to scratch good things, treasure chests, etc., but considering that it is now frightening to fight two bandits at a time, it is better not to think about refreshing the bandit stronghold for the time being.

Xiao Jie didn't even dare to take the risk of getting closer.

"Brother Feng, how about we pull two at a time? I think I should be able to do it."

"No! Two is too dangerous." Xiao Jie decisively refused. Although it was quite easy when two against one, Xiao Jie knew very well that the attributes and damage of the two were not higher than those of the bandits. Once they fought alone, although there was a certain chance of winning, it would be over if they failed once. A bandit would only drop a few dozen coins and a garbage blank board. It was not enough to fight hard for this little profit.

"Then let's go to brush the soulless zombies."

"Soulless zombies?"

"It's the kind of guy that looks like a mummy. That thing is the most rubbish monster. Kill it casually. The experience is a little less, but it is still more than deer, sheep, etc."

"Have you killed it?"

"I killed a lot."

Xiao Jie remembered the pile of corpses he saw when he looked for me to become an immortal that day. It should be that thing.

"Okay, let's go to brush the soulless zombies."

Bandits usually spawn on hillsides and hills, animals spawn in forests, and soulless zombies usually like to spawn around roads and ruins.

The two of them walked carefully down the hillside, passed through the grove, and came to a small path between the trees. This was the place where I killed the soulless zombies on the day I wanted to become an immortal, but the two of them found that the surroundings were empty.

"Hey, why is there not a single soulless zombie? I met several here that day." I wanted to become an immortal was wondering.

Suddenly - Dinglingling! Dinglingling!

A cold and strange copper bell sound suddenly sounded from afar.

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