Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 102: Fierce

Chapter 102 Fierce

It has just rained, and the wooden cross is soaked in water and darker than when dry.

This scene can be said to be unexpected. A dark light flashed in Nightmare's eyes, and then he shook his head: "This is not an illusion, the tomb is real."

Hearing this, Yu Xing took a few steps. As soon as he stepped onto the ground, he couldn't help but frowned and almost squatted down.

 Because he could feel that every raised earth mound was exuding the breath of a curse toward him—

The kind of cursed object that can cause the cold and ghostly energy in his body to surge instantly, just like the mysterious black coffin in Coffin Village.

In an instant, his face turned pale again and his chest felt tight. It was obvious that he could not stay in this place for a long time, otherwise it would be difficult to clean up.

 Whatever you want to investigate, you have to do it as soon as possible.

Yu Xing relied on his long legs to step on the nearest grave mound and reached out to touch the cross.

The wood was rough and uncarved. It was just two rectangular wooden strips of different lengths that were crudely nailed together with iron nails and then inserted into the soil.

There are thorns everywhere. If someone accidentally touches the cross, they may get pierced into the skin by the thorns.

At the intersection of the cross, there was a very familiar noose. Yu Xing recognized it at a glance. It was the noose that hung from the tree to attract people to hang themselves.

 The difference is that the noose here on the cross is stained with blood.

“Why are there man-made objects here?” Carlos also held a meeting in this open area to explore, and the most difficult thing to figure out was the man-made traces.

You must know that whether it is the coast, caves, ravines, or big trees, they are all natural products, and the attack method is either pure illusion and misdirection, or it uses things of the islanders themselves, such as reflections, to kill people.

 So they thought at first that no one had been to this island of the dead.

Standing on a grave mound, Yan carefully held the **** noose in his hand and looked at it. The blood had soaked deeply into the rope, and he could still smell a fishy smell when he got closer.

Because it was wet by the rain, the blood on the rope was flowing slowly. This was obviously abnormal, because if there was blood on the surface, the rain would wash away the blood and never let the blood flow on the rope.

She asked: "Is this the first time we have found artificial traces on the island? Is there anyone living in the center of the island?"

"No, it's not the first time." Yu Xing held on to the cross and was not very energetic. He took a small breath, "Strictly speaking, the same is true for those corpses hanging on the trees. Didn't the magician also say Well, lying on your back is not like hanging to death, but it is similar to hanging."

"Yes, if it is hanging, it is indeed an act that only humans can do." Carlos stopped, vaguely feeling that Yu Xing was in something wrong, but he did not ask directly, but continued following the topic, "So There are indeed people on the island, at least there once were.”

Nightmare put down the rope. She was wary of the blood on the rope and paid attention not to get a drop of it: "...Actually, I guess even if there were people on the island before, they are gone now because the island cannot be self-sufficient and the food supply is not enough. Furthermore, no one will allow us to land on the island and conduct research on the island.”

"What you said makes sense." Yu Xing said calmly, "So it doesn't matter to us who was on the island in the past. What is closely related to us now are these graves."

 Carlos looked at him: "I know how much you know, tell me?"

Yu Xing suppressed the pain in his body and sweat broke out on his forehead: "...Let's leave here first."

: "?"  She then realized that Xing was acting a little uncomfortable.

"Are you OK?"

"Something's wrong." Yu Xing didn't hide it either. The other two people had eyes and could see his condition if they looked carefully. There was no need to lie. He raised his legs and walked towards the center of the island.

This land is not big, and you can see the end at a glance. No matter what you have to say, wait until he steps out of this area and stabilizes his body before saying anything.

Carlos thought of Xing Xing's situation in Coffin Village. Outside the ancestral hall, his condition became worse and worse for no apparent reason. In the end, he almost fainted... No, it felt like he was about to die. It was Xiao Xuechen who killed him with a dagger. His condition after resurrection Just got better.

 Is it a negative effect of the resurrection sacrifice?

Thinking about it this way, Carlos became more and more convinced—it’s only reasonable that such a heaven-defying sacrifice ability would have negative effects!

 He gave Yan a look that didn't ask questions, and he followed Yu Xing's footsteps. It wasn't until they left the cemetery that Yu Xing felt that the invisible curse power around him was gone.


Yu Xing's muscles hidden in his clothes were aching. He calmed down, glanced back, and said, "There are people buried in these graves."

 “There should have been people buried in the grave…” Xiang twitched the corner of his mouth.

Yu Xing: So love will disappear, right? You said you like it, but you didn’t even pretend, right?

As he sat down to rest, he said: "What I mean is... there is a corpse in the grave, a wooden cross on the grave, and a **** noose on the cross. Don't you think there are any similarities?"

 When he said this, Carlos and Yu recalled it.

 Then Carlos shouted: "There are also corpses, wood, and blood on the other side of the big tree?"

"That's right, trees are born in the soil, and crosses are stuck on earthen graves. This is a tree born in the soil, and it will never stop growing." Yu Xing squinted his eyes, and his voice became calmer, and it sounded inexplicably convincing.

“Strictly speaking, blood belongs to water, and wood will grow when it meets water. However, blood is a great evil, turning the entire life cycle into a vicious evil. If the corpse is buried or hung in such an environment, what will happen to the corpse?”

"Although I don't understand Feng Shui..." Xiang hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated and swallowed it, "But I guess corpses can mutate?"

"It's not just mutation. People who arrange it like this are raising corpses. In the end, the corpse will turn into a completely evil thing. It can be used to drive or sacrifice, which is very troublesome." Yu Xing raised his eyes and looked calmly. Pointing in the direction of the cemetery, "Of course, this operation is not enough. It will not be possible to raise it for a hundred years. I think it is because the follow-up has not followed up. It is very likely that the people here encountered something and left directly. These arrangements were abandoned, and The hallucination abilities of the Island of the Dead are integrated.”

"As expected of you, you claim to know a lot about things like this." Carlos sighed and shook his head. However, because the image of Doctor Abai did not have that ungrateful temperament, this move did not convey what Carlos wanted to express. Express ridicule.

“Seeing that you are quite tired, let’s stop moving and just wait for the ghoul here. You can explore the plot in the next three days.” Ni suggested.

Yu Xing and Carlos had no objection, so for the next time, they sat on the spot and repaired, and kept reporting their positions on the walkie-talkie to the four groups rushing here.

I made up all the feng shui and five elements in this article, so don’t believe a word of it. There is another chapter in the afternoon.



 (End of this chapter)

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