Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 73: Killing

Xiao Jie deeply agrees with this. For games, monsters and the like often have fixed rules that can be explored. As long as you don't commit suicide, you won't die.

But players are creatures that cannot be judged by common sense. God knows what sneaky tricks they can play.

When the hardcore Warcraft was first tested, there was a weird player who joined a hardcore guild. He followed the guild through hardships to level up, fight monsters, and gain reputation with a trumpet, and gained the trust of the guild.

Then when fighting the second to last BOSS of the highest difficulty dungeon, he suddenly launched an attack and used the BOSS mechanism to kill all the people in the group.

This move directly led to the dissolution of the game guild and caused countless people to quit.

It was just for fun.

So it's never too much to be careful about potential threats like Ximen Wuhen.

But thinking about not being able to go out to level up for several days is really a bit depressing.

I'm just in the mood to level up.

Fortunately, I can still do other things, do some errands, learn some skills, etc.

Oh, by the way, if I want to learn animal taming, I have to do the job of a pig herder as well, so I might as well go feed the pigs tomorrow.

The two men repaired their equipment and sold the garbage.

After leaving the blacksmith shop, they prepared to go offline at the tavern.

When they arrived at the tavern, they found that Ximen Wuhen was sitting at a table near the door, drinking a pot of old wine.

Xiao Jie ignored him and went straight to open a room to log off.

Ximen Wuhen took the initiative to greet him, "Hey, friend, what's your name?"

"Yin Yue Sui Feng." Xiao Jie replied indifferently.

The other party should have asked for his real name, but Xiao Jie only replied with a game name, and his refusal was obvious.

Ximen Wuhen didn't care at all, and said with a smile, "Are you interested in teaming up to level up? I can help you level up as long as you pay."

"No need."

"Don't be so eager to refuse, I'm a professional master, and it's definitely quick and efficient to help you level up. You can pick up the equipment dropped by monsters at will, and I'll just take the commission."

"I said no need!" Xiao Jie's voice became a little stern.

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything. Hey, you called me Yu Chengxian? Who am I to you, Yu Fengtian?"

"My eldest brother..."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet my old friend's younger brother here. I have a close relationship with Yu Fengtian, so why don't I help you level up."

"I don't have money."

"No money, why would an old friend's younger brother ask for money."

Xiao Jie looked at this man coldly, listening to the other party's light words, this guy's tone was so frivolous that there was no truth at all.

"Enough, we are not interested in you, if you want to find someone, just find someone else."

Ximen Wuhen was stunned for a moment, but he was not angry.

"Tsk, why are you so nervous? Did you hear what Wang Kai said? I told you that he was just fooling you. That guy dared to say anything to sell gold. He just wanted to scare you away from leveling up with me, so that you can spend a high price to buy his gold.

Well, take my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, just ignore what I said."

Xiao Jie was too lazy to pay attention to him and took me to the guest room.

"Don't worry about Feng Ge, I won't be fooled." I said.

Xiao Jie hummed. The other party's acting was so exaggerated, he didn't think I would be stupid enough to be fooled.

But he was also a little curious.

Generally speaking, there is no good equipment on the newcomers. What is this guy trying to do by running to the novice village to block the newcomers?


The next day, I didn't eat beef and went online early. Seeing that there was no one around, I sneaked out of the village.

He was very wary of Ximen Wuhen yesterday. After so many years of business, I don't eat beef. I am considered an old man. People say what they say. This Ximen Wuhen is definitely not easy to deal with.

Even if Wang Kai didn't remind him, he wouldn't believe what he said.

Let's level up quietly by ourselves.

The equipment has been put on neatly, and the potions and props are ready. Today is my way to ascend.

"Skill book! Skill book! Explode the skill book!"

At this moment, I don't eat beef is waving a fine steel sword and slashing at the soulless zombies in front of me without thinking.

Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, wearing iron armor, killing soulless zombies is simply unparalleled.

In the blink of an eye, several soulless zombies were chopped to the ground.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, I don't eat beef thought that it was just like this. Which monster is so difficult to fight as Wang Kai said? I am such a high-level master, and I can still chop down a piece in minutes.

These monsters look scary, but they are actually not very powerful.

