Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 74 3 million reward

"Damn it, no, no, no!"

I yelled hysterically because I didn't want to eat beef, but I couldn't do anything. I watched helplessly as I turned into a bloody corpse being eaten by wild dogs.

The screen turned blood red, with the word "death" written in large fonts.

[System prompt: You are dead! 】

The screen in front of me turned into a blood-red picture. I stopped eating beef and looked at my messy body being eaten by wild dogs on the screen. My whole body felt numb.

He knew before that the other party would probably not let him go, but for the slightest chance of survival, he could only take a gamble that the other party would not do everything right.

However, it was obvious that he lost the bet.

"Fuck you, Ximen Wuhen!" He yelled at the screen, but it was of no use and he couldn't even make the other party hear his voice.

I stood up angrily without eating beef, my whole body was shaking.

Although he didn't know how death in this game was transmitted to reality, it was obvious that he was about to finish the game.

When I think about myself being obsessed and dying because of playing games, I get very angry.

"You dare to mess with me, Ximen Wuhen, I have to kill you, just wait for me!"

He walked around the room but couldn't figure out where to start. He didn't even have the other party's contact information, so how could he kill him?

This guy is so weird. Is this how I’m going to die?

No, maybe that's not true. Even if you die in the game, you will die in real life. How could such an outrageous thing be true?

He muttered to himself, and the game introduction he saw when he obtained the activation code became clearer now.

His expression turned desperate again in an instant. Will I die today?

Suddenly something clicked in my heart. By the way, I have Wang Kai’s WeChat ID.

He hurriedly made a video call.

The face of a honest middle-aged man appeared on the other side of the screen.

"I said buddy, what do you mean? We said that the money and goods will be paid in full, and offline transactions will not be accepted."

"I'm dead!" I said straight to the point as I don't eat beef.

Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, "What? Oh, I just reminded you that the monsters in this game are powerful, why don't you believe it?"

"I was killed by Ximen Wuhen."

"Well, my condolences, brother."

"Tell me Wang Kai, does this game really kill people? Tell the truth, don't lie to me."

"……Feel sorry."

I don’t eat beef, and his heart suddenly sank. He hoped that the other party was lying to him, and that what he said to him before was all to deceive him. However, at this time, he finally fell to the bottom. This time, he was afraid that it was true. It's over.

"I want to kill that bastard, one million, kill Ximen Wuhen for me." I said through gritted teeth because I don't eat beef.

Even if you die, you can't make that bastard feel better.

Wang Kai on the other side of the screen showed an excited expression at first, and then said helplessly: "It's not a brother, I don't want to make this money. The problem is that I am a first-level trumpet, how can I kill him."

"Two million, I don't care what method you use, whether you level up yourself or hire someone, as long as you promise me, the two million will be yours."

"I can put up a bounty for you. There is a killer's guild in this game. Two million is equivalent to two hundred taels of silver. If you kill a ten-level trumpet, there should be many assassins and thieves who are willing to continue living. However, Let me tell you first, it may take some time. I won’t be able to go to the state capital in a short time, and I need to wait for the caravan to pass by before I can set off.”

"Three million, fuck him for me within a week!"

Wang Kai finally couldn't stand it anymore and thought seriously for a moment, "Okay, three million. I promise to take him down within a week. I will send people there right away. Don't worry, brother, but you have to pay for it." Give it to me first.”

"Okay, I believe you, brother. I can see that you are a reliable person. Don't let me die with my eyes open!" I don't eat beef and I'm not sure how reliable Wang Kai is, but he doesn't have it now. More choices.

Time is running out.

He sent the money directly.

"What advice do you have for me in this situation?"

"Hurry up and leave a will. If you have anything to say to your children and their families, hurry up. Although death in this game will come within 24 hours, sometimes it may happen in one or two hours."

"I understand, I'll leave everything to you, brother."

I don't eat beef and hung up the phone, looking at the empty room in confusion.

He got divorced after he got money, and his two children were studying in other places and were no longer around. He was alone, and he didn't even have anyone to talk to before he died.

Maybe the other party is really lying to himself?

He thought without any luck.

Take out the 50-year-old Maotai liquor that has been stored for a long time from the wine cabinet.

He took a sip and swallowed it down.

Good wine, damn, really good wine!

By the way, a will.

He quickly picked up a pen and paper and started writing, but looking at the white paper, he had no idea what to write.

People are going to die, so what's the use of talking more?

He picked up the card and felt like crying. This unlucky ghost game. He had thought that he would fly to the sky from now on, but unexpectedly he would fall into hell forever.


A barking dog startled him, and he turned around suddenly. There was nothing behind him, only an empty room. For some reason, the light in the room seemed a little dark, and it was gray even though it was morning.

Woof woof! The shrill barking sound was getting closer and closer. It made him tremble.

It’s over, the time has come!

I don’t eat beef, there was a feeling of despair in his heart, and he instinctively stepped back. Suddenly, as if remembering something, he crushed the card in his hand to pieces.

You can't let your family see this damn thing.

The next second, severe pain suddenly came from his arm, as if an invisible beast was biting him.

Get out of my way!

He roared and waved his arms, trying to get rid of the invisible enemy, but the invisible beast was invisible and unstoppable, one bite after another!

Continuously tearing at his flesh and blood.

My non-beef-eating heart was swallowed up by fear and despair. He waved his arms in vain, and bite wounds kept appearing out of thin air on his body. Blood poured out, and he fell to the ground in the blink of an eye...

Finally, there was no sound in the room, leaving only an unrecognizable, chewed-up corpse lying there quietly.


Xiao Jie dragged the mouse and threw the pig food in the bag into the pigs. Watching several pigs swarming up to eat the pig food, happy icons appeared above their heads, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This was his first day trying to feed pigs, so he went online to check the essentials of feeding pigs.

However, when I actually played it, I discovered that feeding pigs in this game is not the same thing as in reality, but a small game of throwing pig food.

Players need to throw pig food into the pig pen. The pigs near the pig food drop point will gather around to grab the pig food. If the drop point is too concentrated, some pigs will not be able to eat the food, and some pigs will eat too much. Too much, eventually leading to feeding failure.

There are 50 pieces of pig food that can be thrown in a game. Each piece of pig food can be eaten by the pigs for 6 times, and each pig needs to eat five times before it is full. It is still difficult to ensure that all 50 pigs are full.

Fortunately, Xiao Jie knows animal language. Every time a pig is full, he will call out the full pig and let the remaining pigs continue to eat, so that it is easy to pass the level.

Of course, it is also necessary to threaten those disobedient pigs. For example, if you continue to steal pig food, I will make you into ham and bacon and feed it to the dogs.

It still works quite well.

[System prompt: In the long-term process of [Feeding Pigs], you have gradually mastered the ability to attract beasts to gather by feeding food, and you have learned the skill [Seducing Beasts].

[System prompt: Due to your long-term contact with pig-like creatures, your [Beast Knowledge] skill has added new content. 】

Finally realizing it, Xiao Jie hurriedly opened the skill bar and checked it out.

【Seducing the Beast (Life Skill)

Usage: Throw food to the ground to attract surrounding wild animals. The attraction effect depends on the type and level of the food.

Skill introduction: Beasts are stupid beings with low IQs. Their thirst for food makes them easily tempted to throw food to the ground, and those greedy predators will naturally approach. 】

This skill is still somewhat useful. If you are hunting, you can use this trick to attract and place bait, attract wild beasts, and set up ambushes.

It's a pity that after feeding the pigs for a long time, I didn't have an epiphany. It seems that this epiphany skill is not that easy to achieve.

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