Even the hair didn't fall off, which made people speechless. He picked up the copper coins that fell on the ground and continued to kill monsters to level up.

There are many soulless zombies in this area. In less than an hour, a golden light flashed on his body-leveled up!

Looking at the five extra attribute points, I didn't hesitate to add them all to my physique.

Feeling that my body instantly became comfortable and smooth, the problems of middle-aged men disappeared, I didn't eat beef, I was so happy.

Hahaha, so cool!

This game is really magical. Even if there are no skills, adding attribute points alone is enough.

Just when I was happy, suddenly a sinister voice sounded behind me.

"What are you so happy about? Tell me, let me be happy too."

I didn't eat beef turned around, and my heart suddenly jumped. It was Ximen Wuhen.

He was thinking about how to pretend to be nice.

The opponent suddenly slashed at him.



"What the hell are you doing!"

"Fuck you!" Ximen Wuhen said with a sneer.

At this moment, in the wilderness, with no outsiders present, Ximen Wuhen was completely out of his element.

I don't eat beef was shocked and angry. He knew very well what would happen to a level 2 small account facing a level 14 'big account'.

How could he possibly win.

But he had to fight no matter what.

He slashed with a knife, but the opponent easily dodged it, as if he was playing with a child.

A cross cut, and his health dropped to the bottom in an instant.

Fuck! I don't eat beef was heartbroken.

Turning around to escape, Ximen Wuhen rushed up and swept his leg, knocking him to the ground.

He aimed his two knives at my head and pretended to chop.

I don't eat beef was so scared that I screamed, "Brother, don't be impulsive, we can talk it out, we have no grudges in the past or today, why are you hitting me!"

"Haha, don't worry, I won't kill you, just transfer one million to my account, one million to buy a life, it's cheap enough, right?"

I don't eat beef felt relieved, but immediately brought it up again.

He is also an old man, if one million can really buy a life, he will accept it, but he is afraid that the other party will kill him after receiving the money.

My mind raced, and I immediately came up with an idea.

"Okay, add me on WeChat, I will transfer the money to you."

As long as the other party's identity is known, the other party probably won't kill me.

"Hahaha, forget WeChat, I have an overseas account."

He said and reported an account.

I don't eat beef thought it was not good, an overseas account? This is to leave no trace of the crime.

"Haha, stop it, brother. I'm a rough guy and can't use this kind of high technology. You should add me on WeChat. I'm more familiar with this. Or you can give me a domestic bank card number and I'll transfer money to you right away."

Ximen Wuhen didn't waste any words at all. He cut directly with a knife, and the blood volume was only in the single digits in an instant.

"Don't be shameless. Give me money right now, or I'll send you to death right away. Might as well tell you that you are not my first target. If you don't accept it, I can just change to another one."

"Stop, stop, stop! I'll transfer money to you."

I don't eat beef, I shouted hurriedly, thinking that it was over, this kind of ruthless person who kills without blinking an eye would most likely kill him.

But there seemed to be no other way except to pay the money. After thinking for a while, he said in a trembling voice, "You swear that you won't kill me as long as I pay you."

"Haha, okay, I swear that I won't kill you as long as you pay me one million, otherwise I will be struck by lightning, okay."

Ximen Wuhen's tone was a bit frivolous, which made me feel more and more uncertain, but now he had no other choice.

Let's take a gamble, hoping that the other party would spare his life for the sake of money.

One million was quickly paid.

"Hahaha, brother is really rich, I received the money."

"Can I leave now?" I said pitifully.

"Leave? Why are you in a hurry to leave?"

Ximen Wuhen raised his hand, and a cloud of gray mist covered my body, and his body suddenly turned gray.

System prompt: You are paralyzed.

Then Ximen Wuhen threw a piece of meat on the ground-tempting the beast!

Not long after, several wild dogs came out of the woods.

The wild dogs devoured the meat bait voraciously and were immediately attracted by the two players. They first glanced at Ximen Wuhen, but shrank back and dared not come forward. Then they looked at me, who was lying on the ground, and immediately barked.

I don't know what the other party is going to do.

"You said you wouldn't kill me!"

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say I would save you. Killing people will make you a red name. I'm not stupid."

Ximen Wuhen said as he stepped aside, and I was instantly surrounded by several wild dogs.

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